Unit 1: From New World to New Empires - the 16th Century to 1763


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What is self-testing and how can it help you?


Possible Essay Questions for This Unit and for the Practice Essay (History Changes Essay)

The Practice Essay introduces you to essential content for your understanding of United States History. With this essay, I provide a table to help you see how events changed and I list the specific pages for you to read for each possible question. I provide an overview and I encourage you to ask questions.
here for the possible essay questions for the Practice Essay (History Changes Essay)


The possible essay questions for the Unit tell you all possible essay questions on the Unit exam. They show you what combinations of facts to examine so you can notice how history changed during the Unit.

Click here for the Possible Essay Questions for the exam that ends  Unit 1.

3 Parts of the Unit, Resources and Check Your Knowledge Quizzes A, B, and C

Parts of the Unit and Chapter #s

Links to the Check Your Knowledge Quiz , Resources to Help You See the Facts As Part of the Whole, and Optional References

Part A: Foundations (Where We Began) and Colonization: Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands


Chapters 1, 2


·         Quiz A - Check Your Knowledge with Tips and LinksQuiz A Printable

·         Without answers for self-testing: What Were the Broad Patterns in Religion with Consequences on the English Colonies?
With answers for observing patterns:
Comparison with Answers. (Optional: content in the 4th column of the table as a hierarchical chart)

What are you looking for?

§  Notice the differences between the religions on their Major Beliefs and on their Organization.

§  Which religious groups go to the English colonies and to what part of those English colonies?

·         Background: Click here for sections of our textbook that cover attempts to establish feudalism and serfdom in the colonies.

·         Without answers for self-testing: Major Issues in Colonization: Comparing Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands 
With answers for observing patterns:
Completed Table Comparing Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands

We are not covering all of these things. You are looking for these patterns:

§  Notice how feudalism is attempted by these nations.

§  Notice the role of religion in some of their relationships with the Native Americans, but not so much with the English.

§  Notice the wars of religion.
Notice how the Spanish begin the 1500s with gold and with great success, but notice how the shift in power is to nations with markets (furs and the slave trade).
- Notice how the nation states shift to colonization.


Optional Reference:

·         Native Americans (North and South) and African States: How European Colonization Differed .

Part B: Comparing the English Colonies: Examining Events in the 3 Sections


Chapters 2, 3




·         Quiz B - Check Your Knowledge with Tips and LinksForm to use to record your answers

·         Comparisons of Events in the 3 Sections of the English Colonies – This focuses on the events in the 3 sections and lets you see what is going on in these areas at the same time periods. The link contains scanned files of hand-written transparencies.
Tip: Consider printing these. Caution: It is not a substitute for reading but a way to see the pattern in what you have read. 


Reference Information If You Have a Specific Question:

·         Summary of Religious Groups in the Colonies during the 1600s and 1700s

·         Summary: Land, Indians, Laborers, and Political Development

·         Summary of English Rulers from 1485 to 1820 – Notice that in the era of colonization, the changing religions of the English rulers repeatedly provide different religious groups with motivation to leave England.


Part C: Comparing the English Colonies: Examining Traits of the 3 Sections; Examining Empire and the Colonies (1-page summary)


Chapters 3,4


·         Quiz C - Check Your Knowledge with Tips and LinksForm to use to record your answers

·         Comparison Tables for Provincial America (the provinces of Great Britain) (PDF)
Background: freedom of the press in the colonies
What are you looking for?

§  What are the differences in the sections? Except for common issues in government, which two of the three sections are most alike in this period from the late 1600s to about 1763?

§  What sections will fight in the Civil War in the 1860s?

·         Examining Empire and the Colonies is in Bringing It All Together and also here.

Without answers for self-testing:  Why Do the Wars for Empire Matter?
With answers for observing patterns:  
Completed Tables on Why the Wars for Empire Matter
What are you looking for?

§  Notice how the colonists feel about these wars: what do their name for the wars tell you.

§  Notice how the wars end: how will the colonists feel about the results.

§  Finally, notice the frequency of the wars: what is distracting the English government at home and the English government in the colonies (a government that will need support from the colonial assemblies)





Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013


WCJC Department:

History – Dr. Bibus


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