Name _________________________________     Class Days ____TT____MWF       Class Hours ___                          Page 1


THIS IS A 2 page form. Mark both and put your name on BOTH.


Mark an X in the left column for each video you saw or link or Bedford Page you looked at. Do this for General Videos and Videos to Help Students with Evidence….

General Videos on How to Do Writing Assignments in This Course


What does the Department require and what are the possible writing assignments?


      What Is a Comparison and Its Alternative Assignment


C assignment of two summaries or a B or A assignment of a comparison – With both you must be factually accurate.


How can the separate grade for Good Habits for Evidence help me?


Tip: Critical thinking about reality and using evidence is like a math problem that is too big for you to do in your head.

The two ways you can compare time in this course

The video above assumes you have already read rigorously and made the 5 Ws chart. These two videos provide those pre-steps:

·         Instructor’s example of how to read FOR evidence – Video to Come


·         Instructor’s example of a process that is simple and works– Video To Come


If you do not have a successful process to do your work, try this process.

·         Method to Read, Understand, and Write Fast – Video To Come


     5Ws chart used to create 2 summaries and 1 comparison


In any job, it is your responsibility to make sure that you catch your own errors. Start now so you will be ready when you need to be. Also, if you want a good reference from a professor in your major field, you must catch your own errors all the time.


Personal note: If you need each of these sets of tips BELOW made into videos, tell me.

·         How to prevent errors:


·         How to verify content before you write


·         How to check evidence in your written work


·         How to proof quotations


(Basics about Quotations)


·         How to proofread for clarity


How to use endnotes with Microsoft Word and where to place those endnotes in your paper


Examine with care:

·         Bedford 1


·         Bedford 2




Name _________________________________     Class Days ____TT____MWF       Class Hours ___                          Page 2

Follow the instructions on Page 1 with this page as well.

Videos to Help Students Use Evidence and Interpret Feedback on an Assignment


Rubric Used with the Points Chart for a 20-Point Comparison  Tip: Toward the end of the video, you will need to scroll to the right to see where the last number on the Points Chart.


Copy of the Rubric in Color


Points Chart for Writing Assignments worth

·         20 Points


·         60 Points


5 Good Habits for Evidence and the Rubric

Tip: If you are writing for a boss or professor who does not want citations, you can write citations with endnotes as you work. When done, you copy your file for the boss or professor and remove the endnotes. When your boss or professor demands proof on something, you will know the exact  page. If you need details, ask.


Would anyone pay you?


If you had problems with:

·         Citation, use Bedford 1 and Bedford 2


·         “Half-copy” plagiarism, use Bedford 3


·         Quotations, use Bedford 4


Marks in the rubric and how you find that error on a specific line of your paper



How to prevent these errors:

·         How to verify content before you write


·         How to check evidence in your written work


·         How to proof quotations


·         (Basics about Quotations)


·         How to proofread for clarity


To recognize problems quickly, I highlight with different colors:

·         All words you have placed in quotation marks (“”)

·         All endnotes and other information about evidence

For why I grade this way, see the 1st video on the Endnotes below.


Doing Better and Faster Work with the Feedback on the 5Ws Chart




·         Who Will Use Your Writing and Evidence in the Future and Why Does Your Prof Grade This Way?


·         Endnotes Take the Reader “straight to the passage” That Is Your Evidence – Scroll below to see part of this video.


·         Endnotes for Quotations and for Facts in Your Own Words


·         An Endnote Means Everything Preceding It Is Clearly Supported


Feedback on Your Endnotes and the Rules for Endnotes


Examine with care:

·         Bedford 1


·         Bedford 2


How to use endnotes with Microsoft Word and where to place those endnotes in your paper


Examine with care:

·         Bedford 1


·         Bedford 2





Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2015


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