Your Emergency Contact Information and Your Plan for the Grade You Want to Earn          Date __/__/___ 

Making Sure Your Professor Can Help You If Something Goes Wrong

1.       Write NEATLY your emergency contact information so I have several ways to reach you if it is in your interest if I contact you. Example: You did not complete the Final Exam and I am required to fail you for the course. I will try to call you.

Your last name:


Your first name:


Reliable phone number:


Alternative email:



2.     There are requirements set by the state of Texas, by WCJC, by the History Department, and by the instructor.
Place an X in the __ to the left of EACH section in the syllabus to confirm you understand or will ask for help.


Student Learner Outcomes for the History Department – including requiring that students use primaries and “historical evidence” and they analyze (not just repeat). Click here for details about those terms.


The Department also requires that instructors’ courses consist of a minimum of 25% written assignments. With 25% specific written work, you must do some written assignments—or—only want a C for the course and always make 100% on each objective assignment (a risky plan). If you don’t understand, click here to see examples of the math


Academic Honesty Policy –  including a 0 for assignments if you do not practice academic integrity


Class Behavior Policy – WCJC’s policy


Attendance Policy and “active attendance”


Self-Management grade – 30 points for each Unit or 90 of the total 1000 points (nearly 10% of your grade)


Late Work Policy – including no make-ups and having to have verifiable written excuses (such as a doctor’s note)


Six Drop Rule – a Texas requirement about the maximum number of drops


Dropping a Course with a Grade of “W” – including how instructors in the History Department cannot drop students (Students must do that.)


3.     Place an X in the __ to the left of EACH of the statements to confirm you understand or ask for help.


To help your grade, if you follow the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, you can make a decent grade even if you are not skilled or comfortable with writing. Click here for required Course Objectives, the separate Good Habits for Evidence grade, and how it can help you.


To help you pre-learn 30% of the Exam questions, your course offers Learning Quizzes to help you learn concepts and locations. What’s a concept? Click here for a definition and 2 examples. To learn the other 70% of Unit Exams, use the Study Guide.


To help you pre-earn points, Learning Quizzes also provide several ways to help you: Click here for how Self-Testing, Full-Testing where highest score counts, and incentives can help you.

While quizzes are meant to help you, with 24% specific daily work with quizzes, you are in a similar mathematical position as you will be if you did not do the writing assignments. Learning Quizzes (200 points) + Evidence Quizzes (40 points) = 240 points.


To help you understand history as whole rather than repeat bits of stories, exams for your course do not require that you know everything, but that you know something. Click here for the type of questions on the exams.


Do you know any job that pays well that doesn’t require these habits or any decision you could make safely without these habits? If you think you do a job that does not require the 5 Good Habits for Evidence, try this link. Unfortunately, most students do not realize they are not being careful enough with evidence. For example, over 60% of students since 2011 usually did not know basics such as being factually accurate when writing about real things until this course. Click here to see what past students said they did not know before. 


If there is a problem with following the Good Habits for Evidence or with anything incomplete about an assignment, your instructor enters 1.11 as a temporary placeholder for the grade and posts a comment with that grade telling you what you need to do. You must check Blackboard for your grades.


4.     Have you ever used Blackboard before for a class?   
_ 2 or more times   _ 1 time _ A little   _  Seldom   _ Never    (Tip: If you need help, I am glad to help you.)


5.     Place an X to the left of YOUR planned grade in this 1000-point course. Notice the difference in 895 and 894 points.

_ A (895-1000 points)   _ B (795-894 points)   _ C (695-794 points)   _ D (595-694 points)   _ F (594 or less)

6.     Place an X to the left of EACH of the assignments you plan to do so you earn the grade that you plan.

Tip: If you want an A, you need to select them all. If you have questions, ask. I am glad to help.
Caution: If your X’s do not add up to the points required for the grade you want or if you would have to make 100% on each assignment with an X, you will have to redo this. If you have questions, please ask during or after the class.

Getting Started (Possible Total for Its Points = 20 Points)


Assignment to be Done On Your Own or With Your Instructor (If possible to arrange a Computer Lab



Determine your plan in class, mark neatly, and—if necessary--correct it. I provide it to you once checked.



Successfully login to Blackboard. Then click on Unit 1→Learning Quizzes. Then take the 1st Self-Test. In class I will cover how I can help students learn about Blackboard and this course uses it.





Writing Assignments (Possible Total for Its Points and the Prior Assignments = 270 points)





4 in class short essays @ 50 points each, with the lowest being dropped. Each essay @ 25 points for content and analysis and 25 for following all 5 Good Habits for Evidence.

(At least 2 occur in Unit 1; some require preparation before class.



Brief, formal paper using both primaries and the required textbook pages and with citation. Paper @ 50 points for content and analysis and 50 for following all 5 Good Habits for Evidence. There are 2 paper assignments available, and you may choose to write the paper with the due date that is best for you.

(They occur in Unit 2 and Unit 3.)





Unit 1 (Possible Total for Its Points and the Prior Assignments = 490 points)





Take all Learning Quizzes in Unit 1. Tip: A demonstration shows you how they work. This link explains how they can help your grade: Self-Testing, Full-Testing where highest score counts, and incentives.



In Evidence Requirements, take Evidence Quizzes 1 and 2 @ 10 each (Tip: Also done as Self-Tests and Full-Tests)



Self-Management and Participation for Unit 1 @ 30 each



Take Unit 1 Objective Exam (100)





Unit 2 (Possible Total for Its Points and the Prior Assignments = 690 points)





Take all Learning Quizzes in Unit 2.



In Evidence Requirements, take Evidence Quizzes 3 and 4 @ 10 each (Tip: Also done as Self-Tests and Full-Tests)



Self-Management and Participation for Unit 2



Take Unit 2 Objective Exam (100) 





Unit 3 (Possible Total for Its Points and the Prior Assignments = 900 points)





Take all Learning Quizzes in Unit 3.



Self-Management and Participation for Unit 3



Take Unit 3 Objective Exam (100) 





Final Exam (Possible Total for Its Points and the Prior Assignments = 1000 points)





Take the Final Exam (100)


If you have any information you would like for me to know, please write it here or tell me when we can talk:











