Overview of the STEPS in Evidence Matters

This information is repeated in each STEP

STEP 1: Reasons (besides points) Why You Want to Do What Is Covered in Evidence Matters

Two links:

·         No One Would Pay You (or Employ You) if Evidence Doesn't Matter to You

·         Over 50% of Good, Smart People Like You Did Not Know These Basics about Evidence


STEP 2: Without Loss of Points, Measuring What You Know and Don’t Know about Evidence and History

Two quizzes:

·         That have low points (.01 per question) and those points are extra credit.

·         That you can retake later for the full 5 points each.

·         That—if you retake them later—earn points for these self-testing ones


Just answer these questions without any preparation:

·         Basics of the 5 Good Habits for Evidence You Need to Know and Do - for Self-Testing (Only .01 points each)
Requires the password onetimeonly  - 5 minutes – Total value .05

·         Basics of History You Need to Know and Do (Also in Unit 1 Objective Exam) - for Self-Testing (Only .01 points each)
Requires the password onetimeonly  - 20 minutes – Total value .2


STEP 3: What You Use and Do If You Missed a Question on the Good Habits for Evidence Quiz or about Evidence or Quotations on the Basics Quiz

Several resources

·         5 Good Habits for Evidence, a tutorial with self-tests within it and with links to help you teach yourself the habit that you miss

·         If you need them, definitions

·         4 pages from The Bedford Handbook, with the purpose of each page explained in its name


FYI: A bibliography is not required because you can only use the textbook and primaries provided within the course. Specific instructions for using a simple version of endnotes for this course are provided with these assignments:

·         Unit 1 Writing Exam and Unit 2 Writing Exam

·         Analysis of Primaries

STEP 4: Graded Class Session on Evidence Matters

You will need to review all of the materials there to answer accurately and to ask what you don't know. You need to provide questions ahead of things you don’t know.  If there are no questions, we will return to content.


STEP 5: Retaking the Self-Tests for 5 Points Each – Caution: you must DO these actions when writing, not just click the answers in the quiz.

After you have clicked Mark Review on the 5 Good Habits for Evidence tutorial, you see

·         Basics of the 5 Good Habits for Evidence You Need to Know and Do
No password and multiple retakes - 5 minutes – Total value 5

·         Basics of History You Need to Know and Do (Also in Unit 1 Objective Exam)
No password and multiple retakes - 20 minutes – Total value 5


Note: retaking each of these quizzes also earns 2 points extra credit for each one you did in STEP 2.

STEP 6: Submitting Your Personal Responsibility Form in Class

These items:



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History – Dr. Bibus

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