What the Corresponding Colors Mean in the Student Example and in the Source (the Textbook Pages)

Highlight, blue

Facts do exist for this in the source.

Highlight, pink (a reddish one on pages)

This word is from the source. A few words indicates passive reading; many words, plagiarism or “half-copy” plagiarism. Highlighting a single letter in pink (such as leave) means the student just used a different form (such as left) of a word from the source.

Highlight, yellow

This section of the source is misread or the student never read the required source. Highlighting a quotation mark (“) indicates the student changed the quotation without revealing the changes.

Highlight, green

Highlighting a quotation mark (“) indicates the student used the required quotation marks correctly.


Student 1—How the Student Worked Led to Errors in the Evidence


Student 1 wrote this answer: With Grant’s “Peace Policy,” reservations were created for Native Americans. If they accepted the church, the Native Americans would be left alone. If resistance came up, the army would be sent to stay on the reservations. “To whites, the peace policy was humane. For native Americans, it was another in the long series of white efforts to undermine their way of life.” The Dawes Severalty Act was passed in 1887. It “authorized the president to survey Native American reservations and divide them into 160-acre farms.” Reformers and westerners viewed the law differently. “For the reformers, this law pushed Native Americans toward white civilization; for the western settlers, it made Indian land available.” The law actually “undermined the tribal culture” and “helped allow whites to start mining and cattle ranching.”





The Source on the Peace Policy                                        If you want to see the whole page, click here.

What does the yellow (fading) highlight show you in the student example and the section of the source:

·         The meaning is accept presence of church officials, not accept the church (as in converting to a religion).

·         The meaning is the army makes the Indians stay on the reservation, not the army stays on it. (The army is keeping the Indians in.)



The Source on the Dawes Severalty Act                                        If you want to see the whole page, click here.



As for the grade, the quotations are accurate, but not placed in context. They are not enough to compensate for the factual errors that slide it to the “D” Paper Criteria column of the rubric.


Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2014



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