Student # 32

1) Look at the student’s work.

Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller

The main signifiance of John D. Rockefeller and standard oil was the dovelopment of trust. Standard Oil became the leading example of monopoly power and economic concentration. Standard Oil was developed in the 1870, and by the end of the 1870's Rockefeller controlled 90% of the nations oil refining capacity. Rockefeller was the first entreprenuer to achieve hortizontal integration. In 1882, standard oil became the first example of a trust in American business. Through the common law, Rockefeller and his lawyer was able to exploit this in the courts. For example 41 stockholders of standard oil created a 9 member board of trustees. THe board held the company's stock in trust and exercised the general supervision of affairs. This was considered one of the biggest capitalist movements in modern day history because the soul owner of a company was able to control his company through a group of choosen individuals better known as a board of directors.


2) Mark an X in the 1st column if you can answer any of these questions about this student’s work.



Did the student read and write the facts accurately? Can you prove it?



Did the student write in his own words? Or did the student do what The Bedford Handbook calls “unacceptable borrowing” or plagiarism? Can you prove it?



Did the student use facts not in the common source—or rely on memory or perhaps make up something? Can you prove it?



Did the student seem to understand the facts? Can you prove it?


3) Now click on the link to the right of this one. Using that link, compare the student’s work with the source that the student used. If your answer to a question above is different, mark an X in the 2nd column.








Part of the presentation Hidden Barriers to Critical Thinking: Assessment and Solutions

A & M Assessment Conference, February 2010

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