Lesson 3: What We Will Cover as New England, the Middle Colonies, and the South Develop in the last half of 1600s and first half of 1700s

Lesson 3 – Use its 2 Learning Quizzes 1st. You build on what you learned in Lesson 2.

14.   Significant traits of the 3 sections and what colonies (future states) are in each:

·        New England Colonies

·        Middle Colonies

·        Southern Colonies

15.   Stono Rebellion of slaves and South Carolina – what happened and why there?

16.   Government within the colonies:

·        Voting by colonists

·        Representative assemblies in the colonies

·        Taxation by colonial assemblies-power of the purse

·        Established churches

17.   Major movements and individuals in the 1700s:

·         Great Awakening

·        Enlightenment (Age of Reason) – English representative John Locke (Two Treaties on Civil Government); American, Ben Franklin



1.     Education in the 3 regions– a quick table 

·       Basic education

·       Higher education

2.     Economy of the 3 regions – Be able to distinguish their economies in these areas:

·       The staples – tobacco, rice, indigo – where? – a quick table for this and the next two

·       Who carries the goods to trading markets and who doesn’t have ships?

·       Where are the ports? What’s a port and who doesn’t have merchants?

·       Indentured servants – from where to where now? – a quick table for this and the next two

·       Headright – where was it in Lesson 2 and where is it now?
Slavery and slave codes where were they in Lesson 2 and where now?
and Stono Rebellion – Tip: Be sure to look at the link to know about Stono.

Video:  Distinctive Society    Search Word:  Stonew  (Should have been Stono.)


3.     Government in the colonies

·       Legislative/representative assemblies and the power to tax (“power of the purse”)- a quick table 

·       Voting by male colonists (not women)

·       Established churches by colonies

4.     Major intellectual movements in Europe and later the English colonies:

·       Starting in the 1600s the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason

·  In science Issac Newton

·  In governmental theory John Locke  - Two Treatises on Government (Also discussed as the social contract.)

·  In religion in a different way, deism

The Lessons also have the Declaration of Independence and the Stamp Act as primaries.

·       In the 1700s, in the colonies Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and more


5.     Great Awakening in the colonies and England from 1730s to 1750 moving from New England
Revivals, intense, spiritual movements
Caution: this is a religious movement, but it is not anti-science.



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