Possible Essay Questions for Unit 1: From New World to New Empires - the 16th Century to 1763


How Do the 2 Essays Work with the Online Exams?

The 2 essays on the online exam work this way.

§         You write 2 essays on the exam that ends the Unit. You can prepare because you see all of the possible questions below.

§         When you actually click on the exam essays, Blackboard displays choices for each of those essays so students see different tests. You can write on either one of the choices.


Timing of your work:

§         You may do it any time between 12:01 AM on the first day in the schedule to 11:59 PM on the last day.

§         You have 25 minutes to write your essay. As with all quizzes and exams, you must complete your work within that time.


General Tip about Identifying Information in the Textbook That You Need to Read Carefully

General Tip: You can identify information about significant and representative events that you need to read about carefully by:

§         Using the index at the back of the textbook with the general words in the question

§         Using the Reading Quiz questions for this Unit to find specific words to use in the index at the back of the textbook

How Are Essays Graded?

Essays are graded based on your understanding of the history and using the Evidence Checklist/Rubric. These links may help:

§         For examples of student essays – using student examples from the History Changes Essay for both United States History 1 and 2

§         For how I use the Evidence Checklist/Rubric in grading

§         For how to work in ways that prevent the errors marked with the Evidence Checklist/Rubric

§         For a method for preparing to write a practical essay—one faster and more accurate than any method I have seen yet

Possible Choices You Will Have for Question 1

Blackboard will display two of these to choose from.  You write on either one. You must use the required readings provided at the same link you used for the History Changes Essay

§         Servitude in English Colonies in South – Early 1600s (What varied things happened to Africans sold in early Virginia)

§         Slavery in English Colonies in South – Late 1600s

§         Indenture– Pre-1676 in South (Before Bacon’s Rebellion)
Note: In the textbook, the phrase used for indentured servants in some locations is English servants.

§         Indenture– Post-1676 in South (After Bacon’s Rebellion)

Possible Choices You Will Have for Question 2

In learning the information you need for the essays, you must use content from our textbook. In most cases, the index at the back of the book will help you locate the content. Just make sure that you use chapters for this Unit, not an earlier or later Unit. As shown below, I provide help when needed:

§         If the index cannot help you, I provide a link stating sections of the book that will help you.

§         If my resources will help you understand content, I provide a tip.


Blackboard will display two of these to choose from. You write on either one.

§         nation-states competing in North America from about 1600 to about 1763 (Tip: Look at the Resources and the nation states compared with Quiz A’s content. Then notice how they change especially by the wars for empire covered in Quiz C’s content.)

§         feudalism and how nation-states applied it in North America until about 1700 (Locations in the textbook)

§         John Calvin and the influence of his beliefs on at least one colony in New England

§         Protestant Reformation and the development of the Middle Colonies

§         The Great Awakening

§         The Enlightenment






Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2012


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History – Dr. Bibus


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