Student # 4

1) Look at the student’s work.

Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights act was proposed by Senator Charles Sumner and Congressman Benjamin Butler in 1870. This act was created to ensure equality to every American citizen in public. It was signed on March 1, 1875, but it was deemed unconstitutional a few years later by the Supreme Court. Emulating the idea, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racial segregation in public places such as schools and the work place. In a civil rights speech given by John F. Kennedy in 1963, distributing equality to everyone was the president's main focus and the bill was introduced from that point.


2) Mark an X in the 1st column if you can answer any of these questions about this student’s work.



Did the student read and write the facts accurately? Can you prove it?



Did the student write in his own words? Or did the student do what The Bedford Handbook calls “unacceptable borrowing” or plagiarism? Can you prove it?



Did the student use facts not in the common source—or rely on memory or perhaps make up something? Can you prove it?



Did the student seem to understand the facts? Can you prove it?


3) Now click on the link to the right of this one. Using that link, compare the student’s work with the source that the student used. If your answer to a question above is different, mark an X in the 2nd column.








Part of the presentation Hidden Barriers to Critical Thinking: Assessment and Solutions

A & M Assessment Conference, February 2010

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