Topics about the Big Shift: 1945-1960 – This link is repeated in these chapters:

·         Chapter 25: Cold War and the Fair Deal, 1945–1952 

·         Chapter 26: Affluence and Anxiety in the Atomic Age


·         Truman to Eisenhower to the election of 1960 with footnotes to let you find details when you want them (administration of Harry S Truman, including his election in 1948)

-       Notice the yellow highlights

-       Notice political parties, including in the election in 1952

-       Notice the push back by racism and notice what African Americans are doing .

-       Notice individuals such as Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare

-       Notice the existence of many new institutions and agencies at the national level for
a) domestic issues
b) our relationships with other nations, including the Cold War
c) the interconnection between a and b.

-       Notice the former categories of labor (usually factory workers) and unions. What are the laws now?






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