Looking at the American Public High School and Its Customers as a System

This webpage provides:

§         Background on the Chart and a Collaboration about Over Seventy Years of Work Experience

§         Looking at a Customer Service Model for the American Public High School


Background on the Chart and a Collaboration about Over Seventy Years of Work Experience

At NISOD in 2011, the two members of the 2012 presentation and two other colleagues presented “Can the Customer Service Model “Work” for Faculty?” In brief, the answer is “yes”—as a way for faculty members to look at customer service for higher education in the context of diverse businesses and services. To repeat one of the slides from that presentation:

To be part of the dialog on the future of education—to both understand and to be understood—faculty need to know:

          What people from fields other than education may mean when they talk about customers and customer service

          What education does that is different from other fields and why those differences in education are in their—and the nation’s—interest



This presentation builds on the chart on the customer service model developed for that 2011 presentation. It also builds on our collaboration based on our over seventy years in diverse business and services as well as experience in higher education. If you would like basic information from that presentation, click here.

Looking at a Customer Service Model for the American Public High School

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Chart that lets you compare easily how the customer service model works with storefront retail and the American public high school—and see what the news is saying about how things are working

Chart showing the customer service model and the American public high school

          With the left column covering the Customers (Users, Clients, or Stakeholders) and Issues

          With the next column showing storefront retail (the way many of us think about customer service)

          With the next column showing the American public high school

          With the next column providing headlines and quotations to reveal how the system is “working” (Click here for the sources or click on the chart and then on the link from that column.)


A comparison shows that public education faces different challenges and many different customers. Examples:

          Unlike storefront retail, has multiple customers that no other system has (except Higher Education)—and all are at risk if public education fails

          Unlike storefront retail, has users who are part of the product and who may lack both commitment and preparation


Looking at this as a system is revealing. The chart includes callouts revealing some of those challenges.

Are some parts of the system reducing the reasons for students to commit and to prepare?

Are we as a nation losing what we want to retain—to use a term from Dietrich Dörner?

ƒ Are we measuring what we want? Systems get what they measure (and reward) even if they do not want it.

Are some parts of the system keeping reward but transferring risk to others?


Chart that lets you see the high school system with the system for higher education

Chart showing the above plus a column for Higher Education so it is easier to compare it with the public high school and whether the solutions being attempted with the public school are applicable to Higher Education.

Cognitive reason for placing this information in a chart

It is always difficult to look at detailed, complex, and interconnected data. Dietrich Dörner covers how to use analogy and plotting of data (such as in a chart) as a way to understand a complex system.


Examples of the view that the only customer of education is the student


Also source of the quotation used at the top of the:

§         Public High School chart: “there is only one real customer—the individual who chooses to pursue an education”

§         Higher Education chart: “If students aren't the customers of the university, who are?”

Quotations plus examples of the view that the only customer of education is the student


Texas data including from the comptroller and including comparative data

Sources for Texas-Specific Data



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History – Dr. Bibus

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Last Updated:

2012 -06/04

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