Unit 2: From Making a Revolution to Making a Nation - 1763 to 1830s


Topics Covered in the Class for Reading Quiz E on A New Government of Small-r republicanism and the Federalist Republic  

We will cover these topics in class in this order:

  1. Overview of 2 study tools available to help you with this content and of some reference links that may help you
  2. The terms republic and republican (notice the small-r on both)
  3. Chronological treatment showing major issues in the development of government (including state government and conventions) from about 1777 to 1787 and showing what events led to the Constitutional Convention and to the Constitution’s eventual rules on:

§         Religion and government

§         Sovereignty and who has it (states and the central/national government)

§         Foreign policy and treaties

§         Economic policy and commercial treaties with other nations

§         Economic policy and interstate commerce

§         Territories and how admitted to the union

§         Monetary policy (who can print or coin money and what determines its value)

  1. Factions (term at that time for groups with different interests) in all of  the sides in the rebellion (associated with Daniel Shays) that led to the Constitutional convention
    (Reminder: Declaration of Independence)
  2. Factions at the Constitutional Convention

§         The role of the states and representation for different kinds of states

§         Slave owners and those who did not use slaves

  1. A brief look at the government from 1789 to 1800 (after the creation of the Constitution) on these issues:

§         Establishment of the financial framework of the nation and the argument against part of that framework

§         The republic’s policy on revolution – domestic and foreign

§         The development of political parties
- Federalists (a variation on the group wanting the Constitution)
- New Democratic-Republican (a why that is a safer term to use to think about this group)






Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013


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