What We Will Cover About the Civil War and Reconstruction - This link is repeated in these chapters:

·         Chapter 14: The War of the Union, 1861–1865

·         Chapter 15: Reconstruction: North and South, 1865–1877


·         1860 – 1865 Quick Reference to the Civil War 3 pages

·         Watch for cause and effect. Look to see what happens between events. Do not assume anything. Let the events talk to you. One brain trick is to ask yourself: if the events you are seeing were a boxing match, what would you think?

·         1865-1877 Quick Reference to Reconstruction and the Future – 3 pages

·         Again, watch for cause and effect. Look to see what happens between events.
Notice how long it takes for the Northern public to act after Appomattox and how much the South does before they act.

·         Notice what happens with the Northern public ceases to act.

·         Notice the laws and the amendments that change your future not just theirs













Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2016


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