A Brief Guess about Why Teachers Used to See These Problems Automatically

Previously instructors graded this way without having to work at it. What may be different:

·         Before few sources in the local library to copy/read from

·         Before no Internet to easily copy/read from

·         Before indirect segregation of the smartest women (whatever their color) - Before the 1990s, those women who wanted to think about their disciplines worked in the public high school.

·         And there are a lot more for those interested


The Importance of Proof and Why I Use Evidence-Centered Grading

Two reasons:

1.       I use this method because I can do for you what instructors used to do for students without having to work at it.

2.       I also do it because either I can prove to you that you did this or—if I did not see the spot you were using on the page you cited—you can prove to me I was incorrect. I believe in proof, not opinion. We share our evidence (our proof), and then things are just.

A Quick Way to Realize Why Bosses and Upper-Level Profs Can See the Errors That I Marked—and You Can See Them in Others’ Papers

If you have questions, ask.



If the writer did not follow this Good Habit for Evidence (GH)

Would a teacher expert in composition notice?

Would a boss who pays you
and who is expert in the business notice?

Would an upper-level professor who can write a letter of reference for you and who is expert in the discipline notice?

Would an instructor using my method notice?

Will you notice if you use my method with peer review?

GH 1: used reliable source

Yes, that the source was famous or listed as peer reviewed.


No, that you actually used it.



Yes—I compare your paper with the source pages you cited

Yes—and to get high points you are to compare the student’s paper with the source pages the student cited

GH 2: used a source page that fits the question

No—not without having a copy of the source



GH 3: proofed every rigorously


Yes—or they could prove it if they chose to

GH 4: plagiarized or “half-copy” plagiarized

Probably not unless in a field such as marketing


GH5: changed the meaning of the author or made the author incompetent with language

Yes, if the author was well known and especially if you changed meaning



Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2017


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