cHow to Do the 3 Posts in the 1st Post Discussion (It’s110 points extra credit so follow instructions.)

Caution: Read over the table of contents below. Notice that there is an equivalent set of information for the 1st Post and the Peer Reviews. 

1.       Do the 1st Post following the information in order.

2.       Then come back to these instructions to do the Peer Reviews. If you need help, ask.

These instructions are similar to the ones for the 1st Primary Writing; however, the NEW: shows directions different from the 1st Primary.

Caution: Why Do You See No Postings in the Discussion for the 1st Post and Where Can You See Everything You Need to Do the 1st Post?. 1

NEW: The Survey and Concepts That You Use with the Primaries and the Textbook Used in the Prior Assignment – Including the Definition of the Concept of Civic Responsibility. 1

NEW: The Survey and the Potential for 10, 20, or 30 points. 1

NEW: Resource to Help You Meet the Individuals in the Pullman Strike. 1

1st Post—Method, Requirements, Citation, Background, Rubric, and Grading (40 Points) –This instruction is the same as the 1st Primary but with differences in the subject. 1

What Does Your Instructor Recommend As a Method to Do This Assignment?. 1

NEW: What Are Essential Requirements from Sources to Maximum Length to the Subject Line of Your Post?. 1

What Are Requirements for Citation for Your 1st Post?. 1

What Is the Rubric Used to Measure Your Content and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence and How Does It Work?. 1

How Does Grading Work?. 1

2 Peer Reviews—Definition, Method, Requirements, Rubric, and Grading (40 Points). 1

What’s a Peer Review?. 1

What Does Your Instructor Recommend As a Method to Do This Assignment and What Are Its Requirements?. 1

What Is the Rubric Used to Measure Your Peer Review of the Papers of 2 Other Students and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence. 1

How Does Grading Work?. 1

Resources Available as Links on This Webpage. 1

If You Want to Know Why We Use These Shortened Citations. 1

Brain Trick for Quoting and Avoiding Quotation Humiliation. 1


Caution: Why Do You See No Postings in the Discussion for the 1st Post and Where Can You See Everything You Need to Do the 1st Post?

Blackboard has several types of discussions. One requires that you make an initial post before you can see other people’s posts. The discussion for the 1st Post is that kind of posting.

You must 1st post your paper before you can see other students’ papers. That means you want to write that paper as carefully as possible and that means you need to work in Blackboard in Writing with Primaries. The fastest way to get there is by clicking on Writing with Primaries on the Course Menu. (You can also find it at the bottom of Lesson Units.)

NEW: The Survey and Concepts That You Use with the Primaries and the Textbook Used in the Prior Assignment – Including the Definition of the Concept of Civic Responsibility

The words in light rose are used in the possible questions listed below.

Definitions of Concepts

1. Intercultural Competence—the understanding of social and/or aesthetic elements, beliefs, practices and/or processes by utilizing a variety of cultural and historical perspectives for analysis.

2. Civic Responsibility The understanding of the individual’s obligations and/or expectations regarding interaction with community constituents, response to community needs, recognition of the importance of cultural assets, and/or awareness of social or political institutions and processes.

3. Engagement— the ability to engage in regional, national, and global communities through awareness and understanding the complexity of elements important to humanity.

How Do These Concepts Help You Deal with Primaries and to Deal Specifically with the Primaries for the Pullman Strike of 1894

1. Approaching the past is like encountering another culture—and is best done by approaching these people as though you know nothing about them and are trying to let them reveal themselves to you with their words and actions..

2. The Pullman Strike reveals a great difference between the view of civic responsibility of the Pullman workers, George Pullman, Governor Altgeld and--although you know them only from the textbook—President Cleveland, the U.S. Attorney General, the railroad executives, the federal judges, the Supreme Court, and the federal troops, the paid strikebreakers, the paid special deputies, and E.V. Debs and the workers of the American Railway Union who tried to help the Pullman workers whose families were hungry before the strike even started. Caution:  Each of these people probably thought he was doing the right thing.

3. The Pullman Strike reveals engagement, but—and this is a personal view that you do not have to agree with at all—it seems that many of the participants of this challenging event do not understand each other.

NEW: The Survey and the Potential for 10, 20, or 30 points

You can take the Survey and you can earn the 10 points entered automatically when you take the survey. There are no wrong answers in the Survey—the questions are just to help you think about the additional content. As long as you click 10 answers, you will earn 10 points.

If the Survey grade at My Grades shows 10 points and if you do the 1st Post, at the end of assignment, I will enter another 10 Points. If you do the 2 peer reviews, at the end of the assignment I will enter another 10 points.

NEW: Resource to Help You Meet the Individuals in the Pullman Strike

This link provides search words that you can use with the Pullman response and with the 3 Altgeld letter:
Helping You See What These Primaries from the Pullman Strike Tell You About America in 1894

It is also with the primaries themselves.

1st Post—Method, Requirements, Citation, Background, Rubric, and Grading (40 Points) –This instruction is the same as the 1st Primary but with differences in the subject.

What Does Your Instructor Recommend As a Method to Do This Assignment?

Read and plan carefully, being sure to record the exact page numbers as you plan so you can cite following the citation instructions in this link. Copy the questions below into your word processor file and add a blank line between each question. Type your answers and use the word processor’s word count feature to be sure you are within the maximum word count. Also run spell and grammar checking.

Print it and proof it. To proof means to compare side by side your paper and your source to be sure page numbers and facts and names and quotations and everything is correct.

When you are sure you are accurate, create a post in the 1st Post discussion. Then copy and paste your file into it. Tip: If you do not know how to post in a discussion, use Blackboard’s instructions. You can find Blackboard videos in a folder in Useful Web Links at the bottom of the Course Menu.

NEW: What Are Essential Requirements from Sources to Maximum Length to the Subject Line of Your Post?

Sources to Use

In the primaries for Chapter 16 on the Pullman Strike

In the textbook, use 581, 584-585.

Tip for reading this very important document (stays on this webpage)

NEW: What You Write for Your 1st Post

You may answer any 1 (one) of these:

·         “Civic Responsibility” as revealed by Altgeld’s letters and actions

·         “Civic Responsibility” as revealed by Pullman’s Response and actions

·         Compare Altgeld’s and Cleveland’s view of “Civic Responsibility”
Tip: With Cleveland, you have only the textbook, but it reveals a lot.

·         The “awareness and understanding” of Pullman’s workers as revealed by Pullman’s Response and actions

·         The “awareness and understanding” of Pullman’s workers as revealed by Altgeld’s letters and actions

If there is another idea that you have, email me. I am glad to consider other ideas.

General Tips:

·         Make sure you look at the definition of “Civic Responsibility” and the context for the phrase “awareness and understanding” provided above. (I have made them light rose to help you see them.)

·         Consider that the workers and George Pullman and others have little experience with the other group

·         Realize that the 330-word limitation means that you must focus on the individual(s) in the question. While you must also understand the information about all of the others involved in this situation but you do not have to explain all you know.
To quote an incredibly useful professor in my past:

o   “You must know everything, but you do not have to say everything.”

o   “You do not have to say everything, but everything you say must be true.”

Tips for Reading, Figuring Things Out, and Writing (Goes to another webpage; click Back to return.)


Covered under the heading below.


Do not try to do format within the Discussion Tool. Use the simple format in the file provided.


330 words absolute maximumLess is better.  (The 330 words includes the count for the questions as well. To count, you can use Microsoft’s “Word Count” tool available from the Review tab.)


Make sure it is accurate, especially if you are quoting something. Keep it simple by using this Brain Trick (This link goes to the bottom of this webpage.)

NEW: Subject Line of Your Post

Click Create Thread in the discussion to create a post with this subject line:
Your Name – <one of the titles above>

NEW: Example: if your name is Ana Joy, and you chose to write on your subject line is
Ana JoyCompare Altgeld’s and Cleveland’s view of “civic responsibility”


What Are Requirements for Citation for Your 1st Post?

Do not use lengthy citation statements within parentheses () as is done with MLA. You are trying to teach history accurately to someone like yourself. You are not collecting research and quoting from it. You all have the same sources and so you do not want to get a lot of words get between you and your fellow students. Do these things for this writing assignment:

What You Want to Cite

Example of How You Would Cite

If the fact is from George Pullman’s Response to Striking Workers

If your fact is from page 1 of Pullman’s 3-page response (received by Altgeld on 8/21/1894), then immediately after your fact you’d write: (Pullman, p. 1)

If the fact is from the collection of letters, it depends on the letter

There are 4 letters, 2 on the first page and 1 on each remaining page.

The primary states above each letter written by Altgeld or the Citizens of Pullman what citation you use for that letter

If the fact is from the required textbook, the Essentials edition

If your fact is from page 581 of the textbook, then immediately after your fact you’d write: (Essentials, p. 581)

Click here If You Want to Know Why We Use These Shortened Citations (This link goes to the bottom of this webpage.)

What Is the Rubric Used to Measure Your Content and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence and How Does It Work?

What is a rubric? Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines a rubric as “a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests.” Frequently, rubrics are in a table:

·         With rows for each criteria (such as this one with criteria for Reading FOR Evidence, Writing WITH Evidence, Following Directions for Evidence, and Mechanics)

·         With columns for each grade level (such as this one with columns for “F” through “A.”

Some rubrics (like this one) are weighted so that some criteria are worth more points. This rubric has these weights:

·         Reading FOR Evidence at 60% - At 60%, notice that you must read the required sources carefully.

·         Writing WITH Evidence at 30%- At 30%, notice that you must use the required sources carefully.

·         Following Directions FOR Evidence at 5%

·         Mechanics (Language and Punctuation) at 5%

Click here for an explanation of the rubric and how to use it as a grader or as someone graded. (This is also available in several parts of the source.)

Caution: If your work is in the last two days, your points will be lower.

How Does Grading Work?

For this assignment, I email my graded rubric to you. After you reply to my feedback, I enter the grade at My Grades. The point value is @ 20 points for content and @ 20 points for following all 5 Good Habits for Evidence

2 Peer Reviews—Definition, Method, Requirements, Rubric, and Grading (40 Points)

What’s a Peer Review?

Merriam-Webster Online defines peer review as “a process by which something proposed (as for research or publication) is evaluated by a group of experts in the appropriate field.”

In this course, you all can practice the skills needed to act like expert—and to make decisions that protect yourself and to get and keep a good job we all have to learn to be experts now. It is possible for you to think like an expert in this course:

·         Because you must all use the same sources

·         Because you all must cite all statements

·         You read the others’ original posts and chose the 1st post you want to review for content and for following all 5 Good Habits for Evidence. Caution: Do it thoroughly but choose quickly because the maximum number of countable replies to one person’s post is 3. If you post after the 3rd person has already posted, yours will not be counted and you will have to do another.

What Does Your Instructor Recommend As a Method to Do This Assignment and What Are Its Requirements?

You read the others’ original posts and chose the 1st post you want to review for content and for following all 5 Good Habits for Evidence. Caution: Do it thoroughly but choose quickly because the maximum number of countable replies to one person’s post is 3. Tip: It is probably safest to choose one that no one has reviewed yet. If you post after the 3rd person has already posted, yours will not be counted and you will have to do another.

Use part of the same method that you used with your own paper. Print the other student’s paper and proof it. To proof means to compare side by side your paper and your source to be sure page numbers and facts and names and quotations and everything is correct. Mark anything that is incorrect that you need to include in your peer review and mark any good things (such as following a Good Habits for Evidence that the student has done as well).

You evaluate the other student’s paper on the same requirements you followed for sources, questions, format, length, and punctuation.

When you are sure you are accurate, return to the 1st Post that you plan to review. Tip: If you do not know how to reply in a discussion, use Blackboard’s instructions. You can find Blackboard videos in a folder in Useful Web Links at the bottom of the Course Menu.

Subject Line of Your Post

1.       Click on the paper posted by a student. (Choose 1 that has not been review or a least has only 1 review.)

2.       Click Reply with a Quote to create a reply.

3.       Change the Subject line to this:
Your Name – My Feedback to Help Your Content and Evidence

Example: if your name is Ana Joy, your subject line is
Ana JoyMy Feedback to Help Your Content and Evidence

4.       In the student’s paper, insert your feedback at the spot where you want to give feedback by doing these thing:

·         Make a blank line.

·         Type an opening square bracket [
and then your feedback
and then a closing square bracket ].

·         Type another blank line


Example: If your colleague in the class cited page 30 for a statement, but you found that fact on 29, you could write just below the citation for page 30

[Page should be 29.]



What Is the Rubric Used to Measure Your Peer Review of the Papers of 2 Other Students and Your Following the 5 Good Habits for Evidence

Click here for the rubric used to measure the 2 Peer Reviews.

You review 2 (and only 2) papers posted by other students only on these 2 things

1.       Content (historical content as measured by what is supported by a specific page in our textbook or in resources provided by the instructor)

2.       Evidence (use of evidence as measured by the 5 Good Habits for Evidence)

Caution: This rubric also says that you need to participate from the beginning. If your work is in the last two days, your points will be lower.

How Does Grading Work?

For your two replies of peer reviews, I enter the reviews in an overall Blackboard Discussion rubric. For each of the 2 peer reviews, the point value is @ 10 points for content and @ 10 points for following all 5 Good Habits for Evidence



Resources Available as Links on This Webpage


If You Want to Know Why We Use These Shortened Citations

The reasons are:

·         All of your written assignments are brief and have a maximum word count. If you used traditional MLA citation which is written inline (within your lines of text), you would use up your word count much faster. You could end up with a paper that says little but is full of lots of long citation.

·         History’s standard, the Chicago Manual of Style, provides rigorous citation, but not inline. Instead, it uses endnotes (citation at the end of the paper) or footnotes (citation at the bottom of the page) to provide citation.

In other words, citation is there but it is not in the way of communication of the history. The citation is not written within your lines of text because of how historians write about history.

·         They are helping people understand the past.

·         That is your job in this course as well. Why? When you try to help someone understand history, you start to understand it yourself. If you want to understand something, try to teach it.

·         In this class, you use these shortened citation format so that citation is as unobtrusive as possible.

Offer: With the paper you submit through Turnitin, you may try endnotes. If you want to try that, contact me and I will make examples visible to you and answer your questions about the mechanics of making them in Microsoft Word.


Brain Trick for Quoting and Avoiding Quotation Humiliation

Click here for additional tips. (This tip is also available from the tutorial at the top of Evidence Requirements.)

The rules for showing what you have taken out (…) of the author’s words or put in ([ ]) are complex and for most of us they are not worth learning.


This brain trick lets you be accurate but avoid learning those rules:

  1. Choose 3 to 6 words to quote and change nothing (not an ing or an ed, not a comma, nothing) between the first and the last word.

  2. Put abefore the first word and a after the last word.

  3. Place those words with the “ ”within your sentence.


  1. If something sounds awkward about your sentences, then change your own words—the only words you have a right to change.


  1. Look at all of the words in the source. Be sure the meaning of the source remains in your quotation.




Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2017


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