U.S. History 1301

Although you receive a printed copy of your syllabus on your first class day, in some cases you may prefer to use your syllabus online. 


Click on the link for the Syllabus for History 1301 for your class. Your Course Schedule is at the end of the syllabus.

If you would like a larger print version of the grade sheet provided on the first day of class, you can print or download this. I will show you briefly in class how to download a file, but there is also a link on your course homepage to a set of tips that may help you, including how to download a file.


If you want to see how to interpret grades for different types of assignments:

·         Scale for 170-point Unit Objective Exams (Units 1, 2, and 3)

·         Scale for 20-point Unit Essay Exams (Unit 1 and 2) – INCORRECT, but used for ALL essays for Unit 1 once the error was made


o   Notes with the feedback on Unit 1 Essays


·         Scale for 20-point Unit Essay Exams (Unit 1) - CORRECT

·         Scale for 40-point Unit 2 Essay Exam


o   If your instructions say to write page numbers

o   If you see a letter or a phrase as feedback

o   Best tips
– Check off each general instruction before you start or stop work
– Check off the essay instructions before you start or stop work
– If you don’t know, ask before you start or stop work

For the rest of your life, no one is going to pay you for words by the pound.


·         Scales and Rubrics for 100-point Major Essay


o   Rubric for the 1st Page Comparison

o   Scale for 75-point PART of the Major Essay – the 1st Page Comparison


o   Rubric for the 2nd Page Ethical-Decision Making


o   Scale for 25-point PART of the Major Essay – the 2ndPage Ethical Decision-Making



All written assignments are graded using these rubrics. They have exactly the same criteria and the same requirements for Good Habits for Evidence. All that is different is the number of points.

·         Rubric for a Unit 1 Essay worth 20 Points Each

·         Rubric for Unit 2 Essay worth 40 Points

·         Rubric for the Major Writing Assignment worth 100 Points– The one difference is that in Turnitin within Blackboard the scale goes from F to A instead of A to F.Link available when we can discuss it.


The rubric determines  the Good Habits for Evidence grade with each written assignment you do:

·         Unit 1 Essays (40 points for 2 essays at 20 points each) and a Good Habits for Evidence grade of 10

·         Unit 2 Essays (40 points for 2 essays at 20 points each) and a Good Habits for Evidence grade of 10

·         Major Essay at 100 points with a Good Habits for Evidence grade of 20


The whole reason for the points for the Good Habits for Evidence  is to help you walk away from bad habits and choose ones that will help you learn history—and anything else that is real that you have to learn (like things for a job). If you practice the Good Habits for Evidence, you earn points to help your grade while you are developing new and good habits.


This chart shows how the points for the Good Habits for Evidence are determined.

What the Marked Rubric Shows

Unit 1  or 2 Essays

Major Essay

If plagiarism from the Internet



If 2 or more problems in D and/or F column



If 1 relatively minor problem in D or F columns



If nothing is marked in the D or F column, the full 10 points.










WCJC Department:

History – Dr. Bibus

Contact Information:

281.239.1577 or bibusc@wcjc.edu

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