What the Corresponding Colors Mean in the Student Example and in the Source (the Textbook Pages)

Highlight, blue

Facts do exist for this in the source.

Highlight, pink (a reddish one on pages)

This word is from the source. A few words indicates passive reading; many words, plagiarism or “half-copy” plagiarism. Highlighting a single letter in pink (such as leave) means the student just used a different form (such as left) of a word from the source.

Highlight, yellow

This section of the source is misread or the student never read the required source. Highlighting a quotation mark () indicates the student changed the quotation without revealing the changes.

Highlight, green

Highlighting a quotation mark () indicates the student used the required quotation marks correctly.

Student 5—How the Student Did Not Use Reliable Sources and Instead How the Student Chose—Unsuccessfully—Not to Work at All

The student did not use the required reliable sources. Look at the yellow below.


Nothing in yellow in the student’s essay comes from the source. The words in yellow are not only from a Wikipedia webpage, but also the same words are copied on many webpages. It is therefore easy to prove that the student chose not to do the work at all. Why?

·         The text is plagiarized from the Internet.

·         The content details are not in our textbook, and the presentation is not as wise or useful as the one in our textbook.

Student 5 wrote this answer: Grant's goal of the "peace policy" was to minimize military conflict with the Indians. The Indians were to stay on reservations where they would receive government subsidies and training supervised by religious denominations. Indians were no longer allowed to engage in raids or end war parties off the reservations. The Army's job was to force them back. Native Americans were increasingly forced to live on reservations. Grant appointed his aide General Ely S. Parker, a Seneca Indian, as Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The Grant administration focused on well-meaning goals of placing "good men" in positions of influence such as Quakers as US Indian agents to various posts throughout the nation. 


On the other hand, the Dawes Act of 1887 authorized the President of the United States to survey American Indian tribal land and to divide it into 160-acre plots for individual Indians to assimilate them. The act also provided that the government would open the lands up for settlement by non-Indians.



If you want to see the pages from the source, click on the links for what our textbook says about Grant’s “Peace Policy” and about the Dawes Severalty Act.


In this case, however, nothing in yellow in the student’s essay comes from the source. It’s from many webpages that had the same words. It is plagiarized from the Internet.



Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2014



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