Evidence Quiz 4 - The 5 Good Habits for Evidence Compared to Its Rubric and How Both Can Help You 

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What to Look for in the Rubric and Response and What Are the Questions in Evidence Quiz 4. 1

The Rubric and Response Section. 1


What to Look for in the Rubric and Response and What Are the Questions in Evidence Quiz 4

1.       I have looked carefully at the rubric for the Good Habits for Evidence using all of the questions below to help me notice the parts and use of the rubric.

*a. True

b. False



·         You can tell which action can be prevented by which habit by looking at the number in parenthesis, such as (Habit 1).

·         Optional But Useful: Combining rubrics with grading side by side with the required sources also shifts responsibility to the student, the way responsibility usually works: How Your Instructor Grades with the Source and Your Written Work Side by Side—and this method of grading changes responsibility.

2.       I have noticed the differences that the ”F” and “D” columns show. For example, in the “F” column for the row Writing WITH Evidence the 5 is more dangerous than the 5 in the “D” column for that row. Being careless with quotation marks and changing the author’s meaning is more dangerous to your credibility on the job (and for your grade in a class) than making the author look grammatically incorrect.
Consider this: the “F” column in classes is the lowest grade and the “D” column, the next lowest. On the job that “F” performance may mean fired if you did not figure out something correctly.
I understand this or I will ask.

*a. True

b. False


3.       I have noticed that the “C,” “B,” and “A” columns show what makes a strong paper:

·         With reading, the issues are reading, analyzing, and trying to evaluate and synthesize.  Notice that reading is more important at 60% than writing at 30%.

·         With writing, the issues are whether you merely summarized or whether you tried to reveal interconnections and to give clear and representative examples that helped the reader. Tip: Look up the words clear and representative if you do not know them.

I understand or I will ask.

*a. True

b. False


4.       Below the “F” and “D” columns, there is a small box with an orange band. It states that if you have any criteria underlined in those columns, the grade is a 0 for that Good Habits for Evidence (½ of the grade). Tip: These problems are preventable by changing your habits.

With bosses or professors in your discipline, if you have an error in evidence, you will lose credibility.
Why? Because everyone—no matter how smart—makes mistakes so your job and your reputation requires you to double check your work before you submit. I understand or I will ask.
*a. True

b. False

5.       Below the “C” and “B” and “A” columns, there is a box with a green band. It states that the grade for a C, B, or A, requires that you have no marks in the “D” or “F” columns.  I understand or I will ask.
*a. True

b. False

Tip: This requirement means that pretty words will not result in a good grade. You must be factually accurate with evidence—something that requires good habits of work.


6.       Bottom Left Section for Your Response to the Feedback on the Rubric. You must mark either a) or b). If you do not, you will not get the points. Just remember your instructor is glad to help each of you. Students are not coming prepared the way they used to be. If you want to catch onto those skills, I am glad to invest in you. I understand what I am to do with the bottom left section for my response or I will ask.

*a. True

b. False


7.       Bottom Right Section for Your Response to the Feedback on the Rubric. If you have marks in the “F” and “D” columns, you may still make some points by accurately marking the Good Habits for Evidence you missed. The instructions give the example: If your instructor underlined 1. Used an unreliable source on your rubric, you put an X beside Habit 1 below.

You also must go look at Habit 1’s preventions. The link to each Habit is provided.
Tip: Many of these habits came from my “mean” 4th grade teacher—and I appreciate her even now. Others came from my community college history teacher. A few came from working in industry where I learned that you have to have good habits when you are on a deadline.

If you do not mark that section, you will not get the points. I understand what I am to do with the bottom right section for my response or I will ask.

*a. True

b. False

Question 7 is worth .04 on the Self-Test and 4 on the Full-Test because you should check those links in the rubric.




The Rubric and Response Section


5 Good Habits for Evidence __ out of 50 points. Content __ out of 50 points.




"F" Paper Criteria (Habit to Prevent Each Problem)

"D" Paper Criteria (Habit to Prevent Each Problem)

"C" Paper Criteria

"B" Paper Criteria

"A" Paper Criteria


Reading FOR Evidence

Used an unreliable source (Habit 1).

Used an incorrect or incomplete part of the source required for the question asked (Habit 2).

Assumed (Habit 2&3).

Misread or read passively (Habit 2).
Made errors such as cherry-picking facts or embellishing facts (Habit 3).

Accurately read the parts, but did not analyze or try to evaluate or synthesize intercon-nections.

Accurately read the parts and analyzed each one. Tried to evaluate and synthesize intercon-nections.

Accurately read the parts and analyzed each one. Evaluated and synthesized intercon-nections.


Writing WITH Evidence

Did not answer all parts of the question. (Habit 2). Wrote assumptions (Habit 2&3).

Did not cite accurately and according to the directions (Habit 2&3).

Used "" inaccurately and changed meaning (Habit 5).

Wrote passively (Habit 2).

Plagiarized or did “half-copy” plagiarism (also called “patchwrite”) (Habit 4).

Used "" inaccurately, including making the author's sentences look grammatically incorrect (Habit 5).

Only summarized separately each of the parts of the question, but did not cover intercon-nections.

Revealed each part and covered some intercon-nections. Provided few examples.

Understood each part and revealed the parts’ intercon-nections. Provided clear and representative examples.


Following Directions FOR Evidence (5%)

Did not follow directions above or with the questions (such as maximum length).

Did not follow directions.

Followed the directions. 

Followed the directions carefully.

Followed the directions exactly.


Mechanics (Language and Punctuation) (5%)

Many mechanical errors.

Several mechanical errors.

Two or more mechanical errors.

One or more mechanical errors.

No more than one minor mechanical error.







Grade for its Good Habits for Evidence:

·         0 = If any marks in “D” or “F” columns

·         50  = If no marks in “D” or “F” columns


Grade for the content: For a C, B, A, you must have no marks in the “D” or “F” columns.



If You Made a 0 on the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, to earn full points mark each Habit (yellow box) that you need to change and mark EITHER a) OR b) below:

__a) I understand the rubric and the notes on the paper.

__b) I will talk with my instructor so I understand.


Directions: If a # is underlined in the rubric, put an X below.

Example: If your instructor underlined 1. Used an unreliable source on your rubric, you put an X beside Habit 1 below. You also must go look at Habit 1’s preventions by clicking on the link. I am also glad to help each of you. 



Habit 1. Reliable Sources Only  



Habit 2. Factual Accuracy That You Verify with the Reliable Source Before You Write



Habit 3. Factual Accuracy That Is Verifiable for Every Statement You Make 
and Three Frequently Asked Questions about Citing



Habit 4. No “Half-Copy” Plagiarism or “Patchwriting”
and Why I Make a Big Deal about Plagiarism and Patchwriting



Habit 5. Quotation Changes Revealed Clearly  


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