Video to Answer the Question: How Do You Accept the Responsibility to Catch Your Own Errors and Correct Them before Submitting Your Work?


What Do You Want to Know?

Video to Use and Tips on Using It

Links Shown or Mentioned in the Video That You May Want to See

How can you catch your own errors in your work?

In any job, it is your responsibility to make sure that you catch your own errors. Start now so you will be ready when you need to be. Also, if you want a good reference from a professor in your major field, you must catch your own errors all the time.


Personal note to Students: If you need each of these sets of tips on the right made into videos, tell me.

How to prevent errors:

·         How to verify content before you write

·         How to check evidence in your written work

·         How to proof quotations and
(Basics about Quotations)

·         How to proofread for clarity


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