Looking at the Evidence Rubric If the Student Did Not Do Well on the Practice Essay


Click here to hear a voice explanation of How the Evidence Rubric reveals what the student did and calculates the points.


In this case, imagine that the student:

·         Had to answer the question—to use an example from United States History I—on Africans who were brought to the colonies in the early part of the 1600s and instead the student wrote about English servants before Bacon’s Rebellion. The score of 25% is usually as high as I do for this kind of error.

·         Just grabbed some words exactly from the source and copied them and just swapped some other words in the author’s sentences (what The Bedford Handbook calls “half-copy” plagiarism). The error is in the “D” Paper column so for the 100 Scale I enter the lowest grade for a “D”—a 59.5% and that percentage of 6 results in 1.50.
If you want more detail on “half-copy” plagiarism, click
here. If you want to see the pages from The Bedford Handbook that show this standard, just ask.

·         Followed the instruction on the maximum length and was using the correct time period in the required textbook so at least followed the directions at “D” level—again a 59.5% but that percentage of .5 points only results in a tiny number of .3.

·         Did have only one grammatical error—but mechanics are worth few points (1/2 point out of 10) and a high grade on mechanics won’t save you if you are not factually true.


Notice these things about the example below:

·         What happened after I entered the percentages for each row (25, 59.5, 59.5, and 80) in the 100 Scale Grade column and how the Point Scale column now shows the actual points for each row and the total points.

·         How I will use not just the percentages in the 100 Scale column but also a color highlight:
- Of yellow-orange color as a warning sign about “D” and “ F” criteria (such as highlight in the “D” column for the two rows getting the lowest “D” percentage—the 59.5)
- Of green color as a positive sign about “A” through “C” criteria (such as highlight in the “B” column for the row getting an 80)

·         How I will use underlining to get you to see any specifics that you want to focus on (such as the underlining for the issues in the top two rows)

·         How I may add in italic for a specific instruction such as Provide URLs if I think you use something other than the required sources.


If you do not see the rubric below showing a student who did not do well, click here.

Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013



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