
The syllabus introduces some opportunities to improve grades and to earn extra credit and says for you to see the Course Plan for the specifics. The specifics are included here along with some tips.


The Course Plan does have links but if you have Internet access, you should be able to click on them from the Course Plan.


Follow these steps.

  1. Download the file below this link. Place it on your computer where you can find it.

  2. In the downloadable file, fill in every line marked with yellow. Email in Blackboard Messages or call my office number (available during office hours on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) if you have any questions. Glad to help.
    Tip: It will be easier to type if you press the Insert key on your keyboard.

Example 1: If your name is Ana Joy, you type:


Last Name: Joy ____ 1st Name_Ana_______________  

Example 2: On the questions where you place an X, I’m fine if you copy and paste the X and it looks like this.



Course Objectives for the History Department - Click


  1. Before the DUE date, submit the file using the Turnitin Assignment that is in this folder. If you have never used Turnitin, WCJC’s Distance Learning Department provided us with instructions and they are included in this folder.


When I grade the plans, I will read it and I will do one of these things:

·         If I am concerned about your success, I will enter a 1.11 (a temporary placeholder) for the grade and add a Comment next to this grade asking you to talk to me ASAP or I will tell you what to fix.

·         If I am not concerned, I will enter the full points listed in Course Orientation.


FYI: about the emergency contact information, I do not plan to contact any of you. On the other hand, I have been able to help students by being able to contact them quickly, especially just before grades for the term were due.