Video List for United States History 1302

The descriptions of each video are used with permission of the Dallas Telelearning Digital Resource Repository. The only changes made to their words were capitalizing words that Dallas Telelearning had bolded—a change necessary because of technical issues with the tool used in Blackboard. This is the copyright statement provided by the Repository: The Learning Objects contained in this database are for exclusive use by faculty and students that subscribe to this repository. Any other use of these resources is a violation of copyright laws.


You can search the video list by pressing Control F (Command F for a Mac). For example, if you wanted to find what videos cover John D. Rockefeller, press Control and the F key. When your browser displays a dialog box, type in a few letters of the name (such as Rocke) and press Enter to display one by one each of the videos with possible information.


You also can click below to go to the period of time you want and see videos available in that time period:

Videos Covering the Period from about the 1860s to about 1900. 1

Videos Covering the Period from about 1900 to about 1940. 7

Videos Covering the Period from about 1940 to Entering the 21st Century. 13


Once you determine the video you want, notice the name of the group of videos and look for that name in Blackboard. For example, if you wanted the Luck and Pluck video shown below, you would look for the group of videos named The Gilded Age. When you click on that group, you will see the Luck and Pluck video.


Videos Covering the Period from about the 1860s to about 1900


The Gilded Age – 3 Videos  

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Costs and Benefits

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The rapid Industrialization that took place in the late nineteenth century had major consequences. This video sums up the benefits and the costs.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Urban Nation/Industrial Nation; consumer goods/lower prices; bigger profits; de-personalization of work place; deplorable working conditions; Urban stress; Environmental destruction/Pollution.


Luck and Pluck

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment analyzes the cultural support for business and wealth in the late nineteenth century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Horatio Alger, Jr. and “rags to riches”; Social Darwinism; “Gospel of Wealth”/A. Carnegie; consumer culture; obvious and growing disparities between rich and poor.


The Rush of the Express

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The reasons for the rapid and extensive Industrialization during the Gilded Age are explained in this video

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cornelius Vanderbilt; National transportation and communication; Railroad’s role; Telegraph; Population growth/labor; Oil production is Big business; John D. Rockefeller; monopoly; technology; efficiency; laisser-faire; business and political corruption.



The American West – 8 Videos

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A Sense of Place



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment analyzes the effects of the transformation of the West on American Indians and Mexican Americans in the late 19th century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: American Indians; Assimilation; Reservations; missionaries; boarding schools; land dealings and ownership issues; Mexican Americans; identity issues.


Conquest and Survival

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines American Indian choices and responses to the encroachment on their lands in the late 19th century. Rapid changes in life style resulted. An American Indian perspective is presented on the conflicts at Little Big Horn and Wounded Knee.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Sioux Indian reservation; boundaries; Little Big Horn; Custer and the US Army; Crazy Horse; Sitting Bull; Big Foot; Ghost Dancing; Wounded Knee.


Farming on the Plains

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment examines how the federal government’s land policy (Homestead Act) and land subsidies to railroads spurred movement into the plains. Farmers tried to adjust to a harsh environment and a national market.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Railroad expansion; Homestead Act; Land rush, open spaces, wide prairies and hardships.


Indian Assimilation

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment analyzes the effects of the federal government’s policies promoting assimilation of American Indians in the late 19th century. Vine Deloria, Jr., contributes to the Indian perspective.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Assimilation; Reservations; Missionaries; boarding schools; Dawes Act.


Mexican American Displacement

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment analyzes why and how Mexican Americans were displaced from their land holdings in the Southwest. The effects of this displacement and responses to it by Mexican Americans are examined.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Land ownership lost; wage labor; labor unrest; unions; mutual aid; emerging Mexican American identity.


The Promised Land

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video links the transformation of the West in the late 19th century to the changes taking place in the rest of the country. Ranchers and farmers are brought into the national market; settlers struggled with conditions; some endured, and some left.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The West; The Gilded Age; The Great Plains; cattle ranching, cowboys, cattle drives; railroad expansion; Homestead Act; Prairie farming; hardships and adjustments.


The West in the Gilded Age

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video explains the connections between the development of the West and the national industrial growth in the late 19th century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The West; Gold; the Gilded Age; Cattle Ranching; Railroads.


The Western Myth

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video presents a thought-provoking analysis by historians Patricia Limerick and Richard White of the development and uses of the “western myth.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Western Myth and reality; inversion of actual history; purpose of the myth.



Immigration and Urbanization – 9 Videos

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A National Culture

VIDEO DESCRIPTION The rise of urban America in the late 19th century transformed the nation in many ways. This video summarizes both the root causes of this shift (industrialization and immigration) and the lasting effects it has had on the nation.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Urban America/urbanization; immigrants/immigration; Brooklyn Bridge; diversity, assimilation; nativism, tolerance.


Chinese Immigrants & the Transcontinental Railroad

VIDEO DESCRIPTION When Chinese immigrants arrived in San Francisco during the mid-19th century, many headed to the High Sierra in search of Gold Mountain. Here they encountered a transcontinental railroad that was under construction. This video looks at the monumental impact Chinese immigrants had on completing the railroad and, thus, helping create the economic infrastructure that tied the west to the east.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Immigrants/immigration; gold; California; Chinese immigrants/Chinese- Americans; transcontinental railroad, Central Pacific Railroad.


City of Broad Shoulders


VIDEO DESCRIPTION The 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago was a culmination of the city’s spectacular growth from a small outpost to a city of a million people. This video explains the root causes of this transformation while also examining what life was like for the city’s diverse residents. A personal story of a German immigrant family is featured.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Urban America/urbanization; immigrants/immigration; Chicago; 1893 World’s Fair; life in Chicago’s slums; support system: churches, mutual aid societies, saloons; Carl Sandburg’s poem.


Ethnic Neighborhoods

VIDEO DESCRIPTION When immigrants arrived in New York, they generally grouped together with people they knew from their towns in Europe. As a result, a system of ethnic neighborhoods emerged. This video examines these neighborhoods and the lives of their inhabitants, centering around a personal story of a Polish-Austrian Jewish family.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Urban America/urbanization; immigrants/immigration; New York; ethnic neighborhoods; living in tenements, early efforts at tenement reforms. Missing Supers: Harry Dingenthal @ 5:06


Gold Mountain

VIDEO DESCRIPTION The discovery of gold in California in the late19th century helped spur a mass migration of Chinese peasants to the western coastal region of America. Thousands of these immigrants would make history working on the transcontinental railroad and in the mines. This video explores the journey and work of these Chinese immigrants along with the hardships they endured due to the Chinese Exclusion Act. A story of a Chinese-American family personalizes this experience.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Immigrants/immigration; California; Chinese immigrants; Chinese-Americans and their identity; gold rush/Gold Mountain; High Sierra, transcontinental railroad; nativist movement; Chinese Exclusion Act; San Francisco and its Chinatown.


Moving To The City

VIDEO DESCRIPTION In the late 19th century the population of American cities began to grow rapidly. This video provides a brief overview of the global forces that caused this transformation.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Urban America/urbanization; immigrants/immigration; Statue of Liberty/its inscription.


The Big Apple

VIDEO DESCRIPTION During the massive immigration of the late 19th century, a vast majority of people coming to America landed in New York City. This video explores the causes and consequences of this movement. The immigrant life is brought into focus by looking at the social and political structures that developed in the city and the way in which people coped with their urban condition. A personal story of a Polish-Austrian Jewish family is featured.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Urban America/urbanization; immigrants/immigration; New York; ethnic neighborhoods; living in tenements; early efforts at tenement reforms; urban bosses.


The Chinese Exclusion Act


VIDEO DESCRIPTION As the mass migration of Chinese immigrants continued in the 1860s and 1870s, resentment and violence against Chinese laborers increased. This growing nativist movement sparked by a tightening job market is the focus of this video. The resulting legislation, called the Chinese Exclusion Act, would have a profound impact on both Chinese-Americans and the country as a whole. Judy Yung’s family history personifies the complexities of life for Chinese-Americans at this time.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Immigrants/immigration; Chinese immigrants; Chinese-Americans and their identity; nativist movement; Chinese Exclusion Act; San Francisco.


The Neighborhood Saloon

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Neighborhood saloons were an integral element of life in Chicago in the late 19th century. This video highlights the saloon as a place that delivered social services and served as an important venue for communication in a largely oral society.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Chicago; neighborhood saloons; beer, and the culture surrounding it.



Dreams of Equality – 8 videos

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A Very Gendered Thing

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how women reacted and responded to the conditions of the late 19th century. Both black and white women were discriminated against. Each responded in different ways while working toward the same goals. Although race often divided women, both black and white women leaders and organizations had a significant influence in advancing women’s rights.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Women’s suffrage; liberation; temperance; WCTU; Frances Willard; women in the workplace; women’s education; women’s right to vote; Ida Wells; black women’s club movement; gender and race.


Booker T. Washington

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment presents a brief look at Booker T. Washington and his response to the “New South” of the late 1800s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Discrimination; Segregation; Black workers; Education of blacks; Acceptance of social segregation.


Hammering at the Truth

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines three black leaders who were prominent in speaking out against the discrimination in the Jim Crow South. Booker T. Washington, W.E. B. Dubois and Ida B. Wells presented arguments that had lasting importance.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Responses to segregation, discrimination, lynching; accommodation; education; demand for equal rights; direct action.


Ida B. Wells


VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment presents a brief look at Ida B. Wells and her responses to lynching and discrimination in the “New South.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Discrimination; Segregation; Lynching/uses of terror against Blacks; Advocacy of direct action.


Jim Crow

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment explains how and why “Jim Crow” laws were developed and then were re-affirmed in a landmark Supreme Court case, Plessy V. Ferguson. The effects of these developments and of other discriminatory actions are briefly addressed.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Jim Crow; Plessy V. Ferguson; segregation; “separate but equal”; discrimination; poll taxes.


Strange Fruit

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment examines why and how African Americans were discriminated against after the civil war in the “New South.” A personal history of an African-American family illustrates some of these experiences.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The “New South”; Sharecroppers; “Jim Crow”; Plessy vs. Ferguson; Poll Taxes; Lynching.


The Legacy of Struggle

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the struggles of African-Americans and women for equality and justice in the late 19th century and their important legacy for later generations.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Origins of civil and political rights for African-Americans and women.


W.E.B Dubois

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment presents a brief look at W.E. B Dubois and his challenges to Booker T. Washington and to discrimination.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Discrimination; Segregation; Education of blacks; Souls of Black Folk; Demand for rights now.


A Very Gendered Thing

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how women reacted and responded to the conditions of the late 19th century. Both black and white women were discriminated against. Each responded in different ways while working toward the same goals. Although race often divided women, both black and white women leaders and organizations had a significant influence in advancing women’s rights.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Women’s suffrage; liberation; temperance; WCTU; Frances Willard; women in the workplace; women’s education; women’s right to vote; Ida Wells; black women’s club movement; gender and race.


Booker T. Washington

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment presents a brief look at Booker T. Washington and his response to the “New South” of the late 1800s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Discrimination; Segregation; Black workers; Education of blacks; Acceptance of social segregation.


Hammering at the Truth

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines three black leaders who were prominent in speaking out against the discrimination in the Jim Crow South. Booker T. Washington, W.E. B. Dubois and Ida B. Wells presented arguments that had lasting importance.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Responses to segregation, discrimination, lynching; accommodation; education; demand for equal rights; direct action.


Ida B. Wells


VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This segment presents a brief look at Ida B. Wells and her responses to lynching and discrimination in the “New South.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Discrimination; Segregation; Lynching/uses of terror against Blacks; Advocacy of direct action.



Labor’s Struggle: 1880-1900 – 6 videos

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Fight It To The Finish

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Two major clashes between capitalists and workers in the 1890s – the Homestead Strike and the Pullman Strike – were instrumental in defining what rights organized labor would have in American society. This video analyzes the origins of these events, their outcomes, and their effects on the union movement at the end of the 19th century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Homestead Strike/Lockout; Andrew Carnegie/Henry Clay Frick; Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel workers; government protection of private property; Pullman, Illinois/company town; Pullman Strikes, American Railway Union; Eugene Debs; socialism v. capitalism.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Pullman Strike was a defining moment in the union movement of the late 19th century. This video analyzes the origins of this event, its outcome and its effect on the union movement as a whole.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Pullman, Illinois/company town; Pullman strike; American Railway Union; Eugene Debs; use of injunction; socialism v. capitalism.


So Much Was At Stake

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video summarizes the core issues that were at stake in the labor conflicts of the late 19th century and provides perspective on labor’s continuing struggle.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Haymarket Martyrs/Oscar Neebe; Labor Day/May Day; middle class reactions; wages, working conditions, hours of labor, dignity; right to manage.


The First Red Scare

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Following the Railroad Strike of 1877, labor unions organized on a national level gained membership. This video analyzes the roots of their formation and leadership during this era and looks at the resistance unions faced. This resistance led to the violent events at Haymarket Square in Chicago in 1886 and the “red scare” that followed.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Trade unions; rights of labor; labor activists; European roots/Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels; Chicago’s German community; socialists; Oscar Neebe; labor & capital conflict; government/political/business climate; national unions; Knights of Labor; American Federation of Labor (A.F. of L); 8-hour day; Haymarket Square; “red scare”; Albert Parsons.


The Great Railroad Strike

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Railroad Strike that erupted in West Virginia in the summer of 1877 became the first great nationwide strike in U.S. history. This video provides a brief overview of this event as an introduction to the labor struggles of the late 19th century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877; Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; corporate capitalism v. workers’ rights; government/military role in labor disputes; public perception.


They Dared Not Stop Working

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: By the end of the 19th century, the wages system was a prominent part of American society. The men, women and children who worked as wage laborers faced long hours under hazardous conditions for minimal pay. This video examines the diversity of the work force, working conditions, and nature of the work found in the unregulated world of wage labor.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Wage labor; heterogeneous working class; child labor; factory system/textile mills/sweatshops; lack of government protection; long hours/ low wages/ hazardous working conditions; gap between rich and poor; employers/managers attitudes toward workers.



The Populist Challenge – 5 videos

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A Bare Hard Living

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the economic, social, and political issues confronting rural Americans during the late 19th century.  Small farmers were particularly hit hard by a market system controlled by bankers and big business.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Small farmers/sharecroppers; market forces; banks in rural America/gold standard; credit/interest rates; crop-lien system; place of agriculture in an industrialized economy.


The Farmers’ Alliance

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video is examines how agrarian reformers proposed to address the major issues facing farmers in the late 19th century.  The resistance to their economic proposals propelled them toward politics and a third-party.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: “Gone to Texas”; farmers’ cooperatives; the Farmers’ Alliance movement; political organization; St. Louis convention of 1892.


The People’s Party

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The rise and fall of the Populist Party and the issues involved are analyzed in this video.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Populist Party; third-parties; Populist Party (Omaha) platform (1892); bi-racial coalition/politics of race; William Jennings Bryan; fusion with Democrats; 1896 election; free silver; capitalism v. democracy.


The Populist Legacy

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This brief segment provides a summary analysis of the legacy of the Populist Party and the meaning of “Populism.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Democracy v. wealth and power; Populist political reform proposals; transformation of Democratic Party; “populism.”


Wizard of Oz: Parable of Populism

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment suggests that the popular film “The Wizard of Oz” may be seen as a political parable of the populist movement of the 1890s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Rural America; Great Plains; Farmers’ obstacles to pursuing the American Dream



American Imperialism – 5 videos

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A Democratic Empire?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The results of the Spanish-American War put the United States in a position of becoming an imperial power.  This video analyzes America’s decision to engage in imperialism and the immediate effects of that decision in the Philippines.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Spanish-American War; Philippine Islands; William McKinley; Treaty of Paris, 1898; pro-imperialist and anti-imperialist arguments; Manifest Destiny; markets; missionaries; Mark Twain; Filipino-American war/indigenous revolutions; Theodore Roosevelt; democratic empire.


Beyond American Boundaries

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: By the early 20th century, America was the dominant power in the Western Hemisphere.  As the events of that era showed, America’s power brought complexity with it.  This video examines the contradiction between U.S. rhetoric and action and notes the parallels between American activities at the turn of the 20th century and the early 21st century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Complexities of being a world power; connections of world affairs to national welfare; conflict between rhetoric & action, parallels to early 21st century American foreign policy.


The Big Stick

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Following the Spanish-American War, America found itself in possession of colonies from the Caribbean halfway around the world to Asia.  This video analyzes President Theodore Roosevelt’s decision to secure American interests in the Caribbean region and the progress he made toward that goal – including the construction of the Panama Canal.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Theodore Roosevelt; Russo-Japanese War; limits of American power; Cuba; Puerto Rico; Panama Canal; Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.


The Hawaiian Coup

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: American involvement in a political coup in Hawaii in 1893 highlighted a shift in United States foreign policy.  This video introduces the major factors that contributed to this shift.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Hawaii; Sanford Dole; Queen Liliuokalani; Grover Cleveland; Pearl Harbor.


The Spanish-American War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: During the 1890s, Cuba was in crisis.   As the conflict between Cuban rebels and the Spanish government escalated, the United States became more involved.  This video examines the underlying and immediate causes of the resulting Spanish-American War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Theodore Roosevelt; Cuba; William McKinley; U.S. interests in Cuba; Cuban revolution; Maine; “yellow journalism”; Spanish-American War; John Hay; Rough Riders; Spanish defeat.



Videos Covering the Period from about 1900 to about 1940

The Progressives: A Paradox – 9 videos

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A Society Built on Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The United States was transformed in many ways by the progressive movement. This video evaluates the lasting legacy of the progressives.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Progressives/progressive reform; Segregation; active government, social justice; regulation of capitalism and individual freedom.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Teddy Roosevelt shared the progressive belief that corporations had too much power. This video examines some of the actions he took as president to regulate big business.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Theodore Roosevelt; Progressives/Progressivism; big business; antitrust suits; Northern Securities Company; J.P. Morgan; Rockefeller’s Standard Oil; American Tobacco Company; limiting business freedom.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Among Theodore Roosevelt’s most lasting contributions is the conservation of a vast quantity of federal lands into national parks, monuments and protected wilderness. This video examines the idea of conservation and the steps Roosevelt and others took to insure its implementation.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Theodore Roosevelt; conservation; Gifford Pinchot; John Muir; limiting business freedom; duty to posterity


Laboratories for Change

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The horrific fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City in 1911 was a catalyst for state reforms in the work place. This video examines the creation, effects and limitations of these reforms.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Fire at New York City’s Triangle Shirtwaist Factory; Charlie Murphy; Alfred E. Smith; Robert F. Wagner; Frances Perkins; Tammany Hall; labor reform; tax reform; limits of progressive at the state level; industrial capitalism.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Writers and journalists who pushed for reform during the progressive movement were known as “muckrakers.” This video examines the profound impact of their work.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: “Muckrakers”; Upton Sinclair/The Jungle; Pure Food & Drugs Act/Meat Inspection Act; consumer protection; limiting business freedom.

INTERVIEWEES: Michael McGerr, Indiana University.


Progressive Women

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the role women played in the progressive movement and highlights several key figures.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Progressive motives; middle-class women; Jane Addams; Hull House; social work; Social Purity Movement; Margaret Sanger; reproductive rights/birth control; Frances Perkins.


Progressives & Segregation

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Given their forward thinking, the progressives’ stance on race relations is difficult to understand. This video examines the reasons for the progressives’ support of segregation.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: African-Americans; race relations; W.E.B. Du Bois; NAACP; segregation; individual freedom/government power; a progressive paradox.

Michael McGerr, Indiana University.


The Radical Center

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: At the start of 20th century, a new broad-based reform movement began to emerge. Known as progressivism, this movement was led by individuals out to change the inequalities and corruption found in America. This video examines who progressives were and why they approached issues as they did.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Progressive motives; middle-class men and women; Jane Addams; Hull House; social work; Social Purity Movement; Margaret Sanger, reproductive rights/birth control; Frances Perkins; Fighting Bob LaFollette; progressive income tax; GeorgeVanderbilt; Biltmore Estate; Gifford Pinchot; U.S. Forest Service; Theodore Roosevelt; conservation; race relations; African-Americans; W.E.B. Du Bois; NAACP; segregation; individual freedom/government power; progressive paradoxes.


The Square Deal

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the success Progressives had in addressing the major national issues of the era including the fight to rein in the power of big business and to conserve natural resources.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Theodore Roosevelt; Progressives/Progressivism; big business; antitrust suits; Northern Securities Company; J.P. Morgan; Rockefeller’s Standard Oil; American Tobacco Company; “muckrakers”; Upton Sinclair/The Jungle; Pure Food & Drugs Act/Meat Inspection Act; consumer protection; conservation; Gifford Pinchot; John Muir; Woodrow Wilson; limiting business freedom; duty to posterity.




A War to End All Wars – 7 videos

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Crusade for Democracy

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the social, economic and political effects of the wartime mobilization on the American home front.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Selective Service Act; the Draft/draft boards; progressive reforms/women’s suffrage/prohibition; the Great Migration and its effects; Committee on Public Information; Sedition and Espionage Acts; civil liberties during wartime; anti-German American actions.

DURATION: Not provided

On the Fence

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes President Wilson’s approach to foreign policy, American neutrality, and the causes America’s entry into WWI.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Woodrow Wilson; Neutrality—its advantages and difficulties; German submarine warfare; the Lusitania; cultural, economic, and political ties to Britain; Zimmermann Note; U.S. entry.

DURATION: Not provided

Over there

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines America’s involvement in World War I and President Woodrow Wilson’s attempt to shape the peace.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: U.S. troops in Europe; Wilson’s Fourteen Points; Armistice; Paris Peace Conference; Treaty of Versailles; the League of Nations; Senate rejection of League and Treaty.


Progressive Reforms During World War I

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how wartime mobilizations affected the Women’s Suffrage and Prohibition movements.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Prohibition; Women’s Suffrage; Women’s Christian Temperance Union; Alice Paul; Carrie Chapman Catt.


The Great Migration

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the “great migration” of African Americans from the South to the North during World War I, the resistance they faced, and the belief they had that patriotism would lead to political and social progress.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Great Migration; Economic Opportunity in the North; resistance to African Americans; W.E.B. DuBois; freedom and civil rights.


Wilson’s Ghost

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video briefly analyzes the consequences of the Great War and the diplomacy of President Woodrow Wilson. CONTENT ELEMENTS: Disillusionment with the results of WWI; the legacy of Wilsonian diplomacy


WWI synopsis

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment provides a synopsis of the causes of the First World War and of the fighting in Europe prior to U.S. entry.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War I; Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination; Nationalism/Militarism/Economic rivalry/public opinion/ leadership; Russian front; trench warfare.



Modern Times: The 1920s – 7 videos

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VIDEO DESCRIPTION: “Fordism” refers to the workplace and marketing practices pioneered by Henry Ford in the automobile industry. This video looks at why this phrase came to symbolize the new economy of the 1920s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: “Fordism”; five-dollar day; monotony of factory work; “welfare capitalism.”


Harlem Renaissance

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes African-American culture in the 1920s. In particular, it spotlights the burst of creativity known as the Harlem Renaissance.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: W.E.B. Du Bois; African American intellectuals; reactions to anti-evolution southerners; Harlem Renaissance; Zora Neale Hurston; Aaron Douglas; jazz music


The America We Recognize

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Using the reaction to of the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti as a starting point, this video briefly assesses the significance of the 1920s in shaping a modern America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 1920s; Sacco and Vanzetti, John Dos Passos/two nations; cultural division/cultural integration; automobiles/radio.


The Business of America

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the changing nature of the American economy in the 1920s, the extent of prosperity, and the political leadership of the era.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 1920s; urban centers; consumer culture; automobiles; credit; Henry Ford/moving assembly line/Model T; “Fordism”/five-dollar day/“welfare capitalism”; farmers’ hardships; trickle-down economics; Calvin Coolidge; pro-business politics.


The Lost Generation

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video uses the trial and imprisonment of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti to introduce the complexities of the 1920s. The postwar decade would be a time of great change in America as the lure of modernity clashed with the weight of tradition.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: New Era/Jazz Age/Roaring Twenties/Lost Generation; Red Scare; Sacco and Vanzetti.


The Old Radio Won’t Do

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Radio became a fixture in American life during the 1920s. This video examines how radio transformed and reflected a changing national culture.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 1920s; radio/KDKA in Pittsburgh; technological & stylistic obsolescence; radio advertising/consumer culture/daytime radio/soap operas; changing gender roles/flapper girl; national popular culture; leisure time.


The Tribal Twenties

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The 1920s were a time of great social and cultural change. This video analyzes significant reactions to these changes.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 1920s; Scopes “Monkey” Trial; teaching evolution in public schools; American Civil Liberties Union/Clarence Darrow; William Jennings Bryan; Inherit the Wind; W.E.B. DuBois; African American intellectuals; Harlem Renaissance; Zora Neale Hurston; Aaron Douglas; jazz music; Marcus Garvey; racial pride; Ku Klux Klan; nativism; National Origins Act; ethic identity.



The Great Depression – 9 videos

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Experiencing the Depression

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Presenting the personal stories of a diverse group of individuals and families who lived through the Great Depression, this video paints a vivid image of what American life was really like at that time.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Woody Guthrie’s music; Neebe family/Chicago; Deloria family/South Dakota; McAden family/ Oklahoma; Archuleta family/New Mexico; Yung family/San Francisco; Fung family/ Chinatown; Dingenthal family/New York.


Hard Time Blues

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how the American people coped with the hardships of the Great Depression.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Woody Guthrie’s music; Neebe family/Chicago; Deloria family/South Dakota; McAden family/Oklahoma; Archuleta family/New Mexico; Yung family/San Francisco; Fung family/ Chinatown; Dingenthal family/New York; riding the rails/homeless; women; African Americans; black unemployment; Mexican Americans; farm labor; displacement/deportation/repatriation; psychological impact; individualism.


Hoover’s Response

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This brief video analyzes President Hoover’s response to the Great Depression.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Herbert Hoover; unemployment/mass poverty; local & state government; voluntarism.


Lost in the Movies

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: As the Great Depression deepened in the 1930s, Americans flocked to the movies as a means of escape.  This video briefly looks at this new national pastime.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; movies/theaters/American film industry


Mexican Americans and the Depression

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Mexican Americans were profoundly and uniquely affected by the Great Depression.  This video examines their experience.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Mexican Americans; farm labor; displacement/deportation/repatriation.


Something is Radically Wrong

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the increasing derision of President Hoover and the public protests of workers, farmers, and veterans during the Great Depression.  Alternatives to the capitalist system are briefly examined.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Herbert Hoover; protests/political movements/public unrest; Ford Hunger March; farmers’ associations; socialism/communism/Nazism/fascism; Bonus Marchers; General Douglas MacArthur; Anacostia Flats.


Stormy Weather

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the short- and long-term consequences of the Great Depression on the American people.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; American culture/music/films/visual arts; poverty; expectations of the federal government.


The Bonus Marchers

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Bonus Marchers were veterans of World War I who were asking for an early payment of a bonus they’d been promised for their service.  This video analyzes the actions taken by President Hoover and General MacArthur in response to the Bonus March.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Bonus Marchers; Herbert Hoover; General Douglas MacArthur; Anacostia Flats.


When Capitalism Failed

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the causes of both the stock market crash in October 1929 and the Great Depression that followed.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Capitalism/stock market; Stock market crash; Great Depression; bank failures and panics; poor distribution of wealth; global connections; Herbert Hoover; unemployment/mass poverty; local and state government; voluntarism.



A New Deal – 8 videos

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A Big Deal

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The video provides a summary analysis of the significance of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal in American history.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The New Deal successes & limits; reality of presidential power; Franklin D. Roosevelt; terms for modern political debates; effects on workers; institutional structure for a more secure America.


A Direct Connection

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s leadership qualities and the effects of New Deal labor legislation.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: FDR’s appeal/personality/leadership traits; Fireside Chats; experimentation/work relief; restructuring the economy; The Wagner Act, Labor Movement/Unions; AFL; John L. Lewis; CIO; “sit-down” strike; union recognition; Fair Labor Standards Act.


A New Deal Begins

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: When President Franklin D. Roosevelt told the American people in 1933 that “the only thing we need to fear is fear itself,” he gave hope to a depressed nation.  This video segment introduces FDR and his New Deal.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Great Depression; Franklin D. Roosevelt; legislation of the First 100 Days.


Making Life More Secure

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Of all the New Deal legislation, the Social Security Act was the most successful at reducing the fears of American people about their financial insecurities.  Its profound effects are analyzed in this video.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Social Security Act; FDIC/SEC/labor legislation; Old Age Pension; Unemployment Insurance; limits/exclusions of the act; Frances Perkins.


Power Play

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: When President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to “pack” the Supreme Court, the power of the “modern presidency” he was creating was tested.  This video examines facets of presidential power and what controls exist to curb it.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The New Deal Success; Power of the President; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Court “packing”; “modern presidency.”

INTERVIEWEES: Joan Hoff, Montana State University.


The Eleanor Factor

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Eleanor Roosevelt carved out a new and influential role as First Lady during the New Deal era. This video examines the reach and importance of Eleanor in the formation of the New Deal Political Coalition.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Eleanor Roosevelt; Role of the First Lady; New Deal Political Coalition.

INTERVIEWEES: Joan Hoff, Montana State University.
David Kennedy Stanford University.


The New Deal Coalition

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the policies and actions of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal appealed to a broad range of constituents, leading to a new political coalition and the expansion of presidential power.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: American politics; Political Power; Franklin D. Roosevelt; The Democratic Party; New Deal Benefits; Inclusive Electorate; The Indian New Deal/John Collier;  Eleanor Roosevelt; role of the First Lady; African American voters; New Deal Political Coalition; power of the President; court “packing”; “modern presidency.”


Workers Unite

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Passage of the Wagner Act, assuring workers their right to organize and bargain collectively, set off a flurry of union activity in the mid-1930s.  This video examines the changing status of the American worker.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Wagner Act; Labor Movement/Unions; AFL; John L. Lewis; CIO; “sit-down” strike; union recognition; Fair Labor Standards Act.



Videos Covering the Period from about 1940 to Entering the 21st Century


Road to War – 10 videos

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A Common Purpose

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video explains the main features of American foreign policy from the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939 to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Adolf Hitler and Germany’s aggression; appeasement; Neville Chamberlain/Munich/Poland/Britain/France; U.S. neutrality; German Blitzkrieg; Norway/Denmark/Holland/Belgium, Winston Churchill; Franklin Roosevelt; “arsenal of democracy”; Lend-Lease; Charles Lindbergh/isolationists; Atlantic Charter meeting.


American Life During The War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video presents three diverse family stories to personalize the spirit of sacrifice and hardship common on the home front during World War II.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; sacrifice; victory gardens; McAden family; Swann-Wright family; Deloria family.

INTERVIEWEES: Susan Hartmann, Ohio State University


Double Victory

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The economic expansion that resulted from wartime mobilization provided many opportunities for minorities and women.  This video analyzes the shifting socio-economic culture on the home front.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; population shift; economic expansion; farm labor/factory labor; Latinos/Latina; discrimination/segregation; “Double V” campaign; African-Americans; A. Philip Randolph; Franklin Roosevelt/Executive Order 8802; women in workforce; “Rosie the Riveter”; stress at home.


Dr. Win-the-War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Focusing on America and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 when war broke out in Europe, this video provides a brief overview of FDR’s transition to a wartime leader.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Franklin Roosevelt; World War II; Four Freedoms.


It Didn’t Matter Who You Were

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the social, political, and economic transformation of America resulting from the mobilization required during World War II.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; mobilization; social/political/economic transformation; technological advances; women; African Americans; American Indians; Latinos; integration/segregation; pride/common purpose.


Pearl Harbor

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and its immediate effects.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Pearl Harbor; Japan; World War II; Southeast Asia/British Malaya/Dutch East Indies; battleships/aircraft carriers; Franklin Roosevelt.


Prisoners at Home

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, over 100,000 Japanese Americans were forced to relocate to internment centers.  This video analyzes the reasons why this happened and both the short-term and long-term consequences of this action.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; Pearl Harbor; anti-Japanese sentiment; Japanese Americans; assembly centers/internment centers; Japanese American soldiers.


Production Miracle

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The scale of America’s wartime economic mobilization effort was unprecedented.  This video analyzes the immediate effects of this effort.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; Franklin Roosevelt; economic mobilization; ending the Great Depression; production miracle; raising the civilian standard of living.


The Great Arsenal of Democracy

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes America’s wartime mobilization during World War II and its effects on the American people at home.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; Franklin D. Roosevelt; economic mobilization; ending the Great Depression; production miracle; raising the civilian standard of living; population shift; economic expansion; farm labor/factory labor; Latinos/Latina; discrimination/segregation; “Double V” campaign; African-Americans; A. Philip Randolph; Executive Order 8802; women in workforce; “Rosie the Riveter”; disruption of war/stress at home; sacrifice; victory gardens; McAden family; Swann-Wright family; Deloria family.


This Means War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 propelled America into the Second World War.  This video analyzes both the short- and long-term effects of the attack on the American people and on American policy toward Japanese Americans.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Pearl Harbor; Japan; World War II; Southeast Asia/British Malaya/Dutch East Indies; battleships/aircraft carriers; Franklin Roosevelt; American POWs/ Eddie Fung’s story; anti-Japanese sentiment; Japanese Americans; assembly centers/internment centers; Japanese American soldiers.



World at War – 6 videos

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At the Summit of the World

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the consequences of World War II, particularly as it affected the transformation of the United States into a position of world leadership.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World Leadership; U.S. position in 1945; United Nations.


D Day

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a brief description of the Normandy Invasion, a costly but significant turning point in World War II.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: D Day; Beaches of Normandy/Omaha beach; General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Adrian Lewis, University of North Texas.


Going to War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This brief introduction to the military history of World War II features the personal recollections of two veterans.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: War; Soldiers; fear/courage/camaraderie.


The Final Solution

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the horrors of the Holocaust by presenting personal stories and by analyzing Nazi actions and U.S. and Allied responses.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Concentration camps/genocide; The Final Solution/Holocaust; Hitler/Nazi Germany; Kristallnacht; FDR; horrors revealed; Rosa Blum’s story.


These Proceedings Are Closed

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the military operations in the Pacific during World War II, including the decision to use the atomic bombs.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: World War II; Pacific theater; naval warfare; Coral Sea/Midway; air war/napalm/fire bombing; Okinawa; Japanese resistance; Operation Downfall; Manhattan Project; President Harry Truman; Potsdam Conference/Joseph Stalin; unconditional surrender; use of atomic bombs.


Unconditional Surrender

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the Allied strategy in World War II and the major military operations leading to Germany’s unconditional surrender in 1945.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Allied strategy; unconditional surrender; Franklin D. Roosevelt/Winston Churchill/Joseph Stalin; second front; North Africa; Russian (eastern) front; Italian front; air war on Germany; Stalingrad; Normandy Invasion; D Day/Omaha beach; General Dwight D. Eisenhower; Yalta; Allied advance; German surrender.



The Cold War – 10 videos

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A Sense of Purpose

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a brief summary analysis of the benefits and costs of the Cold War up to 1961.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Dwight Eisenhower; Soviet Union/Central Europe/Western Germany/Japan/North & South Korea/China; the Cold War; militaristic/simplistic policies & proposals; CIA; nuclear arms race.


Cuba Enters the Cold War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video briefly examines the emergence of Fidel Castro in Cuba and the U.S. response to Castro’s actions.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Dwight D. Eisenhower; the Cold War; Fidel Castro; Cuba/Batista regime; Cuban sugar; Nikita Khrushchev.

INTERVIEWEES: Fraser Harbutt, Emory University.


Eisenhower’s Cold War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: When President Dwight D. Eisenhower took office, his approach to the Cold War differed from his predecessor.  This video examines Eisenhower’s emphasis on covert operations, the CIA, and nuclear weapons.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Cold War; Dwight D. Eisenhower; covert operations; arms build-up/nuclear weapons; CIA; U.S. oil interests/dependency; Middle East; Saudi Arabia; Iran; Mossadegh/the Shah; Guatemala/Jacob Arbenz; Latin America/right-wing dictatorial regimes; Fidel Castro; Cuba/Batista regime; Cuban sugar; Nikita Khrushchev.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION:  This video analyzes the rise and fall of the chief victimizer of the Red Scare era, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and the legacy of McCarthyism.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Red Scare; Joseph McCarthy; anti-communism scare tactics; Army-McCarthy Hearings/Joseph Welch, McCarthyism.

INTERVIEWEES: Ellen Schrecker, Yeshiva University.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This brief video examines a top-secret report sent to President Truman by the National Security Council in 1950; this document became a blueprint for the Cold War arms race.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: National Security Council document #68 (NSC-68); US military build-up; the Cold War; Soviet Union/communism.

INTERVIEWEES: Walter LaFeber, Cornell University.


The Berlin Airlift

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the Soviet Union’s blockade of Berlin and the American response to it -- an airlift that became a high point in America’s Cold War history.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Cold War; containment; Berlin/East & West Germany; Berlin blockade/Berlin airlift.

INTERVIEWEES: Walter LaFeber, Cornell University.


The Enemy Within

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Anti-communism reached a fever pitch in the 1950s, as it became a focus of national security.  This video explains the causes and consequences of the Second Red Scare.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Cold War; Communism/Communists; Communist Party of the United States; J. Edgar Hoover/FBI; ; anti-communism; national security; Harry Truman; Executive Order 9835 (Loyalty-Security Program); “guilt by association” ; House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); Russian atomic bomb; Julius & Ethel Rosenberg; the Red Scare; Joseph McCarthy; Army-McCarthy Hearings/Joseph Welch; McCarthyism.


The Iron Curtain

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the origins of the Cold War and the development and application of the containment policy in Europe.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: United States/Soviet Union; origins of the Cold War; liberal capitalism v. authoritarian socialism/communism; eastern European bloc; iron curtain; Winston Churchill/Joseph Stalin; Harry Truman; George Kennan; containment; Truman Doctrine; Western Europe; the Marshall Plan; Berlin/East & West Germany; Berlin blockade/Berlin airlift; National Security Council document #68 (NSC-68); US military build-up.


The Korean Conflict

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Cold War escalated when the Soviet backed army of North Korea invaded the U.S. backed South Korea in 1950.  This video analyzes the American response – which carried the containment policy to Asia.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Mao Zedong/Chiang Kai-shek; Chinese Communist Revolution/People’s Republic of China; North Korea/South Korea; containment policy; Harry Truman; United Nations; 38th parallel; Chinese intervention; Dwight D. Eisenhower; armistice.


The Third World

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the application of containment in Asia and also explains how the Cold War affected American defense strategy and policy decisions in the Middle East and Latin America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Third World; national liberation movements; the Cold War; Soviet Union; Mao Zedong/Chiang Kai-shek; Chinese communist revolution/People’s Republic of China; North Korea/South Korea; containment policy; Harry Truman; United Nations; 38th parallel; Chinese intervention; Dwight D. Eisenhower; armistice; covert operations; arms build-up/nuclear weapons; CIA; U.S. oil interests/dependency; Middle East; Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mossadegh/the Shah; Guatemala/Jacob Arbenz; Latin America/right-wing dictatorial regimes; Fidel Castro; Cuba/Batista regime; Cuban sugar; Nikita Khrushchev.



The 1950s: Pursuit of Happiness - 8 videos

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‘Separate but Equal’ Overturned

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the importance of the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. the Board of Education and the social realities obstructing equal opportunities.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Brown vs. the Board of Education; Thurgood Marshall; Resistance to integration; Equal Rights/social realities.

INTERVIEWEES: Valinda Littlefield, University of South Carolina.


Cars and Guns

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes how the Cold War provided a stimulus to the American economy in the 1950s.  The Interstate Highway System and the emergence of the military-industrial complex are the focus points.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Car Culture; Military Spending; South & West gain defense industries; military-industrial complex; Cold War; Interstate Highway System; Economic growth.


Happy Days

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the economic and social legacies of the 1950s, including the advances of organized labor and opportunities for women.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Groundwork for the feminist movement: Gains in technology; Organized Labor; Economic legacies; Improved wages/per capita welfare.


Living Large

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the contributing factors to the rapid economic growth in America during the post-World War II years, including higher wages for workers and the rise of the military-industrial complex.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Economic growth; Unionized workers; Strikes/collective bargaining; Car Culture; Military-Industrial Complex; Military/Defense Spending; Interstate Highway and Defense System Act; Cold War; growth in the South and West; GI Bill; housing/suburban growth; education; disparity of income.


Rosa Park’s Challenge

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: In 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, she started a chain of events that led to a bus boycott in that city.  This video examines why the boycott was successful and its importance in the emerging Civil Rights movement.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Rosa Parks; Martin Luther King, Jr.; The Civil Rights Movement; Boycotts; the Montgomery, Alabama black community; E.D. Nixon; Role of federal government in integration.

INTERVIEWEES: Steven Lawson, Rutgers University.
Clayborne Carson, Stanford University.


The Feminine Mystique

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Social trends during the 1950s often revolved around the roles of women.   This video analyzes the complex choices many women faced in what appeared to be an age of conformity.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Women in the work force; Marriage rates up; The Baby Boom; Suburbs/ William Levitt/Levittown; New Housing; Woman’s role as homemaker; The Feminine Mystique; Betty Friedan; Choices for women.


TV: A Vast Wasteland

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a montage of TV images from the 1950s (“the golden age of television”) and suggests some of television’s early effects on American society.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: TV; TV programming; TV viewing; TV commercials; The 1950s; Vast Wasteland.


We protest courageously

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes how and why the barriers of segregation began to break down during the late 1940s & 1950s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Rhythm & Blues music; Jackie Robinson; President Harry Truman/Desegregation of the Military; Brown vs. the Board of Education; Thurgood Marshall; Resistance to integration; Equal rights/social realities;  Rosa Parks; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Montgomery, Alabama, black community; E.D. Nixon; Bus boycott; Role of federal government in integration.



Civil Rights in the Great Society – 11 videos

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“Malcolm X”

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Malcolm X emerged as a prominent voice in a new, more radicalized segment of the black Civil Rights Movement.  This video analyzes his message and his influence.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: African Americans; Civil Rights Movement; radicalization; Malcolm X; Nation of Islam; urban ghettos; black pride/separatism/self-defense; Mecca.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the significance of the protests that took place in Birmingham, Alabama, in the spring of 1963.\

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Birmingham, Alabama; Civil Rights Movement; desegregation; racism; African Americans; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Sixteenth Street Baptist Church; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Letter from Birmingham Jail; women & children protesters; media coverage; Civil Rights legislation introduced.

INTERVIEWEES: William Chafe, Duke University.
Julian Bond, NAACP Board of Directors.


Black Power

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines why the African American Civil Rights Movement splintered and lost momentum after 1965.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: African Americans; poverty/joblessness/discrimination/riots/economic inequality; Civil Rights Movement; radicalization; Malcolm X; Nation of Islam; urban ghettos; black pride/separatism/self-defense; Mecca; Stokely Carmichael, “Black Power”; Memphis, Tennessee; assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.; ideological extremism; assassination of Robert F. Kennedy; 1968 Olympics; community involvement/black elected officials/social services/social justice.


Civil Rights Act

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was skillfully prodded through Congress by President Lyndon Johnson following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Civil Rights Movement; bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church; Kennedy Assassination; Dallas, Texas; Walter Cronkite; Lyndon Johnson; the “Johnson treatment”; Civil Rights Act; integration of public life.


I Have a Dream…

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Focusing on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, this video sets the stage for a larger analysis of the Civil Rights Movement that transformed America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Martin Luther King, Jr.; March on Washington; “I have a dream…” speech; Civil Rights Movement.


LBJ’s Great Society

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes both the concept and the implementation of legislation aimed at achieving LBJ’s “Great Society.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: President Lyndon Johnson; the Great Society; 89th Congress; Medicare/ Medicaid; War on Poverty.

INTERVIEWEES: Bruce Schulman, Boston University.


The Assassinations of MLK & RFK

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how the 1968 assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy affected the Civil Rights Movement.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Memphis, Tennessee; assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.; ideological extremism; assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.

INTERVIEWEES: Julian Bond, NAACP Board of Directors.


The Great Society

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the major legislative responses to the Civil Rights Movement, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Great Society.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: African Americans; bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Civil Rights Movement; Kennedy Assassination; Dallas, Texas; Walter Cronkite; Lyndon Johnson; the Johnson “treatment”; passage of the Civil Rights Act; integration; Selma, Alabama; “we shall overcome”; Voting Rights Act, 1965; Southern politics/Republican Party; the Great Society; 89th Congress; Medicare/Medicaid; War on Poverty.


The Right Path

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of how the Civil Rights Movement and the Great Society programs of the 1960s transformed America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Bombing deaths in Birmingham, Alabama; Civil Rights Movement; eliminating apartheid; power/inequality/mistreatment in America; principle of equality; liberal reformers; social change; reality v. ideals.


Voting Rights Act

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the passage and results of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Civil Rights Movement; Selma, Alabama; Lyndon Johnson; “we shall overcome”; Voting Rights Act, 1965; Southern politics/Republican Party

INTERVIEWEES: Bruce Schulman, Boston University.
Julian Bond, NAACP Board of Directors.


We Shall Overcome

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the leadership, tactics and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Segregation; sit-ins; non-violence/passive resistance; freedom riders; Southern white reaction & resistance; Southern Democrats; John F. Kennedy; Civil Rights Movement; Birmingham, Alabama; desegregation; racism; African Americans; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Sixteenth Street Baptist Church; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Letter from Birmingham Jail; women & children protesters; Civil Rights legislation introduced.



The Turbulent 60s – 5 videos

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A New Platform

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the multitude of movements occurring in America during the 1960s and 1970s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Women’s/Chicano/American Indian/Civil Rights movements; democracy/equality/freedom; ethnicity/identity; compartmentalizing issues.


A Politicized People – American Indians

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: American Indian protests in the late 1960s and early 1970s gave rise to an awareness of the plight of Native Americans at the same time many other protest movements were happening in the United States. This video analyzes the significance of the Indian protests and the complexities of identity in America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Vine Deloria, Jr./Custer Died for Your Sins; American Indian Movement; Pine Ridge/Wounded Knee occupation; Russell Means; Indian identity/cultural consciousness.


A Politicized People – Latinos

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the importance of the organization of migrant laborers in the emergence of the Chicano movement of the 1960s and early 1970s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Hispanics/Latinos/Mexican American/Chicanos; Migrant Workers; Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta; United Farm Workers; Grape Boycott; ethnic identity.


The Second Wave

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the emergence of the “second wave” of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s and its significance in changing the status of women in America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Women’s Movement; Feminism; Women’s Rights; Birth Control/Abortion/Roe v. Wade; sex discrimination; Title VII; National Organization for Women (NOW); The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); “radical” feminism; feminism and ethnic minority women; lesbian rights; anti-feminism; Gloria Steinem.


Turning Up the Volume

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the rise of student political awareness, unrest, and protest in the 1960s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: SDS; Port Huron Statement; “New” Left; Student protests; Free Speech Movement/Mario Savio; counterculture; Hippies; Anti war protest movement; alienation.



The Vietnam Dilemma – 9 videos

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A False Optimism

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes a major turning point in the Vietnam War:  the Tet Offensive.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Lyndon B. Johnson; Vietnam War; Viet Cong; Tet Offensive; Walter Cronkite.


A Fateful Miscalculation

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video explains why the United States became increasingly involved in Vietnam in the 1950s and 1960s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cuban Missile Crisis—its lessons; Vietnam; France/Soviet Union/Cold War/communism; Geneva Accords; 17th Parallel/North Vietnam/South Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh; elections in Vietnam (1956); Dwight D. Eisenhower; Viet Minh/Ho Chi Minh Trail; John F. Kennedy; Lyndon B. Johnson; General William C. Westmoreland; Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution; 1964 presidential election/ Barry Goldwater; “Rolling Thunder”/troop escalation.


Hey, Hey, LBJ!

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the erosion of public support for the Vietnam War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Vietnam War; television & war/personal reactions; Anti-war movement; Lyndon B. Johnson; protest/public opinion; Tet Offensive; Walter Cronkite.


LBJ: “A Stunning Announcement”

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video briefly examines President Lyndon Johnson’s decision not to run for re-election in 1968.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Lyndon B. Johnson; Vietnam; 1968 presidential election.


Nixon & Vietnam

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes how Richard Nixon handled the Vietnam War once he became president in 1968.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Richard Nixon; Henry Kissinger; Vietnam War; Cold War/Soviet Union/China/; "Vietnamization"; Cambodia/Anti-war movement/Kent State; war veterans; William Broyes; John Kerry; Pentagon Papers; peace treaty; American evacuation from Saigon.


Peace… with Honor?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the reasons why the United States eventually withdrew its military forces from Vietnam and assesses the changing relationship of the United States with the Soviet Union and China during this era.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Lyndon B. Johnson; Vietnam; 1968 presidential election; Richard Nixon; Henry Kissinger; Cold War/Soviet Union/China; “Vietnamization”; Cambodia/Anti-war movement/Kent State; war veterans; William Broyles; John Kerry; Pentagon Papers; public opinion; peace treaty; American evacuation from Saigon.


The Cuban Missile Crisis

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962 pushed the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war.  This video analyzes the origin and eventual resolution of the crisis.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cuban Missile Crisis; John F. Kennedy; President Kennedy’s Inaugural Address; Cold War/containment/Soviet Union/Cuba/Fidel Castro; CIA; nuclear missiles; Quarantine/Blockade of Cuba; Robert McNamara; Premier Khrushchev; Llewellyn Thompson.


The View from the Ground

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Through the voices of those who fought in the war, this video describes the war in Vietnam from the soldier's perspective and veteran involvement in the anti-war movement.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Vietnam War; war veterans; William Broyles; Anti-war movement; John Kerry; Richard Nixon.


Vietnam Remains

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the legacy of the Vietnam War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Vietnam War; press access/body counts/the draft; intervention in third world countries; Powell doctrine; limits of power; American ideals/realities/redemption; Vietnamese refugees/culture.



The Decline of Liberalism: Nixon – 8 videos

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A New Nixon?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the domestic priorities, policies, and politics of President Richard M. Nixon.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Nixon the politician; last liberal/first conservative; Federal Programs redefined/Civil Rights/housing/poverty programs/Support to the Arts; Earth Day; EPA; clean air/water; Environmentalism.


Beneath the Surface: Declining Liberalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the decline of liberalism in the 1970s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Consequences of the Civil Rights movement and successes; white middle-class voters; new conservative coalition; significance of Nixon's resignation.


Days of Hope, Days of Rage

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Focusing on the 1968 presidential election, this video examines the reasons for the breakup of the New Deal Political Coalition.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: New Deal liberalism; social justice/civil rights; LBJ; student protests; "new" left/urban riots/Vietnam war protests; 1968 Democratic Party Convention in Chicago; Hubert Humphrey; Richard Nixon; Nixon's campaign/southern strategy/middle-class populism; George Wallace; Wallace's campaign/appeal; results of the 1968 election.


Environmental Protection

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This brief video examines the significant steps taken during the Nixon administration toward protecting the environment.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: EPA; Earth Day; Clean Air/Clean Water Acts.


Students Protest Loudly

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video highlights the turmoil of the mid-1960s, culminating with the riot at the Democratic Party convention in Chicago in 1968.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Mario Savio/free speech; "new" left/urban nots/Vietnam war protests; Robert Kennedy's assassination; 1968 Democratic Party Convention/Chicago riot.


The Essence of Liberalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal began an era of liberalism that would span for more than 40 years.  This brief video examines the acceptance of government as a positive force and suggests a reason why political attitudes began changing.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Liberalism; Government as a positive force; New Deal/New Deal Political Coalition; Presidents Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Johnson.


The Imperial Presidency

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides an examination of the investigations of the Watergate Affair, the subsequent resignation of President Nixon, and the effects of the scandal.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The Watergate Affair; Archibald Cox; White House audio tapes; Constitutional questions regarding Executive Privilege; "Saturday Night Massacre"; the rule of Law; Impeachment; political accountability; Presidential Pardon/Gerald Ford; political disillusionment.


The Wallace Factor

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the presidential campaign and appeal of George Wallace in the 1968 Presidential Election.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: George Wallace; 1968 Presidential Election; Wallace's campaign/appeal.



Conservative Resurgence: Reagan – 9 videos

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Aiming for the Middle

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the presidency of Bill Clinton, the politics of the 1990s and the significance of the 2000 presidential election.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: George H.W. Bush; defining liberals & liberalism; 1992 presidential election; liberals/conservatives; Democrats/Republicans; Bill Clinton; Democratic Leadership Council; economy/jobs/campaigning; centrist politics; "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"; health care reform; Newt Gingrich; 1994 mid-term elections; "slash & burn"; "tax & spend"; public opinion polls; Welfare Reform Act; political scandal/Monica Lewinsky; impeachment; balanced budget; Al Gore; George W. Bush; 2000 presidential election; Ralph Nader/Green Party; Florida voting irregularities; Supreme Court; electoral college; George W. Bush's conservatism.


Bill Clinton

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the rise of Bill Clinton in the Democratic Party and his win in the 1992 presidential election.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Bill Clinton; personal & political skills; Democratic Leadership Council, centrist politics; economy/jobs/campaigning.


Equal Rights Amendment

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: In the 1970s, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment became a hotly contested issue.  This video examines the competing viewpoints and the significance of the ERA debates in the rise of a new conservative movement.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Conservatives; women's movement; Equal Rights Amendment; Gloria Steinem; Stop ERA; Phyllis Schlafly; pro-family movement; state legislatures/media; feminists/anti-feminists; Moral Majority; traditional values; Ronald Reagan.


Here to Stay

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video briefly analyzes the legacy of the conservative resurgence in American politics that occurred between 1980 and 2001.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Ronald Reagan; George H.W. Bush; Bill Clinton; George W. Bush; conservatives; big government; Republicans/Democrats.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the impeachment of President Clinton during his second term in office.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Bill Clinton; political scandal/Monica Lewinsky; impeachment; political polarization; media coverage.


Slash & Burn

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Republican Party's victory in the 1994 mid-term elections, led by Newt Gingrich, is examined in this video.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Bill Clinton; gays in the military/"Don't Ask, Don't Tell"; health care reform; Newt Gingrich; 1994 mid-term elections; "slash & burn" politics; political rhetoric/"tax & spend"; public opinion polls; Welfare Reform Act.


The 2000 Presidential Election

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the 2000 presidential election and its results.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Al Gore; George W. Bush; 2000 presidential election; Ralph Nader/Green Party; Florida voting irregularities; Supreme Court; Electoral College; Bush's conservatism.


The Reagan Revolution

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the presidential election of 1980, the presidency of Ronald Reagan and the politics of the 1980s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Jimmy Carter; oil crisis/Afghanistan/Iranian hostage crisis; Ronald Reagan; populist messages; conservatives; Republican party; military expenditures/tax cuts/social spending; budget deficit; scandals/Teflon president; George H.W. Bush; conservatism/conservative rhetoric; cold war.


The Rise of the Right

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The development and growth of the conservative movement (the New Right) in the 1960s and 1970s are analyzed in this video.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Barry Goldwater; Ronald Reagan; political and economic conservatives/social and religious conservatives; women's movement; Equal Rights Amendment; Gloria Steinem; Stop ERA; Phyllis Schlafly; pro-family movement; state legislatures/media; feminists/anti-feminists; Moral Majority; traditional values.



A New Economy: 1975-2000 – 11 videos

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Air Traffic Controllers controlled

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video briefly analyzes the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization's strike in 1981.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: PATCO Strike; Organized Labor; Work Stress/Worker Rights, President Reagan; anti-union attitudes.


America at Work

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the causes and consequences of the decline of organized labor's power and influence in the 1980s & 1990s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: PATCO/Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization; Organized Labor President Reagan's Labor Policy; Computer Technology/Worker Skills/Service Economy/Information Technology; corporate profits/restructuring/outsourcing; Women at work; Wage Gaps; Flex hours; job insecurities.


Deregulation Rules

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the benefits and costs of federal deregulation of business in the 1980s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Governmental Deregulation; competition/lower costs; banking/savings and loans; environment; Scandals/Corruption.


Labor’s Struggle Revisited

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video explains the reasons for and the effects of business restructuring in the 1980s and 1990s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: The economic crisis of the 1970s; Corporate profits; Outsourcing/Restructuring/ Reorganization; Cheap Labor; Globalization; Technology; New Service Economy; Information Technology.


Laffer Curve

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: A cornerstone of Reaganomics, tax cuts, is explained in this video segment.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Reaganomics; Income Tax/Tax Revenue/Tax Cuts; Laffer Curve; Deficit Spending.


Oil Spoils

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Oil has been a dominant part of the American economy for more than 100 years. This brief video provides an overview of America's growing dependence on oil and the effects of the energy crisis of the late 1970s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: John D Rockefeller; Oil Boom; the Automobile culture; Oil Crisis/Dependence on Oil.


The Ideal Mix

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment provides a summary analysis of the changing economy and public policy in the 1980s and 1990s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Deregulation/Tax Cuts/Social Services Cuts; Role of the Government in the Economy; Public Policy.


The New Wave

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the costs and benefits of the "new economy" that expanded in the 1990s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Service Sector/Service Economy; Information Technology/Computers/the Internet/Information Age; High-Tech Stocks/ the Dot-Com Bubble; Recession; Conservative economic policies revisited.


The Wage Gap

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the changing roles of women in the new service economy and the broadening wage gaps in general.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Women in the Workforce; wage gaps; caring labor/market labor; flex-time; job insecurities; real income.


Trickle Down

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the new trends in conservative economics that went along with the political shift to the right in the 1980s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Supply-Side Economics/Trickle Down Theory; OPEC/the Energy Crisis; Ronald Reagan/Reaganomics; Keynesian Economics; Laffer Curve; tax cuts/tax revenue; Free Markets/Federal Deregulation; economic scandals/S & L failures; deficit spending/national debt.


Trickle Down explained

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment explains the rationale for the "supply-side"/"trickle-down" economic policies initiated in the 1980s.  The segment also provides a brief comparison of Keynesian economics to "trickle-down" economics.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Tax cuts; Supply-Side Economics; Reaganomics; New Deal economy/Bubble-up economy; Keynesian Theory; Trickle-Down economy.



A Fast Lane: The New Immigrants – 11 videos

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1965 Immigration Act: Asian-Americans

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the effects of the 1965 Immigration Act on the Asian-American community and the complexities of American and ethnic identity.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Immigrants; immigration law/1965 Immigration Act; Asians/Asian- Americans; family reunification; San Francisco's Chinatown; ethnic/American identity.


A Culture of Wealth

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: During the 1980s and 1990s, popular culture in America promoted the privileges and luxuries of being rich.  This video analyzes the culture of wealth during that time.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous"; pop culture; Ronald Reagan; culture of wealth; materialism/consumption; credit; culture of greed.


Affirmation Action at the University of Michigan

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the court cases that questioned the role of Affirmative Action at the University of Michigan.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Affirmative Action; discrimination; race & gender in colleges & universities; minorities & equality; University of Michigan cases; court rulings.


Express Yourself

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: During the 1980s and 1990s, Americans experienced increasing personal freedom and new opportunities for self-expression.  This video examines this trend by focusing on pop culture, the rise of "yuppies," and the changing lives of women.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 1980s/1990s; personal freedom/self-expression; Rubik's cube/Prince/Madonna; yuppies; Three's Company/Dolly Parton; independent women; Leave It To Beaver; family roles.


Harder Than Rocket Science

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a brief summary analysis of how and why the meanings of American identity, freedom, and equality changed during the last decades of the 20th century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Freedom; identity; equality; race/ethnicity; Latinos; Asians; diversity; globalization of identity.


Immigration: The Next Generation

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the causes and consequences of recent immigration to America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Immigrants; immigration law/1965 Immigration Act; Asians/Asian-Americans; family reunification; Latinos; ethnic diversity; Lexington, Nebraska; IBP Meat Packing; ESL classes; cultural enrichment; Chinatown; ethnic/American identity.


Immigration: “Lexington, Nebraska

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video focuses on a small town in Nebraska that was transformed by Latino immigration.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Immigration/immigrants; Lexington, Nebraska; IBP Meat Packing; ESL classes; cultural barriers/enrichment


Just Say No

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video briefly analyzes the increase in drug use that occurred in America during the 1980s, and how drug use and violence brought about a social backlash. 

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Drugs; War on Drugs; Nancy Reagan; violence; prisons; social change; 1980s/1990s; generational perspectives.


Life in the Fast Lane

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provokes thought about how the rapid social change that occurred in America during the 1980s and 1990s affected American identity, freedom, and equality.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Social change; "life in the fast lane"; personal freedom; equality; American identity; 1980s/1990s.


Living in America

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines major social issues of the 1980s and 1990s, including family lifestyles, personal freedoms, drug use, violence, and reactions to these changes.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 1980s/1990s; "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous"; pop culture; Ronald Reagan; culture of wealth; materialism/consumption; credit; culture of greed; personal freedom/self-expression; Rubik's cube/Prince/Madonna; yuppies; Three's Company/Dolly Parton; independent women; Leave It To Beaver; family roles; drugs; War on Drugs; Nancy Reagan; violence; prisons; generational perspectives.


Race Matters

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the state of race relations in contemporary America and the ongoing debates about affirmative action.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Civil Rights agenda; discrimination; upward mobility; affirmative action; Lyndon B. Johnson; race & gender in colleges & universities; minorities & equality; University of Michigan cases; court rulings.



The End of the Cold War – 9 videos

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After the Cold War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This brief video explains how developments after the end of the cold war redefined the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: United States military & economic supremacy; demise of Soviet Union; rise of non-state actors/terrorists; Al Qaeda.


Berlin Wall comes down

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the fall of the Berlin wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the costs and benefits of the Cold War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cold War; the Berlin Wall; George Kennan/containment/soft power; Soviet Union's collapse.


Hostage Crisis

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a brief analysis of the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979-80 and its effect on American politics.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: American Hostages in Iran; Islamic Revolutionaries/The Shah of Iran; President Carter; Presidential Election of 1980; President Reagan; release of the hostages.


On Humanitarian Grounds

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how the concept of humanitarian intervention gained favor during the Clinton administration and how and why such intervention was unevenly applied.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: President Clinton; Humanitarian Intervention/Human Rights; Serbia/Kosovo/Milosevic; Rwanda/Hutus/Tutsis; Genocide.


Star Wars

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the escalation of U.S. military spending in the 1980s as a strategy to bring pressure on the Soviet Union.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: President Reagan; Military Spending; Strategic Defense Initiative/Star Wars; Defense budgets.


The Cold War Heats Up

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the escalation of the Cold War in the early and mid-1980s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cold War; Soviet Union; Afghanistan; Nicaragua; Contras/Sandinistas; Iran-Contra Affair; Oliver North; President Reagan; Defense Spending; Star Wars


The Cold War: Contras

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the Iran-Contra Affair of the mid-1980s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cold War; Nicaragua; Contras/Sandinista Government; Iran-Contra Affair; Oliver North; President Reagan; public response.


The End of the Soviet Union

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video segment examines the end of the Cold War and its costs and benefits.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Mikhail Gorbachev; perestroika/glasnost; Ronald Reagan; the Cold War; Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan; the demise of communism in Eastern Europe; the Berlin Wall; containment policies; Soviet Union's collapse.


The New World Order

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes U.S. diplomacy, intervention, and mediation in the post-Cold War world of the 1990s.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: United States foreign policy; George H. W. Bush; Saddam Hussein/United Nations/Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; U.S.-led UN coalition; Persian Gulf War of 1991; The Clinton Administration's foreign policy; Slobodan Milosevic/Serbia/Kosovo; Human rights violations; Genocide; Rwanda; Conflicts in the Middle East; Israel/ Palestinians.



A New Awakening: Globalization & Terrorism – 12 videos

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VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001 and the responses to those attacks.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 9-11/September 11, 2001; New York City/World Trade Center; Washington D.C./Pentagon; George W. Bush; Department of Homeland Security; government surveillance; Patriot Act; terrorism; John Ashcroft; individual freedom/civil liberties; Beethoven/"Ode to Joy."


A Preventive War

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq in a preventive strike aimed at removing Saddam Hussein from power.  This video analyzes the build-up to the invasion, the resulting U.S. occupation of Iraq, and the consequences of America's actions.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: George W. Bush; war on terror; Al-Qaeda; National Security Strategy; pre-emptive war/preventive war; Iraq; Saddam Hussein; weapons of mass destruction; United Nations Security Council; Iraqi invasion/occupation; 2004 presidential election; polarization.


A Very Dark World

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video describes one way of coping with the darkness surrounding life in the post-9-11 world.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 9-11/September 11, 2001; Beethoven/"Ode to Joy."


Consequences of Globalization

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Some of the consequences of globalization include job loss, inadequate worker protection, and environmental deterioration.  These issues are examined in this video.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Globalization; Third World countries; occupational health & safety; labor unions/workers' rights; environmental protection; ecology; China/India.


Creative Destruction

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video focuses on the accelerating globalization of culture and the consequences of this development.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Globalization; culture/Internet; national interests/nationalism; Joseph Schempeter/"creative destruction."


Day of Terror

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Focusing on the events of September 11, 2001, this video combines first-person accounts of the day with a broader outline of the attack on America.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 9-11/September 11, 2001; New York City/World Trade Center; Washington D.C./Pentagon.


Free Trade

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the role free trade plays in economic globalization.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: E.M. Forster; globalization; exchange of information, population, culture, disease, & contraband; free trade; eliminating barriers; tariffs; standards of living; NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement); Ross Perot; automobiles/Toyota; Mexico/North America; regional labor issues.



VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides an introduction to an examination of globalization in the early 21st century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Globalization; technology; "global village"; telecommunications/foreign trade/ international relations/corporations.


New Opportunity, New Vulnerability

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the economic, social and cultural effects of contemporary globalization.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: E.M. Forster; globalization; exchange of information, population, culture, disease, & contraband; free trade; eliminating barriers; tariffs; standards of living; NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement); Ross Perot; automobiles/Toyota; Mexico/North America; regional labor issues; Third World countries; occupational health & safety; labor unions/workers' rights; environmental protection; ecology; China/India; culture/Internet; national interests/nationalism; Joseph Schempeter/"creative destruction."


The Greatest Risk

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video assesses how developments since 9-11 have redefined the relationship of the United States with the rest of the world.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: U.S. power & wealth; admiration/fear; immigrants/terrorists; national security/ liberty, national interests/internationalism; military might/moral authority; weapons of mass destruction; unilateralism/multi-lateralism; arrogance/soft power.


The War on Terror

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the post-9-11 foreign policy decisions and actions of the George W. Bush administration, including the "war on terrorism," the concept of preventive war, and the Iraqi War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: George W. Bush; war on terror; Al-Qaeda/Osama Bin Laden; Timothy McVeigh; Afghanistan; Saudi Arabia; National Security Strategy; pre-emptive war/preventive war; Iraq; Saddam Hussein; weapons of mass destruction; United Nations Security Council; Iraqi invasion/occupation; 2004 presidential election; polarization.


Trading Freedom for Security

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The federal government took many steps to increase national security after 9-11.  This video analyzes those steps and the inherent conflict between the need for security and the need for freedom.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: 9-11/September 11, 2001; Department of Homeland Security; government surveillance; Patriot Act; terrorism; John Ashcroft; individual freedom/civil liberties; 9-11 Commission.



Visions for the 21st Century – 2 videos

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A Nation of Families

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video addresses American values and opportunities through the experiences of a diverse array of representative American families.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: American identity, values, & opportunities; diversity of cultures; Hard times/Hard work; Good Times/Good Work; American Dream/Social Challenges.

DURATION: 10:56         

Visions for the 21st Century

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video addresses three challenges facing Americans in the 21st century: expanding social justice, living in harmony with nature, and reducing the killing in the world.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Dolores Huerta; Social Activism/Practicing Democracy/Social justice; Amory Lovins; Environment/Energy Consumption/Harmony with nature; James Blight; War/Weapons of Mass Destruction/Preservation of the Human Race/Creating fewer enemies.



Freedom, Equality, Identity -  7 videos 

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A Source of Endless Surprise

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video presents perspectives and provokes thought about what American history can teach us.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Freedom/Equality/Justice; Responsibilities of Every American; Understanding Complexity; Pursuit of Truth; History constantly changes


America at the Crossroads

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video places post Civil War America in the context of the themes of identity, freedom and equality.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: A status check of the meanings of American identity, freedom, and equality in 1876; the tension between freedom and equality.


America in 1900

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the changing concept of American identity at the dawn of the 20th century. As America became a prominent force in the world during the late 19th century, it began to identify itself as a model of free society for the rest of the world. However, internally, the struggle between freedom and equality continued.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: American identity; Native-Americans; African-Americans; Chinese, Asian, European, Mexican Immigrants; native-born white Americans; American freedom and equality.


America in 1945

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how and why the concepts of freedom, equality, and identity had been transformed in America from 1900 to 1945 and the challenges facing America as the leader of the “free world.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Americanism/American Identity; Great Depression/World War II/labor movement; immigrants/African Americans/expansive & pluralistic society; Armed Forces; equality/freedom/segregation; women; “the free world” v. totalitarism.


America in 1976

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video assesses the state of American identity, equality, and freedom in 1976.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Bicentennial/1976; Americanism/American identity; re-tribalization/identity politics; cultural pride; anti-discrimination laws/discrimination; equality/inequalities; personal freedom; laissez-faire; equality and freedom.


America in the 21st Century

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides an assessment of American equality, freedom, and identity in the early 21st century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Freedom; Equality; Equal Opportunity/Discrimination; Social good/private good; Identity; Diversity/Unity.


Who Are Americans?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: A diverse array of prominent American historians offer questions to think about before beginning to study American history after the Civil War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Topics addressed prompt thoughts about the transformation of America economically, politically, socially, and in world affairs.



Overview Selection from the Dallas TeleLearning List – Visual Resources Showing Changes from 1750 to the 21st Century

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America in 1750

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the development of American identity in the colonial period and the degree of freedom being exercised during that era.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Cultural experiences in forming an American identity;Colonial America; Freedom; Limits of freedom; Slavery; American Indians; Women's freedom/Power of Men; Freedom in world perspective.


America in 1800

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of how the revolutionary era shaped America both at that time and for the future.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Annapolis, Maryland/Liberty Tree/symbol of patriotism/ Revolutionary War/Sons of Liberty; freedom; Declaration of Independence; Liberty an "inalienable right"; Freedom universalized; Democratization of freedom; Political freedom; Women; slaves/African Americans; American Indians/"civilization program"; land/geography; America's future.



America in 1848

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides a summary analysis of the status of American identity and freedom in 1848.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Freedom; "Manifest Destiny"; American Identity; Mexican Americans; American Indians; free labor; African Americans; abolition/slavery; women's rights; Declaration of Sentiments; universal freedom; boundaries of freedom.



Who Are Americans?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: A diverse array of prominent American historians offer questions to think about before beginning to study American history after the Civil War.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Topics addressed prompt thoughts about the transformation of America economically, politically, socially, and in world affairs.


America in 1876

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video analyzes the status of freedom in America in 1876, particularly as it related to American Indians, women, and African Americans.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Freedom; boundaries of freedom; American Indians; Reservations; identity; women's rights; 14th amendment; "privilege"; African Americans; gains/concerns; meanings of freedom; "contested idea."


America in 1900

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines the changing concept of American identity at the dawn of the 20th century. As America became a prominent force in the world during the late 19th century, it began to identify itself as a model of free society for the rest of the world. However, internally, the struggle between freedom and equality continued.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: American identity; Native-Americans; African-Americans; Chinese, Asian, European, Mexican Immigrants; native-born white Americans; American freedom and equality.


America in 1945

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video examines how and why the concepts of freedom, equality, and identity had been transformed in America from 1900 to 1945 and the challenges facing America as the leader of the “free world.”

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Americanism/American Identity; Great Depression/World War II/labor movement; immigrants/African Americans/expansive & pluralistic society; Armed Forces; equality/freedom/segregation; women; “the free world” v. totalitarism.


America in 1976

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video assesses the state of American identity, equality, and freedom in 1976.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Bicentennial/1976; Americanism/American identity; re-tribalization/identity politics; cultural pride; anti-discrimination laws/discrimination; equality/inequalities; personal freedom; laissez-faire; equality and freedom.


America in the 21st Century

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This video provides an assessment of American equality, freedom, and identity in the early 21st century.

CONTENT ELEMENTS: Freedom; Equality; Equal Opportunity/Discrimination; Social good/private good; Identity; Diversity/Unity.




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