Student # 27

1) Look at the student’s work.

Spanish American War

In 1895 Cuba natives rebelled against the Spanish control they were under. Failure to win their rebellion resulted in so-called Cuban "Re-concentration" camps. When President McKinley was elected in 1896 this issue of foreign policy was thrown in his face immediately. He told Spain to withdraw their forces from Cuba if his forces could not control the rebellion rapidly. It began to look better since in fall of 1897, the so-called "re-concentration" camps were put to a stop. But in 1898 the situation worsened as the rebellion persisted. The United States the sent Naval operative U.S.S. Maine into the Havana Harbor to monitor the ongoing situation in Cuba. On February 15, the ship exploded in the harbor and killed 260 men. This was the last straw for Mckinley after the de lome letter and he went before Congress asking to intervene in Cuba to provide help. In order to show proof there were no selfish motives here, the U.S. proposed the teller amendment, stating the U.S. had no motive to annex Cuba. So the war began Spain was not interested in a direct offer for no reign over Cuba. Eventually Spain was subdued and agreed to a treaty where the United States gained Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines through the Spanish-American War.


2) Mark an X in the 1st column if you can answer any of these questions about this student’s work.



Did the student read and write the facts accurately? Can you prove it?



Did the student write in his own words? Or did the student do what The Bedford Handbook calls “unacceptable borrowing” or plagiarism? Can you prove it?



Did the student use facts not in the common source—or rely on memory or perhaps make up something? Can you prove it?



Did the student seem to understand the facts? Can you prove it?


3) Now click on the link to the right of this one. Using that link, compare the student’s work with the source that the student used. If your answer to a question above is different, mark an X in the 2nd column.








Part of the presentation Hidden Barriers to Critical Thinking: Assessment and Solutions

A & M Assessment Conference, February 2010

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