About the 1st Writing: If you did this assignment and if you didn’t

My purpose is not to hurt students’ grades but to be sure you understand what the world requires when you talk or write about real things—like biology and business and history.

My experience with students is all of you can do this—some of you just need to realize what you are not already using evidence.
My experience with varied industries and courses and decision making is all of you need to be able to do this.

If you didn’t try this assignment, you can figure out some of the requirements for the Unit 1 Written Exam. You also can gain 10 points for listening to them (and a bit to me).

Requirements: Extra credit for students who show self-management, focus on their own tasks and do not distract others, do not try to help others unless they are asked to do that by the instructor, and follow instructions so they complete all tasks correctly and quickly.


If you tried this assignment, you get 20 points extra credit for meeting the above requirements and successfully doing what is on your rubric.

Requirements: Extra credit for students who show self-management, focus on their own tasks and do not distract others, do not try to help others unless they are asked to do that by the instructor, and follow instructions so they complete all tasks correctly and quickly.



What Will You See on Your Paper

·         Two highlights for the 1st 2 passes with your paper:
- 1 for something you marked with ‘’”
- 1 for where you cited and often where you should have cited (no ho-ho common knowledge used)

·         Little square boxes and what that means

·         3rd pass made with the primary and the textbook side by side with your paper and with the 3rd pass you get my bad handwriting and sometimes big arrows (example: contradictions). I am glad to explain it to you

What’s on Your Rubric and What You Do with the Bottom Section


Ignore the number and letter at the left top. It’s your row and side of the room.

At the top of your rubric, you see 3 numbers which you can replace if you prepare carefully for Unit 1 Writing Exam and follow the 5 Good Habits for Evidence

·         Out of 10 points, a grade on the historical content (A = 9, B = 8, C = 7 and so on).

If it is a lower grade than you want, prepare carefully for Unit 1 Writing Exam’s content.
If you change how you work, I’ll change this grade with the equivalent Unit 1 grade (a 50 point assignment, 25 on content and 25 for good habits).
Equivalent: A B on a 25 point assignment is 20 and a B on a 10 point assignment is 8.)

·         An all or nothing grade of 10 points on whether you followed the 5 Good Habits for Evidence 
Why is all or nothing? Ask if you want to know.

If you want full points, prepare carefully for Unit 1 Writing Exam’s content.
If you change how you work, I’ll change this grade.

·         A 1.11 as a placeholder if you did not yet quite qualify for the 40 point extra credit for doing the 5 Good Habits for Evidence the first time
Since you tried this time, you can have the same deal on the Unit 1 Written Exam.
If you change how you work and follow all 5 Good Habits for Evidence on Unit 1 Written Exam, I’ll change the 1.11 to 40.

I won’t enter any points until:

1.        You mark the bottom of the rubric with the Good Habits for Evidence you need to change and you sign that you will be checking that Good Habit’s Tip.
Where is the tip?
What if you need extra explanation?

2.        You return the rubric with your signature and marks on the habits + your paper + your quiz.
You can sign it out but if you don’t return all of it within the week, you lose all possible points and the opportunity to replace those points and to get the 40 points extra credit..

3.        I compare what you marked about the habits with what I marked on the rubric,

Order of What We Do

1.        You ask any questions you have about the above stuff.


2.        I hand out the papers to those who wrote the 1st Writing. Caution: All of what you receive you return to your instructor.

FYI: If you just didn’t write the assignment and just turned in a quiz, you can keep that, but save it until you see the grade recorded in Blackboard.


3.        You all look at your papers and you ask any questions that might apply to everyone in the room.


4.        You fill out your section and ask questions if needed.


5.        I ask if anyone is done and you hand your papers to me.
Those who didn’t write the assignment can also leave.


6.        If anyone needs additional help, I answer individually until the end of the class.