Unit 3: Transformations – America from 1940 to the 21st Century

Reminder: You will have an easier time with links if you open them in a New Window. If you do not know how to do this, click here for tips. (This includes how to save these files from the Internet.) If you need help, just ask.


If a chronology provides footnote links to details, the words with footnotes follows the name of the link. If you have a question about one of the items in the chronology, you can frequently answer it by clicking on the link.


Possible Essay Questions

Click here for the possible essay questions for the exam that ends Unit 3.

Parts of the Unit and Resources and Reading Quizzes G, H, and I

Topic and Chapter #s

Links to the Reading Quiz for the Topic, Resources to Help You See the Facts As Part of the Whole, and Optional References

World War II; the Post-War


Chapters 26-27


Click here for what we will cover in class.

Resources and Reading Quiz

·         Reading Quiz G- printable for back-to-back use with the version with answers – Form to use to record your answers or handwritten if looks exactly like this

·         Snapshot from 1920s to 1940s – blank - Click here for completed Snapshots for 1920s to 1940s, 1950s to 1970s, and 1970s to 2000+ that you can view online or you can print.


Reference – Chronologies with footnotes to answer your own questions

·         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1939-1945 Era with footnotes (administrations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and of Harry S Truman)
What are you looking for?

-          Notice that this chronology covers the same issues as the one on World War I. You can see How Fast They Went to War and a list of World War II¾People and Terms That Became Symbols

·         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1946-1952 Era with footnotes (administration of Harry S Truman, including his election in 1948)
What are you looking for?

-          Notice political parties, including in the election in 1952 and the rise of the Dixiecrats.

-          Notice individuals such as Joseph McCarthy.

-          Notice the existence of many new institutions and agencies at the national level for a) domestic issues, b) our relationships with other nations, and c) the interconnection between a and b.

-          Notice the former categories of labor (usually factory workers) and farmers. What are the laws now?

1950s Transformations;


Turbulent Years (The 1960s)


Chapters 28-29


Click here for what we will cover in class.

Resources and Reading Quiz

·         Reading Quiz H printable for back-to-back use with the version with answers – Form to use to record your answers or handwritten if looks exactly like this

·         Snapshot from 1950s to 1970s– blank - Click here for completed Snapshots for 1920s to 1940s, 1950s to 1970s, and 1970s to 2000+ that you can view online or you can print.


Reference – Chronologies with footnotes to answer your own questions

·         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1953-1960 Era with footnotes (administration of D.D. Eisenhower, a Republican, the first since the Great Depression started)
What are you looking for?

-          Notice rippling changes from television, the interstate highway system, and the Supreme Court.

-          Notice the increase in military spending and where we are involved militarily

·         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1961-1968 Era with footnotes (administration of John F. Kennedy and—following his assassination—Lyndon B. Johnson)
What are you looking for?

-          Notice the number of assassinations and of amendments to the Constitution and the continuation of the changes from television and from the Supreme Court.

The Crisis of Confidence

(1969-1992 Era); Reagan to Clinton to Bush (1992-2000+)


Chapters 30-32


Click here for what we will cover in class.

Resources and Reading Quiz

·         Reading Quiz I - printable for back-to-back use with the version with answers – Form to use to record your answers or handwritten if looks exactly like this

·         Snapshot from 1980s to about 2008 – blank - Click here for completed Snapshots for 1920s to 1940s, 1950s to 1970s, and 1970s to 2000+ that you can view online or you can print.


Reference – Chronologies with footnotes to answer your own questions– With all of these, notice a) changes in foreign policy and b) new institutions

§         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1969-1980 Era with footnotes

§         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1980-1992 Era with footnotes

·         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the 1992-2003 with footnotes


>>>  TEMPORARY link of questions with answers:   Answers for Reading Quiz H    for Reading Quiz I  – Test yourself with the quiz without answers at the top. Grade yourself with these answers. Read what you do not know.


Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013


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History – Dr. Bibus

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