Instructions to Complete the form and Determine How You Will Use This Folder During the Rest of the Term

Stay in the folder “5 Good Habits for Evidence” until you complete the form and submit it to Turnitin.

If you need help, just ask by email. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday, you can also call me during office hours at 281.239.1577.


You have two things to do:

·         Complete the form

·         Notice what else is in this folder that you will need based on how much you already know about evidence

Tip: Go to the SECTION 2: Downloading, Completing, and Submitting the Required Form of Good Habits for Evidence and download the form and save it to your computer. That way you can complete the form as you do the steps. Part of the instructions on this webpage are words that you will see in that form.

Before you do this, these have been 4 common questions. If you want to know the answer, just click on the question.

·         Why Call This a Personal Responsibility Form? (This link stays on this webpage.)

·         Doesn’t everyone know about evidence and history? (This link opens in a New Window. It shows the results of surveys of many years of classes. Example:  over 60% of students say they didn’t know these basics before.)

·         Would anyone pay you for this skill?  (This link opens in a New Window. It takes a workplace perspective.)

·         Where can I see these rules for evidence?
Look in the folder at SECTION 3: Using Resources to Help You Understand Evidence. They are primarily pages from The Bedford Handbook, the standard WCJC uses.


Look in SECTION 1: Introducing Yourself to the 5 Good Habits for Evidence and Answering Your Own Questions Using Videos and click on the first link “5 Good Habits for Evidence- the Keys to Successful Critical Thinking.”  It has information and short self-tests so you can tell if you are understanding. When you are done, you fill in the first part of the form.


In SECTION 1, notice the link to the “Video to Answer the Question: What Does the History Department Require and What’s the Consequence of a Minimum of 25% of Your Grade from Writing Assignments?” Using either using the video or clicking on this example, do you understand the consequences? Fill in that part of the form.


Also in SECTION 1, notice the link to the “Video to Answer the Question: How Does the Separate Grade for the Writing and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence Help You Earn a Higher Grade Even Though You Are an Inexperienced Writer or Are Inexperienced with History?” Using either the video or clicking on this example, do you understand the consequences? Fill in that part of the form.t


Look at the rest of the form and respond.


Questions You May Have

Why Call This a Personal Responsibility Form?

Texas has a new standard for history teachers—and others—to use to help college students: personal responsibility. Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence is certainly a matter of personal responsibility, especially since not following some of these 5 Good Habits for Evidence can be a form of cheating.


You may or may not already know these 5 habits, but you are the only one who can make this happen in your written assignments. By submitting this form, you are confirming that you recognize this responsibility. If you need help, contact your instructor. (I will be glad to help you.)