Topics about the Big Shift Expanded: 1960-1976 – This link is repeated in these chapters:

·         Chapter 27: New Frontiers, 1960–1968

·         Chapter 28: Rebellion and Reaction, the 1960s and 1970s


·         Kennedy to Johnson to Nixon in 3 pages with footnotes to let you find details when you want them
The 4th page shows the changes in the national debt, the changes of the age of the baby boomers (and therefore what major changes happen with that age cohort), and the Presidents in the decade.

-       Notice the yellow highlights

-       Notice political parties, including in the splintering of the Democratic Party in the 1968 election and of the challenges within the Republicans with Goldwater in 1964 and after Watergate is known

-       Notice what African Americans are doing and the power of television and the push back by racism

-       Notice the existence of many new institutions and agencies at the national level for
a) domestic policies from Civil Rights to the War on Poverty to Medicare and Medicaid
b) our relationships with other nations, especially during Nixon’s presidency
c) the interconnection between a and b.

Reminder: Notice the former categories of farmers and labor (usually factory workers) and unions.



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