Instructions for the Analysis of Primaries --The bold/ALL CAPs in headings are to help you save time.

SAME RUBRIC - What Is the Rubric Used to Measure Your Content and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence. 1

What Is an Analysis?. 1

What If You Prefer to Have a Different Subject and Different Primaries?. 1

What’s the Safest Order to Plan and Write?. 1

Requirements for Teaching the Best Truth You Can Understand and Using Sources That Help You Catch On. 1

SAME REQUIREMENTS - Requirements for Reading, Length, and Language in Your Analysis. 1

TWO PRIMARIES ARE THE SAME - Required 4 Primaries (Including Minimum Parts of Some Primaries). 1

SAME REQUIREMENTS FOR CITATIONS -Requirements for Shortened Citations for Your Analysis—Example for  and for the Textbook. 1

Resources Available as Links on This Webpage. 1

What Is an Analysis in This History Class?. 1

SAME AS BEFORE - If You Want to Know Why We Use These Shortened Citations. 1

SAME AS BEFORE - Brain Trick for Quoting and Avoiding Quotation Humiliation. 1


SAME RUBRIC - What Is the Rubric Used to Measure Your Content and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence

Click here for more on the rubric and how to use it as a grader or as someone graded. (This opens in a New Window.) You can also look at the link immediately under Evidence Quiz 1 in Evidence Requirements.

What Is an Analysis?

This is an Analysis of Primaries for a history class. Don’t assume a prior writing assignment for an English class is what is needed since the goal is reading and writing that help you learn history.

Click here for what does your history teacher means by the word analysis. (This link stays on this webpage.)

What If You Prefer to Have a Different Subject and Different Primaries?

If you want to look at the list of all of the primaries in US History II, please ask and I will make the list available to you. We can talk about an equivalent Subject and primaries to use. If we can work that out, I will provide a general Plan file for that and answer any questions you have.



The subject you are to write about is:

Examine views of the national government’s responsibility in times of economic challenge as revealed by 4 primaries. (Notice the minimum parts of some of the primaries.)


What’s the Safest Order to Plan and Write?

Look at the things below this webpage in this folder and follow them in order to the bottom.

1.       Below this webpage, download the Plan file by clicking on:  
File to Download to Submit the Plan for the Subject.

2.       Look at the folder Required Primaries and read the primary documents.

3.       Follow the instructions in the Plan file.
Tip: When you are completing this file, you are also planning exactly how you will write this analysis. You need to think this through.

4.       If you do not know how to use Turnitin, look at instructions by clicking on:
Turnitin Instructions on How Students Submit Papers Using Turnitin in Blackboard

5.       After you complete the file, submit the file to Turnitin by clicking on:
Analysis of Primaries - Plan (Turnitin Assignment Tool to Submit Your Plan)

6.       When your instructor emails feedback about your Plan, she either enters full points or 1.11 for your Plan grade and states instructions you need to do. 
Caution: You only received the full points for the Plan’s Good Habits for Evidence if earn the full points for the Paper’s Good Habits for Evidence.

7.       If your instructor asks you do something, do that so she can enter full points.
Tip: Check to be sure that you see that Turnitin Assignment at the bottom of the folder.

8.       Download the preformatted file for your Analysis by clicking on:
Preformatted File to Download and Complete for the Analysis of Primaries

9.       Type your Analysis and its citations in the preformatted file, proof it and the citations carefully, and submit your file to Turnitin by clicking on:
Analysis of Primaries -Papere (Turnitin Assignment Tool to Submit Your Actual Analysis)

Tip: Look at Turnitin’s feedback on language and more important for your history grade on similarity—on plagiarism. If your text is marked as similar, notice what Turnitin says is the source. If you should have placed “” around words or other problems, fix it. In your course, you can fix and resubmit until the last day the assignment is open.

10.   Make sure you see your digital receipt. That confirms that you submitted correctly. You do not need to print it a

Tip Also make a snippet so you have proof you submitted successfully if needed.


Requirements for Teaching the Best Truth You Can Understand and Using Sources That Help You Catch On

You must use and cite in your writing:

a)      Each of the primaries listed in Subject for the Plan
Caution: an Analysis without the primaries discussed and cited in the paper results in a mark in the “F” column of the rubric.

b)      The pages of the Essentials text that you identified for each primary and listed in your Plan.

SAME REQUIREMENTS - Requirements for Reading, Length, and Language in Your Analysis


The primaries listed in the Subject for the Plan.

The textbook pages that you identify for each of the primaries using the instructions in the file for the Subject for the Plan.


Use only the heading shown in the file – your name and date and the exact subject you are writing about.


330 words maximum – Less is better.

It cannot be more than one (1) printed page.


You used a pre-formatted file provided at the bottom of the Analysis of Primaries folder. Do not change the font size (10 points), the font (Calibri), the margins (1” on the left and .5” on the right) and the paragraph setting (double space).

The pre-formatted file is an .rtf file (Rich Text Format). You may work in that file or you may save it to another file type that Turnitin accepts. Turnitin accepts these types of files:

·         A Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)

·         An Adobe file (.pdf)

·         An Open Office document (.odt)


Make sure it is accurate, especially if you are quoting something. Keep it simple by using this Brain Trick (goes to the bottom of this webpage).

General clarity

Read and plan carefully, being sure to record the exact page numbers as you work. Type in a word processor and run spell and grammar checking. Print it and proof it. (To proof = to compare side by side paper and source to be sure page numbers and facts and names and quotations and everything is correct.)


TWO PRIMARIES ARE THE SAME - Required 4 Primaries (Including Minimum Parts of Some Primaries)

See examples of how to cite in the next heading. You will also fine the online Constitution in the folder as background if needed.


Date: Name of the Primary

Phrase When Citing and Page #s


1894: George Pullman's Response to the Striking Workers –Has 3 pages so specify which one you are using.



1894: Letters Regarding the Pullman Strike of 1894 –Each of the 4 letters has its citation identified. At a minimum, cite from 2 of the letters.

Use the phrase and page number with each of the 4 letters


1929-1930s: LeRoy Hankel, a farmer in Nebraska during the Great Depression and the New Deal. These are several short oral interviews, each with a written transcript so you can be sure what you are hearing.


To understand the 3 primary, listen to the recording and read and cite from a minimum, 2 of these transcripts:

  • Falling Prices after the Crash
  • Stock Market Crash
  • Dust and Rain
  • Participating in the AAA
  • Living on a Dollar a Day

For these online transcripts, no page number is required, but use these phrases when you cite from a specific transcript:



  • Hankel, Falling
  • Hankel, Stock
  • Hankel, Dust
  • Hankel, AAA
  • Hankel, Living


1944: GI Bill of Rights (Servicemen's Readjustment Act) –Has 2 pages so specify which one you are using.

Optional Secondary Source: You may also read the “document info…” section on this bill and its views at the time and consequences through the Vietnam War.

GI Bill


GI Bill, doc info


SAME REQUIREMENTS FOR CITATIONS -Requirements for Shortened Citations for Your Analysis—Example for  and for the Textbook

Do not use lengthy citation statements within parentheses () as is done with MLA. You are trying to teach history accurately to someone like yourself. You are not collecting research and quoting from it. You all have the same sources and so you do not want to get a lot of words get between you and your fellow students. Do these things for this writing assignment:

What You Want to Cite

Example of How You Would Cite

Primary 1 with the short phrase Pullman

If your fact is from page 1,  immediately after your fact you’d write:
(Pullman, p. 1)

Primary 2

Look at the phrase and page number for the letter you want to use

Primary 3 by the short phrase Hankel, AAA

If your fact is from Hankel’s Participating in the AAA, immediately after your fact you’d write:
(Hankel, AAA)

Primary 4 by the short phrase GI Bill

If your fact is from page 1,  immediately after your fact you’d write:
(GI Bill, p. 1)

If the fact is from the textbook, the Essentials edition

If your fact is from page 680 of the textbook, immediately after your fact you’d write: (Essentials, p. 680)



Resources Available as Links on This Webpage

What Is an Analysis in This History Class?

Sometimes it is clearest start with what an Analysis is not. An Analysis in this class is:


This is a history class and the goal to help you learn history. One of the hardest things for students to understand about history is that it what was true at the beginning of a time period can be amazingly different at the end of it—sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. History changes! If it didn’t, humans could never have a consequence on the present and future. What makes history change is something worth noticing if you want to survive your present and, perhaps what is more important, if you want to try to maintain what is good in your present.


What do you do when you write an Analysis for this history class? You:

1.     Use the Subject Plan or choose a subject you want to examine. (Ask if you want to know about that.)

2.     Read the primaries and the textbook pages about the time periods of those primaries.

3.     Work until you figure the subject out well enough that could explain it—for example—to your smart cousin who wants to understand.


SAME AS BEFORE - If You Want to Know Why We Use These Shortened Citations

The reasons are:

  1. All of your written assignments are brief and have a maximum word count. If you used traditional MLA citation which is written inline (within your lines of text), you would use up your word count much faster. You could end up with a paper that says little but is full of lots of long citation.

  2. History’s standard, the Chicago Manual of Style, provides rigorous citation, but not inline. Instead, it uses endnotes (citation at the end of the paper) or footnotes (citation at the bottom of the page) to provide citation.

    In other words, citation is there but it is not in the way of communication of the history. The citation is not written within your lines of text because of how historians write about history.
    1. They are helping people understand the past.
    2. That is your job in this course as well. Why? When you try to help someone understand history, you start to understand it yourself. If you want to understand something, try to teach it.

  3. In this class, you use these shortened citation format so that citation is as unobtrusive as possible.


Offer: With the paper you submit through Turnitin, you may try endnotes. They are very powerful as a tool to try to figure things out. If you want to try that, contact me and I talk you through the mechanics of making them in Microsoft Word.

SAME AS BEFORE - Brain Trick for Quoting and Avoiding Quotation Humiliation

Click here for additional tips. (This tip is also available from the tutorial at the top of Evidence Requirements.)

The rules for showing what you have taken out (…) of the author’s words or put in ([ ]) are complex and for most of us they are not worth learning.


This brain trick lets you be accurate but avoid learning those rules:

  1. Choose 3 to 6 words to quote and change nothing (not an ing or an ed, not a comma, nothing) between the first and the last word.

  2. Put abefore the first word and a after the last word.

  3. Place those words with the “ ”within your sentence.


  1. If something sounds awkward about your sentences, then change your own words—the only words you have a right to change.


  1. Look at all of the words in the source. Be sure the meaning of the source remains in your quotation.





Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2017


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