Unit 2: From Making a Revolution to Making a Nation - 1763 to 1830s

Possible Essay Questions for This Unit

3 Parts of the Unit, Resources, and Check Your Knowledge Quizzes D, E, and F



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What is self-testing and how can it help you?


Possible Essay Questions for This Unit

The possible essay questions for the Unit tell you all possible essay questions on the Unit exam. They show you what combinations of facts to examine so you can notice how history changed during the Unit.

Click here for the Possible Essay Questions for the exam that ends Unit 2.


3 Parts of the Unit, Resources, and Check Your Knowledge Quizzes D, E, and F

Parts in the

Unit and Chapter #s

Check Your Knowledge Quizzes for Tips or Recording

Seeing How History Changes Over Time, Over Space, and Sometimes Both Simultaneously at One Time (The purpose says what you look for in the link.)

Part D: Path to Revolution and War


Chapter 5 + Declaration of Independence


·         Quiz D Check Your Knowledge – Has tips for locating information

·         Quiz D for Recording – Is printable for recording such things as what you missed and why, textbook page numbers where you found the answer, and what quiz questions are also part of essays questions.

·         The American Revolution as Management 101 (PDF) (Covers the revolution and shows how British actions serve as a model for how not to manage any organization.)

·         Notice how the events prior to 1763 could be signs that no revolution would occur or that one would occur.

·         Why did boycotting British products get Parliament to change?

·         How did boycotting build an infrastructure for revolution?

·         Major Issues on the War and Peace (PDF) (With the ending pages being in this link on the strengths and weakness of the two)

·         Notice the vulnerability and assets of the new United States.

·         Notice the two major battles of Saratoga and Yorktown.

·         Notice Washington’s approach to the war.


Optional Reference:

Revolution in Action – Source for Major Issues on the War and Peace – Tip: You only need the whole thing if you are interesting at looking at the larger issues and specific battles or if you want to think about why people like the Patriots win wars.

Part E: A New Government of Small-r republicanism and The Federalist Republic  


Chapters 6 and 7 + Constitution


·         Quiz E Check Your Knowledge

·         Quiz E for Recording



Click here for the four clauses initially about slavery in the Constitution that will help you answer one of these questions.

·         Without answers for self-testing:  Major Issues in Development of the Constitution, including additional information on the Constitution.

·         With answers for observing patterns: Issues with details.

·         What caused the Constitution to cover what it covers?

·         What are the major issues in its design?


·         Study Tool: Chronological Events of the New Republic

·         How was the course of the nation set by early financial policies?

·         by the initial organization of government?

·         by foreign policy external to the United States?


Optional Reference (But Applicable to All of the Remaining Content in the Module):


Part F: Essential Transformations: What Changed from 1800 to 1840


Chapters 8, 9, and 10

Note: You do not read those pages that begin with the heading “The Expanding Role of Religion.”


·         Quiz F Check Your Knowledge

·          Quiz F for Recording

·         Sketch of the Transformation of the Sections  for self-testing
Sketch of the
Transformation of the Sections  with my sketched labels North East (mainly New England) and the  rise of the Northwest (west of the Appalachians); Southeast (sometimes called the upper South) and the rise of the Southwest (sometimes called the deep South)

-       How are new technologies for transportation changing geographic relationships?

-       How is the productivity of new and old land changing geographic relationships?

-       What is capital doing?

-       What populations are becoming surplus (as in not able to earn a living in the North and not worth their overhead as slaves in the South)?


Reference if you need it, including for data for the sketch: Comparison of the Sections from about 1800 to about 1820


·         Seeing Change Over Time from 1800 to about the Election of 1840
One-page chronology used for these topics  – Having  2 or 3 copies of this might help you make notes on changes as you read.

See a hand-written example of how you might use this chronology to examine Topic 2 on Land and Slavery and the Republic


  1. Topic 1: Slavery and Revolution

·         Slave trade (US/Great Britain)

·         Monroe Doctrine but Nat Turner

  1. Topic: Land and Slavery and the Republic

·         Louisiana Purchase as nationalistic but Missouri as sectionalistic

·         Northwest Ordinances as nationalistic but Missouri as sectionalistic

Notice how the Constitution and slavery and voting are interconnected in Political Realities of Status of Slave and Free State Balance at the time of the Missouri Compromise

  1. Topic: Land and Indians and Military Heroes

·         Indians in the Northeast in the time of Jefferson and in the Southeast in the time of Jackson

·         William Henry Harrison becoming a hero in Jefferson’s time and becoming a President in 1840; Andrew Jackson becoming a hero in Monroe’s time and becoming a President in 1828 and 1832 (Why?)

  1. Topic: Land and Suffrage. - Click here to go background information to help you understand how voting worked and led to universal white male suffrage (all white males vote) by about 1828.

5.     Topic: Supreme Court, Central Government Power, and the Shift from Marshall to Taney – Click here for the two chief justices.

·         More power to the national government, to the Supreme Court, and to corporations and contracts

·         Two cases

-       Marbury v. Madison established judicial review (in part because the executive branch was ordered to do what it planned to do anyway)

-       How review by the court was handled by the executive regarding the Cherokee:  “Two Supreme Court decisions in favor of the Cherokees, in 1830 and 1832, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia, proved to be without effect, since they depended on the federal government to implement them and Jackson had no intention of doing anything of the sort.”

·         Panic of 1837 - Study Tool: Jackson to Tyler  (1828 to 1840)

To help you understand how depressions and recessions can occur, notice the blue arrows (► and ▼).


Who Were the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court:

·         1800-1835 - Chief Justice John Marshall, the Chief Justice appointed by the last Federalist President, John Adams in 1800 during the lame duck period

·         1835-1864 - Chief Justice Roger Taney, the jurist with a different view from Marshall who was appointed by Andrew Jackson at Marshall’s death.


What Are the Shifts in Who Votes (Suffrage), How Candidates Are Chosen, and How Campaigning Works

Your textbook covers several shifts in suffrage (voting) and in politics:

1.     The evolution from property requirements to vote to white universal manhood suffrage about 1828.

2.     The shift in how candidates were chosen:

o    From about 1800 to the 1820s, candidates were chosen by a caucus (a talk within a group) of political party members who had been elected to office (as in member of the House of Representatives or a Senator). At that time, Being Secretary of State was considered necessary preparation to run for President because of its responsibilities for foreign policy.

o    The Jacksonian period brought a rejection of what they called “King Caucus” (with King being a dirty word because of its association with King George III). The political party convention replaced it—at that time a very volatile meeting of delegates who choose the candidate for President.

3.     The Jacksonian era use of the “spoils system” meant that federal workers chosen by their political party did campaigning for their party as part of their jobs on the federal payroll.


Other things are going on as well to alter voting that your book does not cover. Examples:

§  States determine who votes. The NEW western states offered:

o    Not only more opportunities for men to get land (with property being traditionally a voter requirement)

o    But also more liberal voting rules in hopes of getting settlers.

§  By the Jacksonian era, citizens in the eastern states began to demand the same voting opportunities as those in the west.

§  State laws change, and voters (not the state legislatures) are deciding the electoral college results.


Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2013


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