Seeing the 1-Page Checklist with Wider Spaces between Lines

Top Checklist for Preparing Your Test Area

Notice that this is the Table of Penalties Ranging 30% Off or a 0 for the Exam for Violations of Exam Conduct. The Consequences in this table relate directly to your required actions in the lists with each of the Steps in Respondus. Example: To be sure the microphone is “turned on and recording” (Exam Conduct Requirement in the 4th row here), you must speak aloud per the instructions for Step 2 of Respondus so you can tell if the microphone is working. If it is not, fix it in case you have to say something aloud to me and because I must hear any noises in the room. [Caution: Respondus changed this year. Respondus now “flags” students that profs should check as a “priority” for such things as their faces are not in the webcam view throughout the test.]

Exam Conduct Requirement:

Consequence for Violation of Exam Conduct:

Valid photo ID shown

Penalty up to minus 30 percentage points

Correct placement of webcam

Penalty up to minus 30 percentage points

Complete environment scan

Penalty up to minus 30 percentage points

Microphone turned on and recording

Penalty up to minus 30 percentage points

Sufficient lighting of the testing environment

Penalty up to minus 30 percentage points

Student is in seated position with computer on hard surface (desk, table, TV tray etc.)

Penalty up to minus 30 percentage points

Student remains in webcam view during exam

Penalty up to 0 for the Exam

No unauthorized materials near desk area

Penalty up to 0 for the Exam

No talking with others during the exam or playing of music or other audio recordings.

Penalty up to 0 for the Exam


Bottom Checklist of Distance Education’s Video for Respondus Steps 1 to 7

My best way to help you realize what is in Distance Education’s video is to make this checklist of what Distance Education’s person (just called she or her below) so you know what you must do.  

Step #

Name – Short Reminder of Your Actions. Caution: You Must Look at the Video for Details

Step 1

TERMS OF USE – Just click.

Step 2

WEBCAM CHECK – You did what she did: you speak aloud (alphabet or count to 10) to check the microphone and you deal with the webcam and check your image to be sure it is in the right place—and after you do Step 5, you put your face back in the same position.

Caution: Respondus changed this year. Respondus now “flags” students that profs should check as a “priority” for such things as their faces are not in the webcam view throughout the test.

Caution: Throughout, Distance Education’s video shows you are to click on Try Again if you are not correct. Do not just click forward.

Step 3

STUDENT PHOTO – You do what she did to make her face fill the frame (the rectangle that Respondus uses). Tip: This is closer to a police department “mug” shot than a photograph for your year book.

Step 4

SHOW ID – You do what she did to make her ID fill the frame. Notice: her face is at a distance. She says make sure your name is readable. What she does will work.

Tip: This is closer to what you have to show when you get on a plane. Think about it: your name and face must be clear to the person checking your ID.
If you cannot do this successfully, then read the syllabus on what you must arrange with me by email before you click on the exam.

Step 5

ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK – To quote the Distance Education person showing you, you show that “cheating cannot occur” and you have “no unauthorized materials in your workspace.” Caution: She says she is moving slowly so the prof can see.

1.       She removes the external webcam and uses it to point to what she must show by moving from one side of her workspace to another

·         That nothing is on her workspace except her Photo ID

·         Her empty table/desk

·         Her computer including the space on both its left and right sides

·         Her lap

·         Her feet and under her workspace below the table on both left and right sides

·         Her mouse pad--lifted up so “the instructor can see” under it

·         Her keyboard/laptop--lifted up so “the instructor can see” under it

·         If the workspace is a large table as in this example, then the far side of the workspace

·         Behind her computer, including how she shows the wall

2.       That she looks at what she did and—if it is not complete—she does it over.

Tip: Last Fall and Spring, I found that students who succeeded the first time also tended to show things from left to right and to say aloud what they were showing. It seemed to help them to remember what they needed to show and to help slow down enough that a prof could see it.

Step 6

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS – Read these. If you are interrupted or something else happens that contradicts Distance Education’s video, then stop the problem and say aloud what went wrong.

Step 7

BEGIN EXAM – You follow the steps there to start the exam.