Your Emergency Contact Information & Plan for the Grade You Want to Earn Date__/__/2019-1301

1.       Write NEATLY your emergency contact information so I can reach you if it is in your interest that I contact you. Example: You did not complete the Final Exam. I am required to fail you for the course. I will try to call you.


Your last name: _________________ __________     Your first name: _________________ __________    


Reliable phone number:  _____-_____-________      Alternative email: _________________ __________    


2.       Have you ever used Blackboard before for a class?   
_ Many times   _ 10 or more times _ 10 or fewer times  _ A little   _  Seldom   _ Never   


3.       Place an X to the left of YOUR planned grade in this 1000-point course. Notice the difference in 895 and 894 points.

_ A (895-1000 points)   _ B (795-894 points)   _ C (695-794 points)   _ D (595-694 points)   _ F (594 or less)

4.       Place an X to the left of EACH assignment for points that you plan to do so you earn the grade that you plan.

Tip: If you want an A, you need to put an X by all of them. If you have questions, ask. I am glad to help.
Caution 1: If your X’s do not add up to the points required for the grade you want or if you would have to make 100% on each assignment with an X, you will have to redo this. If you have questions, please ask.
Caution 2 and Tip for Success:  Copy your X’s on what you will do on your List of Due Dates.

Getting Started - Course Documents and Orientation


Lecture Title/Your Assignment or Preparation




Course Orientation and your plan to make the grade you want.




Your Preparation: Bring a Scan-Tron and # 2 pencil. Seating chart occurs.

Take the Pre-test in class.



Your Preparation: Mark the Syllabus & Success Assignment and view the links (URL at the top) for any row you do not understand (10 points). Come with your questions for the Q&A (10 points). Blackboard demonstration, including of Evidence and of Self-Tests and Full-Tests.

Bring Course Plan and Syllabus & Success. Bring your questions on a piece of notebook paper with your name at the top.



Your Assignment: This is your chance to get ahead with your work. You may either complete this work at home before the lab or come to the open lab during your class period. If you come to the lab, you also must be quiet and productive for the points and to stay in the lab. Your instructor will help any students who need help logging in or anything else.

Log in successfully. Take all 4 Evidence Quiz Self-Tests before the end of your class. Tip: Try the 1st Learning Quizzes too.


Unit 1: From New World to New Empires - the 16th Century to 1763 (Reference Chapters 1-6)


Lecture Title/Your Assignment or Your Preparation

Lesson #




Foundations (Where We Began) and Colonization

Lesson 1




Comparing the English Colonies: Events in the 3 Sections

Lesson 2




Comparing the English Colonies: Traits of the 3 Sections

Lesson 3




Examining Empire and the Colonies Through 1775

Lesson 4




Your Assignment: Complete all Learning Quizzes

Lessons 1-4

All Self-Tests/Full-Tests



Your Preparation: Bring a Scan-Tron and # 2 pencil.

Lessons 1-4

Unit 1 Exam








Continues on the back>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Your last name: _________________ __________     Your first name: _________________ __________     Page 2-1301

Evidence Quizzes & 3-Part Writing – Work Spread Over Unit 1, 2, and 3

Caution:  For you to get points and for me to grade, you keep in the orange folder all papers I give you and you give me.





Do the 4 Evidence Self-Tests on basics of evidence in history. (If you do not make 80% on each Self-Test and if you want the 40 points, do the Full-Tests.)



1st Part: Practice with evidence using textbook pages applicable to the 3rd Part and provided in Blackboard so you can read ahead. A Prof’s Demo with a handout so you can create your own “cheat sheet” on how to cite that you bring into the class for the in-class writing (20 points).
Next class day: you write about ˝ page on notebook paper
(60 points, 30 for content, 30 for the Good Habits for Evidence). You must have readable handwriting or you must follow me to type it.

80 (60 + 20)


2nd Part:  Correct footnotes and bibliography (70 points) per the grading Checklist. These are the same footnotes you use with the 3rd Part paper. 3 Items in folder, 2 new items (5,5) in the folder

80 (70 + 5 +5)


3rd Part: Your footnote paper with primaries (60 points, 30 for content, 30 for the Good Habits for Evidence) 4 Items in folder, 2 new items in folder (5,5) Tip: You can also make an appointment for feedback with your professor before your submit.

70 (60 + 5 +5)

Unit 2: From Making a Revolution to Making a Nation -1763 to 1830s (Reference Chapters 7-14)


Lecture Title/Your Assignment or Preparation

Lesson #




The Confederation and the Path to Revolution and War

Lesson 1




Small-r republicanism and The Federalist Republic

Lesson 2




Presidents, Suffrage, Land & Slavery from 1800 to 1840

Lesson 3




Essential Transformations--What Changed Where 1800-1860

Lesson 4




Your Assignment: Complete all Learning Quizzes

Lessons 1-4

All Self-Tests/Full-Tests



Your Preparation: Bring a Scan-Tron and # 2 pencil.

Lessons 1-4

Unit 2 Exam







Unit 3: Transforming the Nation - 1830s to 1877 (Reference Chapters 15-22)


Lecture Title/Your Assignment or Preparation

Lesson #




Reform and Change—Comparing the Sections

Lesson 1




Manifest Destiny and the Impending Crisis

Lesson 2




Civil War—Comparison of the Sections and Essential Battles

Lesson 3




Stages of Reconstruction and Implications for the Future

Lesson 4




Your Assignment: Complete all Learning Quizzes

Lessons 1-3

All Self-Tests/Full-Tests



Your Preparation: Bring a Scan-Tron and # 2 pencil.

Lessons 1-3

Unit 3 Exam








Final Exam: 16th Century to 1877–Includes a Review Caution: F for Course if Final Exam not taken


Lecture Title/Your Assignment or Preparation





Your Preparation: Review materials are available.





Your Preparation: Bring a Scan-Tron and # 2 pencil.

Final Exam

5/15, 10:15AM-12:15PM



Your Preparation: Review all grades. If a problem, email me.


5/16 before Noon


I reserve the right to modify the syllabus during the semester.

5. If you have any information you would like for me to know, please write it below. I am also glad to talk with you.