All Possible Questions You Will Find in Reading Quiz C

These questions are used as quizzes. These questions are also 1/3 of the questions for the objective part of the Exam that ends Unit 1, with the other 2/3rds coming from the two other quizzes in this Unit.


These questions are from Chapter 19.




The majority of reform movements were centered in

a. the South.

b. California.

c. urban areas.

d. New York.

e. the Midwest.




The philosophy of pragmatism developed by William James relied on

a. truth as an abstract concept.

b. sociological processes.

c. the Social Gospel.

d. the study of ethics.

e. practical solutions to problems.




Which of the following was not true of the campaign to control liquor?

a. Black and white women briefly worked together in the South to curb drinking.

b. Liquor producers organized a counter-campaign to get "wets" to the polls.

c. The struggle between "wets" and "drys" sometimes pitted the city against the countryside.

d. Prohibition sentiment was strongest among Irish Americans and German Americans.

e. The Anti-Saloon League formed in 1895 and soon became the model for lobbying efforts.




By the end of the 1800s, the governmental policy toward Native Americans appeared to be one of

a. assimilation into white society.

b. extinction of Native American culture.

c. cultural acceptance.

d. segregation.

e. complete subjugation.




Ida Wells Barnett concentrated her reform efforts on

a. temperance.

b. lynchings of blacks.

c. tenement houses.

d. child labor.

e. improved sanitation.




In the landmark 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court

a. struck down the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

b. declared segregation to be legal.

c. banned strikes involving interstate commerce.

d. declared the all-white primary illegal.

e. banned segregation in interstate travel.




Plessy v. Ferguson declared that

a. slavery had in fact been illegal.

b. segregation was legal.

c. the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution had been illegal.

d. white colleges could not deny admission to blacks.

e. whites had the right to discriminate against blacks.




As a result of the Panic of 1893

a. Congress passed new laws to regulate the stock market.

b. President Cleveland urged Congress to pass the Sherman Silver Purchase Act.

c. workers in average families suffered more than other groups.

d. state and city governments began to provide numerous permanent welfare programs.

e. both c and d




The economic depression of the 1890s caused

a. J.P. Morgan to lose millions in the railroad industry.

b. women to be forced out of the job market in favor of men.

c. more people to call for government regulation of parts of the economy.

d. the demise of the Social Gospel movement.




When Jacob Coxey and his "army" of unemployed reached Washington in the spring of 1894, President Cleveland

a. agreed to put them to work building roads.

b. provided food for the men but then sent them home.

c. refused to speak with the group, labeling them "rabble."

d. allowed police to beat and arrest Coxey.

e. none of the above




"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Who spoke these words?

a. William McKinley    b. William Jennings Bryan    c. William Taft    d. William Seward   


Tip: The “cross of gold” speech  is about the gold standard.




Which of the following provided the "final straw" that led the United States to enter into the Spanish American War over Cuba?

a. The Spanish herded Cubans into "reconcentration" camps.

b. The de Lôme letter was published.

c. The "yellow press" in America published incendiary letters about Spanish actions in Cuba.

d. The Maine, an American naval vessel, exploded in Havana Harbor.


Tip: What’s a reconcentration camp? What does it have to do with guerrilla warfare?




Which of the following contributed to the Spanish American War?

a. the de Lôme letter criticizing the president

b. the direct interference of Joseph Pulitzer

c. the sinking of the Lusitania

d. both a and c

e. both b and c




The Teller Amendment stated that

a. the United States was ready to declare war on Spain.

b. if Cuba were freed from Spain by the United States, America had no plans to annex the island.

c. if the United States freed Cuba from Spain, the United States expected to receive permission for a naval base on the island.

d. both a and b

e. both a and c




John Hay, who would become McKinley's secretary of state, referred to the war with Spain as a

a. "complete debacle."

b. "political bonanza for Teddy Roosevelt."

c. "success followed by one problem after another."

d. "national embarrassment."

e. "splendid little war."




As a result of the Spanish American War, the United States gained all of the following territories except

a. Guam   b. Puerto Rico   c. the Philippines   d. Cuba   e. All of these territories came under the control of the United States.




As the result of the Spanish American War, the United States gained this territory, one that became an increasing problem for foreign policy because of the native population’s armed resistance to US control.

a. Guam   b. Puerto Rico   c. the Philippines   d. Cuba   e. All of these territories came under the control of the United States.




The "Open Door" referred to America's interest in

a. the Philippines    b. Japan    c. Russia    d. China    e. both b and d



These questions are in some cases based on questions in the test database for American Passages.



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