Unit 1: From New World to New Empires – the 16th Century to 1776 (Lessons 1-4)

Study Guide 

The Unit Exam consists primarily of multiple choice questions in sets with different possible questions. The total value is 100 points. There are 25 questions in sets each at 4 points:

·        8 of the 25 questions come from Learning Quizzes (and concepts in Learning Quizzes help you understand content)

·        17 of them come from below.   The Instructor’s links provide visuals, frequently in tables, to help you compare facts to see similarities and differences. To be efficient in studying, use the Lesson links, not the textbook. (Ctrl-F is a wonderful way to find what you need.) 


The 5 Ws rule is a guide to understanding: you should know Who, What, When, Where, and Why—and sometimes How.


Lesson 1 –Use its 3 Learning Quizzes 1st

1.      Portuguese- plantation system and slave trade

2.      Spanish - Christopher Columbus

3.      Columbian exchange

4.      Treaty of Tordesillas (Line of Demarcation) – parts to Portugal and to Spain

5.      Spain and the Aztecs

6.      Spain and the encomienda system

7.      Representative Native Americans encountered:

·        Aztecs

·        Algonguians and Iroquois

8.      Traits of earliest wave of exploring nation states:

9.      Protestant Reformation-what it was and these religions with consequences on North America:

·        Roman Catholicism

·        Calvinism (in England Separatists and Puritans)

·        Anglicanism (Church of England)

10.   Location of colonization in the Americas, response to Native Americans, and who will win:

·        the Spanish (Spain)

·        the French (France)

·        the English (England)

·        the Dutch (the Netherlands)

Lesson 2 – Use the Learning Quiz on the Map 1st.

11.   Representative colonies and individuals:

·        Massachusetts – two Calvinist colonies Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay

·        Massachusetts Bay dissenters and why

·        Roger Williams (later founds Rhode Island)

·        Anne Hutchinson

·        Maryland and Catholics

·        William Penn, Pennsylvania, Quakers

·        Virginia, a planter economy (Anglican)

12.   Parliament and king as England’s government

13.   Servitude and rebellion – Use the Learning Quiz on Scarcity and Surplus 1st and its recommended video

·        Virginia and Africans and indentured servants (later landless freemen) pre-1660 and post-1660

·        Bacon’s Rebellion of English landless freeman – what happens and why

Lesson 3 – Use its 2 Learning Quizzes 1st.
You build on what you learned in Lesson 2.

14.   Significant traits of the 3 sections and what colonies (future states) are in each:

·        New England Colonies

·        Middle Colonies

·        Southern Colonies

15.   Stono Rebellion of slaves and South Carolina – what happened and why there?

16.   Government within the colonies:

·        Voting by colonists

·        Representative assemblies in the colonies

·        Taxation by colonial assemblies-power of the purse

·        Established churches

17.   Major movements and individuals in the 1700s:

·         Great Awakening

·        Enlightenment (Age of Reason) – English representative John Locke (Two Treaties on Civil Government); American, Ben Franklin


Lesson 4 – Use its 2 Learning Quizzes 1st.

18.   Major trends in English government and economy:

·        Mercantilism by England (and Spain and others) and taxes to regulate trade

·        Parliament and prime minister (and the Cabinet)

·        French and Indian War, consequences on colonists and consequences of crushing English debt and its need of more taxes for revenue to pay bills


Continues on the next page



Lesson 4 Continued

19.   Proclamation of 1763 as barrier to what areas that colonists wanted and why (Use the map.)

20.   1763 and beyond – King George III tries to reestablish the power of the king

21.   Major events, people, and documents in the American Revolution

·        Stamp Act and how it worked

·        Stamp Act Declaration and its key principle (Use the primary.)

·        Boston Tea Party – why this tax, whose property was the tea

·        Sons of Liberty - who

·        Coercive Acts – what

·        Lord North’s Conciliatory Proposition

·        Olive Branch Petition by the Continental Congress

·        Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

·        Declaration of Independence, major positions and its major target (Use the primary.)