Understand the History Department’s requirement that all history courses have a minimum of 25% of the course grade (the final letter grade) based on writing means you must do at least some of the writing assignments.    


In the example, a 1000-point course has

·         250 points (25%) specific writing assignments

·         750 points (75%) objective assignments (such as multiple choice or fill in the blank or true/false)

If you did this:

·         Did No writing assignments = 0 points

·         And you only attempted objective work (750 possible points)

Then the math shows what would happen to your Final Letter grade for the course:

  • If “C” work (70%) on the objective assignments, then you’d have
    70% of 750 points=  525 out of the 1000
    Final Letter grade for the course: an F

  • If “B” work (80%) on the objective assignments, then you’d have
    80% of 750 = 600 out of the 1000
    Final Letter grade for the course: a “D”

  • If “A” work (90%) on the objective assignments, then you’d have 
    90% of 750 = 675
    Final Letter grade for the course: a “D,” a higher one but still a “D”

  • Perfect work (100%) on all objective assignments, then you’d have 
    100% of 750 points= 750
    Final Letter grade for the course: a “C” – This is a risky plan because perfect is hard to do.