Unit 1 Road Map – Keep This Link Open As You Do Your Work

Tips: What Helps Learning?

Why Do You Need to Look at This Road Map—Whether You Just Want a Grade or to Understand History in a Useful Way or You Want Both

The Roadmap tells you:

1.    What you need to do to make points for each Unit and what may be different with a Unit

2.    How to do the work so that you learn history, not just the facts in the quiz questions but enough history that you can apply it to a problem in the course (those comparisons you write) and to the problems you will face in your life (This course applies those principles covered in What Helps Learning?)

Using Each Part of the Unit

1.    Check the dates that you need to do each Check Your Knowledge quiz for this Unit so you can qualify for the extra credit. (The Course Schedule at the end of the syllabus says the dates.)

2.    Use the Preview link to decide your answers to the questions for this Part of the Unit. Don’t look anything up. Tip: Write your answers on a piece of paper. If you guess, add a ? mark by the answer.

3.    In Blackboard, take the actual Check Your Knowledge quiz to determine what you actually knew and didn’t know.

4.    For each question you missed, use the Tips link to decide what you need to read in the chapters for this Part and what resources you need from Digging Deeper. Tips:

·         Copy the Tips link to your computer. First use it to record what you missed and what you knew. Later record where you found the answers in the textbook or in the Digging Deeper resources.

·         If there is no tip for a question, use the index at the back of the book to locate the information.

5.    Before you start your detailed study, turn the pages of the textbook chapters for this Part of the Unit. Don’t try to read, but notice the era by looking at pictures and noticing prominent people and trends.

6.    As you work, if you can’t find information on a question you missed by using the Index at the back of the book, email me so I can revise the link to the questions with Tips. (The Course Schedule at the end of the syllabus says the date.)

7.    When you finish (or as you work), make yourself pretend to teach the quiz questions to another person, such as a cousin who is smart but who doesn’t know this content.

8.    On the date of your quiz, come to class prepared for the 10-point quiz before the lecture. Tip: If you make a score of 8 or 10, you earn 2 extra credit points for keeping up.

9.    Repeat the steps above with each Part of the Unit.

Bringing It All Together

1.    Check the dates for the writing and exam so you plan ahead. (The Course Schedule at the end of the syllabus says the dates.)

2.    Use the Comparison Topics to find out the possible topics and begin to observe how things changed on those topics during and across the Unit. With Unit 1, you have

a.     An Introductory, Practice Comparison covering topics for about one-third of the time period

b.    A Unit 1 Comparison covering the whole time period on the same broad topics.

Tip: Both include a visual to help you see changes and know where to read about those changes.

3.    Complete the Practice Comparison and use the feedback on your following Good Habits for Evidence to plan your Unit 1 Comparison.

4.    Complete your Comparison Topic for Unit 1.

5.    Take your Objective Exam for Unit 1.


Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2014


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History – Dr. Bibus

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