Tips about All Evidence Quizzes and about Evidence Quiz 1


Date for extra credit

The date listed in the Course Schedule

Due date

The last date and hour of the Unit

Offers Made with Evidence Quizzes

The Course plan covers the opportunities for Evidence Quizzes. You should refresh on that.

Organization of Quizzes

Each quiz includes questions from the prior quizzes.

Example: the first evidence quiz includes questions from the tutorial.

The second evidence quiz includes questions from the 1st.


onetimeonly (no capitals and no spaces)

Possible Content

Any links placed above a quiz at Evidence Requirements, the form you completed for your course plan, the syllabus and schedule, and the rubric and instructions for a writing assignment.


Not to get you to click on a specific answer, but to be able to apply the requirements for evidence to writing for this class by getting used to thinking about evidence

An alert

The prior version of this quiz had answers for multiple choice as a, b, c, d, and e. The current version does not display those letters with the choices so you will need to slow down and think for a second. I will find out how to remedy this.