Possible Essay Questions for Unit 3: Transforming the
Nation - 1830s to 1877 |
When you read, you identify significant and representative events.
When you write, you select from those significant and representative events.
You are not writing every fact in the textbook.
You can identify information
about significant and representative
events that you need to read
about carefully by:
§ Using the index at the back
of the textbook with the general
words in the question
§ Using the quiz questions for
this Unit to find specific words to
use in the index at the back of the textbook
If those two things are not
enough, I will provide tips to resources or to specific locations in the
textbook. For examples, look at the tips for the possible choices for question
2 at the bottom of this webpage.
The narrow strip will include two of these to choose from. You write on either one.
What does the
Mexican War reveal about manifest destiny? (State at least two things it
reveals.) ·
What does
bleeding Kansas reveal about popular sovereignty? (State at least two things
it reveals.) ·
How do communes
reveal reform movements before the Civil War? (Cover at least two of these
communal groups.) ·
What is alike
and different about two of these three movements--the American Colonization
Society, the American Antislavery Society, and Free Soilers?
(Compare at least two traits.) ·
What is alike
and different about the North and South in the twenty years before the Civil
War? (Compare at least two traits.) |
The narrow strip will include two of these to choose from. You write on either one.
What is alike
and different about Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution ·
What are the
South’s black codes and what is the connection between them and the North’s
push for the14th Amendment to the Constitution? ·
Why did
Congress pass Military reconstruction?
- Tip: Look at Chapter
16 and the heading “The Reconstruction Act of 1867.” The first sentence will
tell you while this period is frequently called military reconstruction. Look at the 3 pages before that heading and
what the South and Andrew Johnson are doing. From that, you can tell why
Congress passed this law and the public in the North considered it
reasonable. ·
Why did the
Republican Party and the Democratic Party want the Compromise of 1877? |
Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013 |
WCJC Department: |
History – Dr. Bibus |
Contact Information: |
281.239.1577 or bibusc@wcjc.edu |
Last Updated: |
2013 |
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