About the Deal Rubric and the Analysis of Primaries Rubric


Reminder: If you return All papers, there is a 50 point extra credit (Will explain why extra credit orally)
Papers were
- 1st Primary
- Unit 1 Writing (also has Deal on it)
- Analysis of Primaries
- Unit 2 Writing – you may turn that in as late as the day of your Final Exam (Will explain why more time orally)

FYI: Within the written work, I found some scattered Hamilton extra credits and things like that. I also have yet to enter some classes’ Unit 1 Concept written answer (will enter the full 10 if you tried it) and Self-Management grade including those whose self-management in Unit 2 means that that grade replaces the 0 for Unit 1’s Self-Management.

Order of What We Do

1.       I cover the stuff below and I can move this webpage to places if you need to see something

2.       I pass out the writings  by row

3.       You decide if you want to check anything out.

4.       I pick up the writings by row

5.       I hand out Unit 3 Objective and Concepts.

6.       When you are done, you place them in the right pile for your version letter (like a, b, c, or d)

7.       If you want to check out your stapled set of writings, you and I do silent mime to get that done.
Caution: Everything must be back to me at before I finish the seating chart on the day of the Final Exam.

Order of Items Coming to You

1.       Your Unit 1/Deal submission with its original rubric and a Deal Rubric
Points: Not just the 50 for Unit 1, but also the opportunity to overwrite (replace) the prior low grades on the 1st Primary
Caution: If you received the paper and rubric and kept them, you get no points.
Return both to me immediately if you want points.
Do you have to check it out if you take it? Yes, you have to take the whole stapled set.
What it looks like


2.       Your Analysis of Primaries with the Primaries Rubric
Points: 90 in addition to the 30 points for the proposal of your plan for your analysis
Do you have to check it out if you take it? Yes, you have to take the whole stapled set
What did the proposal say (1301)  What did the proposal say (1302)    What did the file say
What it looks like


3.       If you turned it in, your Unit 2 Written Exam
Points: 50 points
Last moment to turn in: the start of the hour of your final exam.
Do you have to check it out if you take it? No. I put it at the end so people could take it separately and easily.

Given the errors I saw in those I looked at, I’d unstaple that only. I’d take it home and compare what you said with the book to be sure:
- any quotation is exactly accurate and and the page number you used is correct
- any fact in your own words is exactly accurate and the page number you used is correct
- anything used (fact or quotation) is right for the question asked



Prior information

Click here to see ONLY the stuff you need to do for the specific Deal written on your rubric.

Caution: Key fact that I discovered some student did not realize about evidence and about half-copy plagiarism

If your boss or your prof wants something different, do it. In this class and if you want to be OK in the real world, understand this:

·         If 1 below was not the rules of life, science wouldn’t work. If science wouldn’t work, neither will history.

·         If 2 and 3 below were not the rules of life and property in the US, people could fake that they had knowledge and thereby eventually destroy it.

This is from the Tutorial on Evidence and Good Habits with the numbers added to the table.
How Citation and Quotation Marks Fits Together with Facts in Your Own Words and Facts in the Author’s Words

If you use a fact in the author’s words, citation is not enough; you must also use quotation marks.

What are the rules for citation and use of quotation marks? The rules vary depending upon whether you are writing:

·         A fact from the source in your own words

·         A fact in the author’s words (in other words, you are quoting):


They have the same requirements for citation (although your professor may choose not to require it for an assignment). They have different requirements for quotation marks.

What Kind of Fact Are You Using

Do You Need Citation (Page # etc.)?

Do You Need Quotation Marks (“”)?

A fact in your own words

Yes <Notice this.  1

No <Notice this.

A fact in the author’s words

Yes 2


Yes <Notice this.  3


Specifics about this course:

·         If you use the author’s words, you must use quotation marks. In this course, you may not plagiarize or “half-copy” plagiarize.

·         If you quote, you also must use the rules for quoting. The Brain Trick (above) is your best way out. If you still have questions, please ask.



What’s on Your Rubric and What You Do with the Bottom Section


1.       You mark the bottom of the rubric with the Good Habits for Evidence you need to change and you sign that you will be checking that Good Habit’s Tip.
Where is the tip?
What if you need extra explanation?

2.       You return the rubric with your signature and marks on the habits + your paper +
You can sign it out but if you don’t return all of it within the week, you lose all possible points and the opportunity to replace those points and to get the 40 points extra credit..

3.       I compare what you marked about the habits with what I marked on the rubric,

Common Problems of Those Who Did Not Get the Deal

1.       Didn’t read carefully. Skipped over sentences that meant that what they wrote was at best unsupported but at worst flat out untrue and unkind to the humans who lived that life.

2.       Perhaps assumed that collecting any words or copying any words would be enough for an answer.
They have to be words that answer the question you were asked and you chose to prepare for.

3.       Perhaps assumed that bosses and this teacher will not read your stuff carefully.

·         They will because they asked you to do something enough that they were willing to give you money for your time and expertise.

·         I will because I worked in industry long enough to know that my doing this is not just good for your knowledge of history (which matters to me greatly), but also your survival in a rapidly changing world and workplace (which also matters to me greatly).

Order of What We Do

1.        You ask any questions you have about the above stuff.


2.        With some classes, I hand out the scantron with the concepts written grade and pick it  up.


3.        I hand out the papers to those who wrote the Unit 1 Writing

4.        You all look at your papers and you ask any questions that might apply to everyone in the room.


5.        You fill out your section and ask questions if needed.


6.        I ask if anyone is done and you hand your papers to me.
Those who didn’t write the Unit 1 Writing can also leave.


7.        If anyone needs additional help, I answer individually outside of class.


Reminder About the Deal Made with the 1st Writing

At the top of your rubric, you see 3 numbers which you can replace if you prepare carefully for Unit 1 Writing Exam and follow the 5 Good Habits for Evidence

·         Out of 10 points, a grade on the historical content (A = 9, B = 8, C = 7 and so on).

If it is a lower grade than you want, prepare carefully for Unit 1 Writing Exam’s content.
If you change how you work, I’ll change this grade with the equivalent Unit 1 grade (a 50 point assignment, 25 on content and 25 for good habits).
Equivalent: A B on a 25 point assignment is 20 and a B on a 10 point assignment is 8.)

·         An all or nothing grade of 10 points on whether you followed the 5 Good Habits for Evidence 
Why is all or nothing? Ask if you want to know.

If you want full points, prepare carefully for Unit 1 Writing Exam’s content.
If you change how you work, I’ll change this grade.

·         A 1.11 as a placeholder if you did not yet quite qualify for the 40 point extra credit for doing the 5 Good Habits for Evidence the first time
Since you tried this time, you can have the same deal on the Unit 1 Written Exam.
If you change how you work and follow all 5 Good Habits for Evidence on Unit 1 Written Exam, I’ll change the 1.11 to 40.