Links from Your Instructor for Chapter 4



·         Examining Empire and the Colonies

Without answers for self-testing:  Why Do the Wars for Empire Matter?
With answers for observing patterns: 
Completed Tables on Why the Wars for Empire Matter
Purpose of This Link:

§  Notice how the colonists feel about these wars: what do their name for the wars tell you.

§  Notice how the wars end: how will the colonists feel about the results.

§  Finally, notice the frequency of the wars: what is distracting the English government at home and the English government in the colonies (a government that will need support from the colonial assemblies)


Background:  prime minister, Hanovers


·         Notice how the events prior to 1763 could be signs that no revolution would occur or that one would occur.

·         Why is boycotting British products a useful way to get Parliament to change?

·         How did boycotting build an infrastructure for revolution?


Caution regarding Slavery and 1776 and Great Britain and the Slave Trade, and in Great Britain Itself, and in its Colonies (like those on the Atlantic Seacoast), please read this on slavery and nations over time. You can see details on when Britain did something about slavery in its colonies and you can see the larger issues covered in the unabridged 9th Edition of your textbook.


Using the Link to Think about History:

Look at the three colonial sections and government and look at the colonies and at the wars for empire. What behaviors have the colonists been practicing?





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