How to Do Writing-#1 – These are Requirements. #1-#4 (including a through c or e)

Caution: A copy of Requirements for all Formal Work is at the bottom. You do all Requirements in this link.

1.   Options for Your Title and the Required Email If You Want to Use a Different Title

Your title should reveal your “argument”—your “coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion.” This general title may work for you:  Teach the essentials of representation and taxation using the 3 primaries

Caution: To use another title, you must propose it by email. I will be approve it unless I think you cannot prove it.

Tip: The person you are trying to teach is someone who is a 1st year student. In trying to teach another, you will teach yourself. You are not teaching everything—only the essentials.

2.   Required Textbook Pages

You should read all of the textbook pages, and you must cite at least one page for each primary.

Primary You Are Using

Page Numbers from the American Pageant Textbook

a.       Stamp Act (Primary 1)

90, 91-92

b.      Declaration of Independence(Primary 2)


c.       Constitution (Primary 3)


3.   Required Primaries and Required Words for Each Footnote for Each Primary or Textbook Page

You must use each of the 3 primaries provided below this link. Caution: Do not go to the Internet.

You must use footnotes. Pause and look at how footnotes look. Click here for how footnotes look (and a simple way to write this paper). Link Address: 

Every time you use a page number of a source, you show the reader where it came from. Think of it as telling the reader the location of your brain when you learned this truth so the reader can see it too. In history, you do not get to just say anything. You provide proof. The standard that historians use and Microsoft footnote tool makes it easy. Examples:

·         If 1 page has facts that support 2 of your sentences, you have 1 footnote. It is after the last sentence.

·         If 1 source has facts on page 16 and page 17 and page 19, you have 3 footnotes, each after its fact.

·         If 1 page of 2 sources each support 2 halves of a sentence, you have 2 footnotes, each after its half.

You must use the required words for each footnote. Replace the # with the exact page number that you used. Your reader can tell instantly what source and what page to go to for the meaning or the exact words that you wrote.

What You Want to Cite

Required Citations for Your Footnotes

a.       If the fact is from the textbook The Brief American Pageant, the required textbook.

Kennedy, Cohen, and Piehl, American Pageant, #.

b.      If the fact is the Stamp Act (Primary 1)

Stamp Act, #.

c.       If the fact is from the Declaration of Independence. (Primary 2)

Declaration of Independence, #.

d.      If the fact is from the Declaration of Independence with aids. (Primary 2)

Declaration of Independence with aids, #.

e.      If the fact is from the Constitution (Primary 3)

Constitution, #.

4.   Reminder of Requirements for Using Another’s Words in Your Writing

Reminder: If you use the words of the source, you must use quotation marks (“”) correctly. For tips, see Habits 4 and 5 in the 5 Good Habits for Evidence. Link Address:

How to Do Writing-#1 or Writing-#2 –These are Requirements.

1.   Required Top Line for Your Writing

In 1 row across the top line, your first and last name – Your Title (Details are in the Specific Instructions for a writing.)

2.   Requirements Based on the History Department Student Learner Outcomes for Writing

You are expected to create “an argument”--“a coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion.” Trying to teach something clearly and accurately honorably to another 1st student can help you do that. You are also expected to use primaries and “historical evidence” and to analyze (not just repeat). Click here for details about those terms. Link Address:

3.   Required Citation Using Footnotes

You have two resources so you can be successful with footnotes:

·         The link below is from Microsoft and it shows how to enter footnotes, the method used with History.

·         In the folder for the Writing, the link at the top provides the exact text for the footnotes.

4.   Required 5 Good Habits for Evidence

Refresh your memory on the the 5 Good Habits for Evidence. Link Address:

Caution: Because I have the sources that you were supposed to use in front of me, I can tell—and prove—easily if you misread, assumed, plagiarized, half-copy plagiarized, embellished, cherry-picked and other words in the rubric.

If you do not follow one of the Good Habits for Evidence, I will write its number in the left margin and sometimes a brief phrase. Tip: never try to be exciting. Be useful and true.

5.   Required Good Habits of Working

Save yourself from misery and lost points. Do these things:

a.       Microsoft Word automatically does footnotes with the correct number and the correct location at the bottom of the page. It is not hard. Ask if you need help! Microsoft Word can also run spell and grammar checking.

b.      Print the paper. Proof it. To proof = to compare side by side paper and source to be sure page numbers, facts, names, quotations, and everything is correct. Tip: Develop habits of work to match the way you want to be paid.

c.       Also proof the appearance of words. If you copy information from a different file into your Writing, you may mess up the format you had set up. Example: If you copy words from a primary into your Writing, your computer may change font and spacing. To avoid problems, when you copy text for a quotation, place it in a separate file and change it to the settings in Required Format. Then copy the quotation into your paper.

d.      Be brief and most certainly keep any quotation very brief.

e.      Save your file in case. It is safer.

6.   Caution: Required Format for Your Writing Work and Required File Types for Turnitin

Do each of these things.

a.       Font

11 point Calibri font

b.      Length

Never more than 1 page, including footnotes. (If it is too long, delete your own words.)

c.       Margins

1” on the left and .5” on the right    (FYI: I need those margins when I grade.)

d.      Spacing


e.      Turnitin File Types

Turnitin accepts these types of files:

·         A Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)

·         An Adobe file (.pdf)

·         An Open Office document (.odt)




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