Teacher’s Comment

I am not trying to make your life harder but more successful. To put it country, I must care about you guys a lot to add this to my jobs this day.

What’s Included?

Below this link of Instructions, you will find these parts of the Teachable Moment

·         The file Teachable Moment that you download and complete.

·         The folder Teachable Moment: If You Doubt the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, Use This Folder.
It includes Bedford 3: "half-copy" plagiarism and use of another person's words whether as exact quotations or as facts


What Do You Get?

You may be able to teach yourself what I have not succeeded in teaching you—and that would be great. You also get points. If you mark the left column for the form in the file accurately, you get:

·         If you have a 0 for the 5 Good Habits for Evidence for Unit 2 Written Assignment, the full 20 points instead. (An all or nothing deal and you can’t just mark every one unless you are sure you actually broke every Good Habit.)
You also get the 1.11 points for the 5 Good Habits for Evidence form replaced with 30 points.

·         If you have a 19.1 for the 5 Good Habits for Evidence for Unit 2 Written Assignment, the 30 points instead—the equivalent of 10.9 extra credit


What Do You Do?

1.       Read the section below about Evidence-Based Grading and look briefly at the links—but enough to realize that everything is different in grading when the prof puts your source side by side with what you wrote.

2.       Go to Getting Started and the Good Habits for Evidence section and  either review the tutorial on the 5 Good Habits for Evidence or at least look carefully at its quiz.

3.       Come back here and download the file with the form.

4.       Compare your textbook, your paper, and this form side-by-side to mark the form.

5.       Complete it.

6.       Double- or triple-check your marks.

7.       Email it to me.





Evidence-based grading (with the source and your writing side by side) means that you can prove:

·         Either to yourself that the instructor is correct

·         Or you can prove to instructor that she is wrong – and she will be fine with that

Your sources are where you get your evidence for what you figure out and what you write and say about reality (such as history, biology, technology, and business). In your future, the people who evaluate what you write and say will all be experts in their fields. Upper level professors who might give you a reference if you excel will be experts; your bosses will be experts. They will know if you are faking understanding or, if they cannot be sure, they will ask you for proof in a source they consider reliable. Comparing your work with the source shows everything about the evidence—and your work.

I grade students’ written assignments by comparing side by side what you wrote with the source you were to read. Click if you want to see:

·         A visual example of how I grade

·         How grading with a source changes grading itself