Note to Reviewers: Once videos on the rubric are redone with Screencast-O-Matic, this link will be replaced.


What Are the Parts of the Rubric and How Does It Determine Your Grade

1.       Notice the column Requirement and that the greatest value is to Reading for Evidence (60%), Writing With Evidence (30%) and the other two only account for 10%.

2.       Notice the rows for each requirement with each letter grade have a different set of traits in the cell. For example, the cell for Reading FOR Evidence

·         Under the “F” Paper Criteria begins with the words “Assumed. Used an unreliable source or….”

·         Under the “D” Paper Criteria begins with the words “Misread, read passively, or….”


3.       Notice the other 3 columns, one for each of the traditional letter grades. With the “C” Paper Criteria, “B” Paper Criteria, or “A” Paper Criteria, all of the cells are not about problems with the Good Habits for Evidence, but the cells cover the traits of a good paper from a C, to a B, to an A.

4.       Although it is not written in these columns because of spacing, those columns use the traditional percentages of 90% r for an A, 80% for a B, 70% for a C, and 60% for a D, and less than 60% is an F.

Fortunately for you and me, Blackboard will calculate the math based on which cell I click for each row, but it usually helps to see this explanation.


To give an example of a 10-point writing assignment because that is easiest to calculate:


5.1      For Reading FOR Evidence. Reading is worth 60% of the 10—or 6. If you made a mid-B on Reading, that’s 85% (.85 X 6 =5.1)

2.1      For Writing WITH Evidence. Writing is worth 30% of the 10—or 3. If you made a low C, that’s 70% (.70 X 3 =2.1)

0.425 For Following Directions for Evidence. Directions are 5% of the 10 —or .5. If you made a mid-B, that’s 85% (.85 X .5 = .425)

0.35   For Mechanics are 5% of the 10 —or .5. If you made a low C, that’s 70% (.70 X .5 = .35)

7.975 <Your grade out of 10 possible points                                             ^ If you add up the values in bold above, 6 + 3 + .5 + .5 = 10.


5.       If you have no marks in the column for the “F” Paper Criteria and the “D” Paper Criteria, that means you followed the Good Habits for Evidence with this writing assignment. That also means that you will get the full points for the separate Good Habits for Evidence grade. That grade increases in value with the assignments to encourage you practice those Good Habits for Evidence consistently.

6.       If you have questions about this rubric, please ask.



"F" Paper Criteria

"D" Paper Criteria

"C" Paper Criteria

"B" Paper Criteria

"A" Paper Criteria

Reading FOR Evidence (60%)

Assumed. Used an unreliable source or an incorrect or incomplete part of the source required for the question asked.

Misread, read passively, or made errors such as cherry-picking facts or embellishing facts.

Accurately read the parts, but did not try to evaluate or to synthesize the interconnections.

Accurately read the parts and analyzed each one. Tried to evaluate and synthesize interconnections.

Accurately read the parts and analyzed each one. Evaluated and synthesized the interconnections.

Writing WITH Evidence (30%)

Wrote assumptions. Used "" inaccurately and changed meaning. Did not answer all parts of the question. Did not use endnotes. Did not cite accurately and according to the directions.

Wrote passively. Plagiarized or did “half-copy” plagiarism (also called “patchwrite”). Used "" inaccurately, including making the author's sentences look grammatically incorrect.

Only summarized separately each of the parts of the question, but did not cover interconnections.

Revealed each part and covered some interconnections. Provided few examples.

Understood each part and revealed the parts’ interconnections. Provided clear and representative examples.

Following Directions for Evidence


Did not follow directions above or with the questions (such as maximum length).

Did not follow directions.

Followed the directions. 

Followed the directions carefully.

Followed the directions exactly.

Mechanics (Language and Punctuation) (5%)

Many mechanical errors.

Several mechanical errors.

Two or more mechanical errors.

One or more mechanical errors.

No more than one minor mechanical error.




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