1. Many of the reforms pushed by the Populists, including the income tax and direct election of Senators, a. Had disastrous effects when implemented. b. Were very successful in changing society. *c. Were implemented by the progressives. d. Had no effect on their intended areas. e. Were later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. 2. Which of the following was not a method adopted during the Progressive Era to improve government? a. Initiative b. Recall *c. Term limits d. Direct primary e. Referendum 3. Robert M. LaFollette is the leading symbol of what area of reform during the Progressive Era, an era of reform meant to be a “laboratory of democracy”? a. City *b. State c. Nation d. Trusts 4. Among the methods of applying efficiency to city government are all except: *a. The Ohio system b. The commission system c. The city-manager system 5. Frederick Winslow Taylor and the gospel of efficiency are best associated with which concept? *a. Scientific management b. Social Darwinism c. Reform capitalism d. Neo-conservatism e. Gospel of wealth 6. This owner of a best-selling magazine could be considered the father of the muckrakers and their style of writing: a. Upton Sinclair. b. Theodore Roosevelt. c. Wilfred Brimley. *d. Samuel McClure. e. Ida Tarbell. 7. "Scientific management" or Taylorism a. Was developed by Henry Ford. *b. Tried to teach workers how to do a specific job without wasted motion. c. Was opposed by businesses because of its ties to unions. d. Was welcomed by workers because it allowed them the freedom to concentrate on one task only. 8. Areas investigated by muckrakers for newspapers and magazines (such as McClure’s) included meatpacking (Upton Sinclair), city government (Lincoln Steffens), and Standard Oil (Ida Tarbell). *a. True b. False 9. This President is associated with the Square Deal and later the New Nationalism, with his assisting labor as well as industry in the 1902 coal strike, and with his policy of aiding or stopping trusts dependent on his view of their acting in the public interest. a. William McKinley *b. Theodore Roosevelt c. William Howard Taft d. Woodrow Wilson e. E. V. Debs 10. This President is associated with being caught between the Theodore Roosevelt wing of the Republican Party and the big business wing of that party on varied issues, including the tariff and conservation (in the Ballinger-Pinchot dispute): a. William McKinley b. Theodore Roosevelt *c. William Howard Taft d. Woodrow Wilson e. E. V. Debs 11. This President is associated with the New Freedom and with his push for a Federal Trade Commission to oversee business practices, including of trusts as they evolved, and with being the first president since the Civil War to openly endorse discrimination against African Americans: a. William McKinley b. Theodore Roosevelt c. William Howard Taft *d. Woodrow Wilson e. E. V. Debs 12. The Federal Reserve Act passed during Woodrow Wilson’s term set up a board (“the Fed”) with the ability to a. Determine the amount of money in circulation. b. Respond to cyclical business changes. c. Expand or contract the nation's credit. *d. All of the listed answers e. None of the listed answers 13. The first monopoly broken up by President Theodore Roosevelt was a. U.S. Steel. *b. Northern Securities Company. c. IGN Railroad. d. American Oil Corporation. e. General Electric. 14. Part of Wilson’s anti-trust program was a. The abolishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission. b. The creation of the Bureau of Corporations. *c. The creation of the Federal Trade Commission. d. The abolishment of the Railroad Commission. e. The reenactment of the Bank of the United States. 15. This lowered tariff rates for the first time since the Civil War and introduced an income tax to substitute for lost revenues from the tariff. a. Hart-Smoot Act b. Dingley Tariff *c. Underwood-Simmons Tariff d. North American Free Trade Agreement e. Federal Reserve Act 16. Whereas Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalism plan wanted to ________ trusts, Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom plan wanted to________ them. a. Eliminate, regulate *b. Regulate, eliminate c. Promote, contain d. Encourage, limit e. Contain, encourage 17. Which of the following was not a goal of late 19th century progressives? a. Honest government b. Effective regulation of businesses c. Better lives for Americans d. Efficient government *e. Equality for minorities 18. Which of the following was not part of the “good government” movement of the Progressive Era? *a. Ending segregated schools b. Providing access to electricity c. Ensuring all drinking water was clean d. Providing for regular garbage collection e. Implementing mass transit systems 19. Who is best associated with the Hull House, a settlement house in a working class area of Chicago? *a. Jane Addams b. Ida Tarbell c. Upton Sinclair d. Betsy Braddock e. Angela Sims 20. Among the varied advocates of the “social gospel” was Walter Rauchenbusch, who supported the rights of worker to form unions and who spoke out against racial segregation and efforts to discriminate against immigrants. a. True *b. False 21. During the Great War (World War I), African American men fought *a. In racially segregated units. b. Alongside whites. c. In African American units with African American officers. d. Only in Russia. e. Only in the Army. 22. Women in “war work”—those who were encouraged to take over jobs previously held by men—were usually able to keep their jobs after the war. a. True *b. False 23. The movement of more than 400,000 southern blacks to northern cities during the war and through the 1920s was known as the a. Big Move. b. Big Migration. *c. Great Migration. d. Exodusting. e. Dust Bowl. 24. As a result of the economic expansion during the Great War (World War I), ___________ moved to ________________ in cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Houston. a. Latinos, ghettos b. African Americans, ghettos c. Chinese, Chinatowns *d. Latinos, barrios e. Irish, ghettos 25. During the Great War (World War I), what countries made up the Allied Powers? a. France, the United States, England b. Italy, France, Austria-Hungary c. France, Great Britain, Italy *d. France, Great Britain, Russia e. Italy, the United States, Great Britain 26. Casualties were staggering in the Great War (World War I), mainly because of new technologies. Which of the following was not used in the Great War? a. Flame throwers b. Poison gas c. Armored tanks *d. Atomic weapons e. Land mines 27. In the Zimmerman telegram __________________ urged ____________ to invade the United States. *a. Germany, Mexico b. Great Britain, France c. Germany, Russia d. Germany, Canada e. Canada, Mexico 28. Which of the following statements regarding President Wilson is inaccurate? a. Wilson was very well educated. b. Wilson believed fiercely in Christianity. c. Wilson was a dedicated supporter of American democracy. *d. Wilson had a great deal of international relations experience when he was elected. e. Wilson did not mention foreign affairs in his inaugural address. 29. In order to wage the Great War (World War I), the United States government did all of the following except *a. Draft millions of young women. b. Draft millions of young men. c. Force industry to meet wartime needs. d. Compel farmers to meet wartime needs. e. Take over railroads. 30. As the primaries for Chapter 21 illustrate, during the Great War (World War I), the Espionage and Sedition Acts *a. Stifled free speech. b. Sent convicted spies to Canada. c. Set up detainment camps for Japanese-Americans. d. Deported thousands of Mexicans to Mexico. e. Was used by Wilson against Democrats. 31. _____________ led the ________________, a group of determined Communist revolutionaries in Russia in 1917. a. Karl Marx, Socialists b. Leon Trotsky, Trotskyites *c. Vladimir Lenin, Bolsheviks d. Samuel Gompers, Bolsheviks e. Eugene V. Debs, Socialists 32. Which of the following statement’s regarding President Wilson’s Fourteen Points is incorrect? a. The Fourteen Points called for the creation of a peace league. b. The Central Powers had to leave specified territories. *c. The Fourteen Points called for racial equality. d. The Fourteen Points called for self-determination of previously dominated groups. e. The Fourteen Points called for freedoms of the seas. 33. When the United States entered the Great War (World War I), American troops were most needed a. On the Eastern Front. b. In Russia. *c. On the Western Front. d. In Great Britain. e. In the Pacific Ocean. 34. _______________ are the payment of money for war damages. *a. Reparations b. Retributions c. Tributes d. Taxes e. Tariffs 35. Wilson offended many in Congress when he did not choose Senator _______________ to accompany him to the peace negotiations. *a. Henry Cabot Lodge b. John L. Lewis c. Eugene V. Debs d. William Howard Taft e. Theodore Roosevelt 36. Which of the following statements regarding the Treaty of Versailles is incorrect? a. The United States never ratified the treaty. b. The treaty with Wilson’s Fourteen Points was a failure. c. Wilson’s health suffered greatly because of the treaty. d. The Treaty of Versailles left Germany weak and isolated. *e. Ultimately the Treaty of Versailles was a great success. 37. President Wilson believed that the keystone to ensuring lasting world peace was a. The United Nations. *b. The League of Nations. c. The end of the Bolsheviks. d. The utter destruction of Germany. e. Higher tariffs. 38. In 1919, the same year the Great War (World War I) officially concluded, the United States saw all of the following except *a. Full employment. b. Terrorist bombings. c. Strikes by 20% of the work force because of rising prices of goods. d. Race riots. e. Women’s suffrage passed by Congress as a proposed amendment to the Constitution 39. Fear of foreign terrorists and radicalism led to the ______________ at the end of the 1910s. *a. First Red Scare b. Rise of the Populist party c. End of the Democratic party d. Formation of the Central Intelligence Agency e. End of the American Socialist party 40. Which of the following statements regarding America in the immediate aftermath of the Great War (World War I) is correct? a. Employment was on the rise. b. Racial tensions were declining. c. Americans felt they were doing better economically. *d. The peace did not bring stability to America. e. Americans felt safe at home. 41. Which of the following did not benefit from a post–World War I economic boom? *a. Farmers b. Automobile manufacturers c. Radio companies d. Movie theaters e. Construction companies 42. In the 20th century, __________ replaced the 19th century’s ____________ -based economy. a. Car manufacturing; wagon *b. Consumer goods; agriculture c. Farming; industrial d. War material; industrial e. Wartime manufacturing; peacetime 43. According to your textbook, what was the most significant economic and social development of the early 20th century? a. The airplane b. The radio c. The movie theater *d. The automobile e. The suburbs 44. Henry Ford revolutionized the industrial process by perfecting the a. Model T. *b. Assembly line process. c. Corliss steam engine. d. Bessemer Process. e. Detroit Motor Park facility. 45. As the primaries for Chapter 22 illustrate, the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s was mainly a southern rural organization. A. True *b. False 46. The African American’s first literary and artistic movement is known as a. The Roaring Twenties. *b. The Harlem Renaissance. c. The Jazz Age. d. The Impressionist Period. e. The Manhattan Movement. 47. Women in the 1920s who rebelled against conventional dress, hairstyles, and what was considered to be “ladylike” were commonly called a. Gibson girls b. Dames. c. Feminists. *d. Flappers. e. Zeldas. 48. The increasingly bold discussions about sex that occurred during the 1920s were a result of the writings of *a. Sigmund Freud. b. Alfred Lloyd Tennyson. c. William H. Macy. d. F. Scott Fitzgerald. e. William Kennedy. 49. Robert M. LaFollette said, “The chief business of the American people is business.” a. True *b. False 50. The biggest scandal under President Hoover was the Teapot Dome affair of 1930. a. True *b. False 51. The _______ Trial about evolution is a classic example of modernism versus fundamentalism. a. Sacco and Vanzetti b. Plessy vs. Ferguson *c. Scopes d. Dred Scott e. White Primary 52. The 1920s included laws encouraging immigration from southern and eastern Europe. a. True *b. False 53. Harding’s 1920 campaign for presidency revolved around what saying? *a. “Return to Normalcy” b. “A New Deal” c. “A Square Deal” d. “The New Frontier” e. “The New Freedom” 54. France and England tried to repay their World War I debts to the United States by collecting reparations from a. Italy. b. Russia. *c. Germany. d. Bulgaria. e. Turkey. 55. After World War I came to an end, the United States actively practiced ______________ in its relations with the rest of the world. a. Globalization b. Capitalism *c. Isolationism d. Socialism e. Neo-conservatism 56. Although the end of Great War (World War I) brought unemployment, the remainder of the 1920s had generally good working conditions. The result of this was: a. Collective bargaining became very popular to ensure the best pay for union members. *b. Unions had a hard time recruiting members. c. Prices rose and working hours increased. d. Child labor became more abundant as the need for laborers increased. e. Companies actively recruited people in other nations to move to the United States to take jobs. 57. In the 1920s, many investors bought stocks on margin—that is, with borrowed funds. *a. True b. False 58. Which of the following statements regarding the American economy at the end of the 1920s is incorrect? a. Workers’ wages had not risen along with increased productivity. b. Employers and business owners often enjoyed large profits. *c. Workers were paid wages that were too high. d. Fewer workers were joining unions. e. Factories and mills were producing goods that had no buyers. 59. By 1932, how many Americans were out of work as a result of the Great Depression? a. 1 in 2 b. 2 in 3 c. 1 in 3 *d. 1 in 4 e. 2 in 4 60. In response to the crises of the Great Depression, states deported ____________ and _______________. a. Filipinos, Chinese b. Japanese, Chinese c. Filipinos, Mexicans d. Mexicans, Chinese *e. Mexican Americans, their American-born children 61. As the Great Depression lengthened, President Hoover did all of the following except what? a. He organized conferences at the White House for various American leaders to meet. b. He asked people to keep up hope. *c. He asked union leaders to organize strikes. d. He urged states to follow through on construction projects. e. He placed his trust in American capitalism. 62. Who made up the so-called Bonus Expeditionary Force? a. Hobos and tramps b. Members of state militias *c. World War I veterans d. Out-of-work women e. People left homeless by the Dust Bowl 63. Republican Herbert Hoover’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation was created to do what? a. Buy houses that had been foreclosed on *b. Make loans to struggling banks, life-insurance companies, and railroads c. Aid the hungry d. Provide shelter to the homeless e. Provide jobs to the unemployed 64. Hoover was a member of what political party? a. Democrat *b. Republican c. Populist d. Bull Moose e. Federalist 65. Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt faced four major challenges when he first took office. They included all of the following except? a. Reviving the industrial economy b. Alleviating widespread American suffering c. Rescuing the farming sector of the economy *d. Aiding European governments abroad e. Reforming the economy, including banking and the stock market, to prevent another Great Depression 66. During the First New Deal, Congress established the Securities and Exchange Commission *a. Regulated the sale of stocks and bonds, including requiring companies that sold their stock to the public to disclose information so purchasers of stocks knew about they were buying b. Set up the Wall Street Stock Exchange. c. Created the NASDAQ. d. Instituted a four day bank holiday. e. Made speculation illegal. 67. As the primaries for Chapter 23 show, this New Deal program tried to stop the falling prices for farm products and livestock by reducing farm production: *a. AAA b. CCC c. TVA d. NRA e. FERA 68. To stop the banking panic and to prevent future crises, the First New Deal a. Instituted a four-day national bank holiday to investigate the stability of existing banks so only stable banks could reopen b. Set up the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) to insure the deposits of customer savings accounts c. Restricted these banks from using the savings of depositors to purchase stocks *d. All of the listed answers e. None of the listed answers 69. Among those pushing the New Deal from both the left and the right was this Louisiana native known as the “Kingfish” who proposed the “Share-the-Wealth Plan” to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and redistribute the money to “the people.” *a. Huey P. Long. b. Francis E. Townsend. c. Charles E. Coughlin. d. Harry Hopkins. e. Henry A. Wallace. 70. Among those pushing the New Deal from both the left and the right was Francis E. Townsend. The Townsend Plan proposed to give money to what segment of the American population? a. African Americans *b. Senior citizens c. Native Americans d. Mexican Americans e. Women 71. Among those pushing the New Deal from both the left and the right was the “radio priest” Charles E. Coughlin in. His weekly broadcasts became increasingly anti-Semitic during the 1930s, including praising Hitler for his attack on Jews. *a. True b. False 72. Which of the following statements regarding African Americans and the New Deal is incorrect? a. Eleanor Roosevelt was an outspoken champion of African Americans. *b. African Americans were greatly helped by the New Deal. c. President Roosevelt did little to deal with existing American racism. d. New Deal programs often discriminated against African Americans. e. President Roosevelt was quite traditional on matters of race. 73. Because the Great Depression was especially hard on American senior citizens and those with disabilities, the Second New Deal included the a. Agricultural Adjustment Act. *b. Social Security Act. c. Wagner Act. d. National Industrial Recovery Act. e. Wealth-Tax Act. 74. The Second New Deal focused on all of the following except *a. A reduction in taxes. b. A new federal construction program to employ the jobless. c. Banking reforms. d. Increased taxes for the wealthy. e. Programs to aid the old and infirm. 75. The so-called Wagner Act a. Regulated the stock market. b. Protected American homeowners. c. Worked to end unions in America. *d. Guaranteed American workers the right to organize. e. Protected the civil rights of African Americans. 76. In 1937, President Roosevelt tried to add six new justices to the Supreme Court. Why? a. He wanted to mount a coup. *b. He wanted to change the court’s makeup to aid his policies. c. He did not trust the justices already in place. d. Congress gave him that right. e. He believed the existing justices were overworked. 77. Heading into the Second World War, _______ and _____ embraced fascism. a. Japan, England *b. Germany, Italy c. Turkey, Russia d. Russia, England e. Germany, Poland 78. During the Second World War, __________ and __________ were led to believe they were members of a race superior to anyone else. *a. Japan, Germany b. Germany, Italy c. England, Russia d. France, Germany e. Poland, Yugoslavia 79. Which of the following was not a target of Hitler’s Nazi party? a. Jews b. Gypsies c. Communists *d. Capitalists 80. As Chancellor, Hitler created a secret police force known as a. Fuhrer. b. Lebensraum. *c. Gestapo. d. Mafiaso. e. Schnell. 81. Large numbers of Americans of German, Italian, and Japanese descent were incarcerated during World War II. a. True *b. False 82. With millions of men being drafted into the service, _______ took their places in the workforce. *a. Women b. Illegal immigrants c. African Americans d. Technology e. Japanese 83. African American soldiers generally served in desegregated units during World War II. a. True *b. False 84. In an attempt to appease Hitler’s land hunger, British Prime Minister ______________ met with Hitler in Munich and secured a treaty that he declared provided “peace for our time.” a. Edouard Daladier b. Winston Churchill *c. Neville Chamberlain d. Benito Mussolini e. Benjamin Disraeli 85. World War II started when a. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. *b. The Germans invaded Poland. c. England declared war on Germany after they invaded France. d. France was defeated by Germany. e. The United States declared war on Japan. 86. At the start of World War II, citizens of the United States a. Demanded the United States declare war on England. b. Demanded the United States declare war on Germany. c. Formed associations to send money and necessary items to England. *d. Maintained their isolationist stance e. Pushed for a peace treaty between Germany and England. 87. What inspired FDR to set up the Manhattan Project? *a. Einstein warned him that the Germans were working on the same project. b. He saw it as a way to get revenge on Japan for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. c. He wanted to be able to provide clean, cheap energy. d. He saw it as a way to scare Stalin after the war was over. e. He wanted to use it against the Germans to end the war quickly. 88. The __________ allowed the president to provide military aid to any nation that he deemed needed it. a. Cash Carry Bill b. Logan Act *c. Lend-Lease Bill d. War Powers Act e. Presidential Prerogative Plan 89. The Japanese Army’s first defeat during World War II occurred at the Battle of a. Midway. b. Coral Sea. *c. Guadalcanal. d. New Guinea. e. Australia. 90. The process employed in the Pacific during World War II in which an island under occupation by the Japanese was ignored in favor of an island closer to the Japanese homeland was called *a. Leapfrogging. b. Skipping. c. Hopscotch. d. Daisy chain. e. Aggressive diplomacy. 91. Thanks to World War II, United States workers *a. Experienced a better life than they had since the Great Depression. b. Lost quite a few jobs. c. Experienced a worse life than they had since the Great Depression. d. Were forced to work unpaid overtime to meet demand. e. Were able to get raises to help with rising costs. 92. The United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. *a. True b. False 93. As the primaries for Chapter 24 show, this American understood the risk of possible failure of the Allied invasion of Europe on D-Day. The Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force was: *a. Dwight Eisenhower. b. Bernard Montgomery. c. George S. Patton. d. William McKinley. e. James McPherson. 94. Upon reaching the interior of Germany, American soldiers discovered a. Signs of Hitler’s nuclear program. *b. The Jewish concentration camps. c. Hitler’s experimental laboratory. d. The Germans’ last ditch effort to drive the Allies back into the sea. e. That the Soviets had beat them to capturing Hitler. 95. Which of the following statements is not true? *a. After the Second World War, the United States returned to isolationism. b. After World War II, the cold war began. c. After World War II, Stalin did not live up to the agreements he made at Yalta. d. For every American killed in World War II, the Russians lost 59. e. World War II was the largest and costliest war in human history. 96. To prevent another world war from erupting after the second one came to an end, the _____________ was created. a. League of Nations *b. United Nations c. Guardians of the Globe d. World League Organization e. World Court 97. Which of the following statements is correct? a. After World War II, Stalin lived up to his promises to respect his Eastern European neighbors’ borders. *b. After World War II, presidential authority increased at the expense of congressional and state power. c. During World War II, the United States experienced a minor economic recession. d. After World War II, the United States refused to join the United Nations. e. After World War II, the United States experienced an economic recession. 98. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office, he was succeeded by a. Dwight D. Eisenhower. *b. Harry S Truman. c. Lyndon Baines Johnson. d. Richard M. Nixon. e. Herbert Hoover.