Possible Essay Questions for Unit 2: From Making a Revolution to Making a Nation -1763 to 1830s

General Tips

Maps That Apply to Both Question 1 and Question 2

Possible Choices You Will Have for Question 1

Possible Choices You Will Have for Question 2


General Tips

When you read, you identify significant and representative events. When you write, you select from those significant and representative events. You are not writing every fact in the textbook.

You can identify information about significant and representative events that you need to read about carefully by:

§  Using the index at the back of the textbook with the general words in the question

§  Using the quiz questions for this Unit to find specific words to use in the index at the back of the textbook

If those two things are not enough, I will provide tips to resources or to specific locations in the textbook. If you feel you need more help, just ask.

Maps That Apply to Both Question 1 and Question 2


·         Make sure you notice where the Northwest Territories are. If you use the index to look up both Northwest Ordinances and Northwest Territory, you will understand better.

·         Also use the map in Unit 2. The description of that map explains the Missouri Compromise in the context of both the Louisiana Purchase and the Northwest Territories.

Possible Choices You Will Have for Question 1

You will have two of these to choose from. You write on either one.

1.     The Declaration of Independence and what it says about revolution and what it shows about Daniel Shays’s Rebellion
Tip: For this and the next, read the textbook on Daniel Shays and on the Declaration of Independence

2.     Daniel Shays’s Rebellion and why the Constitution developed

3.     The Northwest Ordinances and what it shows about settlement of the Northwest (include slavery)

Possible Choices You Will Have for Question 2

You will have two of these to choose from. You write on either one.

1.     The connections between the Louisiana Purchase and the Missouri Compromise

2.     The Cherokee Indians and how happens to them shows about the Supreme Court and the Presidency in the 1830s
Tip:  You can find what happens in the 1830s by looking up Cherokee in the index. You will find a reference to one of the two legal cases before the Supreme Court and to a section on Indian removal and to President Jackson himself.
Caution: Judicial review was established as a principle in Marbury vs. Madison, but it was still a new one and this President ignored the Supreme Court. 






Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013


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