If you follow all 5 Good Habits for Evidence (below), you earn a 30 out of 30 for the Good Habits for Evidence and you earn either a “C“, “B,” and “A” for content. I place an X in the yellow box to the left of the letter you earn.
Paper Criteria (21-23.9) |
"B" Paper Criteria
(24-26.9) |
"A" Paper Criteria
(27-30) |
Accurately read the parts, but did not analyze or try to evaluate
interconnections. |
Accurately read the parts. Analyzed each one. Tried to evaluate interconnections. |
Accurately read the parts. Analyzed each one. Evaluated
interconnections. |
Only summarized separately each of the
parts of the question, but did not
cover interconnections. |
Revealed each
part and covered some
interconnections. Provided few examples. |
Understood each
part. Revealed their
interconnections. Provided clear,
representative examples. |
Followed the directions.
Followed the directions carefully. |
Followed the directions exactly. |
Two or more mechanical errors. |
One or more mechanical errors. |
No more than one minor error. |
If you did not follow the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, the highest grade for content that you can receive is 20.9.
If you did not follow the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, I place an X in each of the 2 yellow boxes below.
"D" for Paper Criteria (20.9 or less out of 30) for
content. |
1.11 for the 30-point 5 Good Habits for Evidence (If you change,
you can replace that grade.) |
get feedback in 2 ways:
In the left margin of your paper by
the line of your paper with the error,
I write the Habit # and whether the habit was a “D” (a sign of a danger to you)
or an “F” (a sign of failure or even getting fired on a job)
To give you details, I underline the
Habit you missed in the rubric below.
Example: If you plagiarized, to the left of
the line with the copied words without any quotation marks, I write 4F.
How to Have Good Habits for Evidence and Prevent Ds and Fs |
If You Do Not, Dangers
in a Class (D Grade) or a Job |
If You Do Not, Failure
in a Class (F Grade) or Fired on a Job |
-- |
Used an unreliable source. (1F). |
Habit 2. Factual Accuracy That You Verify with the Reliable Source Before
You Write |
Misread or read passively or wrote passively (2D) |
Assumed or wrote assumptions (2F). Used an incorrect or incomplete part of the source required
for the question asked. (2F). Did not answer all parts of the
question. (2F). |
Habit 3. Factual Accuracy That Is Verifiable
for Every Statement You Make |
-- |
Made errors such as cherry-picking facts or embellishing
facts (3F). |
Habit 2 and 3 combined. |
-- |
Did not cite accurately and according to the directions (2F
& 3F) |
-- |
Plagiarized or did “half-copy” plagiarism (also called
“patchwrite”) (4F). |
Used "" inaccurately, making the author's sentences look grammatically incorrect (5D). |
Used "" inaccurately and changed meaning. (5F). |
You Made a 0 on the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, you earn full
points if you:: 1. Mark each
Habit (yellow
box) that you need to change 2. Mark
EITHER a) OR b) below: __a) I understand the rubric and the notes on the paper. __b) I will talk with my instructor so I
understand. 3. On the
next Part of the 3-Part Writing, you follow all Good Habits for Evidence. |
If a # is underlined in the rubric, put an X below. Example: If your instructor underlined 1. Used an unreliable
source on your rubric, you put an X beside Habit 1 below and click on the link for its preventions. |
2. Factual
Accuracy That You Verify with the Reliable Source Before You Write |
3. Factual
Accuracy That Is Verifiable for Every Statement You Make and Three
Frequently Asked Questions about Citing |
4. No “Half-Copy” Plagiarism or “Patchwriting” |
C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2019 |
WCJC Department: |
History – Dr. Bibus |
Contact Information: |
281.239.1577 or bibusc@wcjc.edu |
Last Updated: |
2019 |
WCJC Home: |